Gutsy Warriors

The Solar Eclipse of April 8th in Aries is absolutely the perfect time to make an intention to become the gutsy warrior we need to be.   This New Moon Solar Eclipse falls at 19 Aries – a point where the Sun (our soul path and also symbolic of kings and leaders) is astrologically ‘exalted’ and, therefore, extremely strong.   The eclipse chart shows four planets in Aries - Sun, Moon, Mercury retrograde and Venus - plus Chiron and the North Node.   In the times we are living through we need more than ever to be gutsy.   And yet all the messages we receive, all the propaganda, all the overt and covert messages are all trying to convince us not only that we are emotionally fragile and unsafe, but also that we must be docile and obedient. What we really need though is to take our own responsibility for being safe and take charge of our lives.  ‘Unless the people, through unified action, arise and take charge of their government, they will find that their government has taken charge of them.  Independence and liberty will be gone, and the general public will find itself in a condition of servitude to an aggregation of organised and selfish interest’.  Calvin Coolidge, 30thPresident of the USA.  

 We can already see how society is being affected and subjugated as authorities shut down dissent in the name of psychological safety – voices cannot be raised, universities must have ‘safe’ spaces, senses cannot be ‘offended’, as we become more and more ‘encouraged’ that we need help to keep ourselves and our mental capacity safe.   And, sounding like something out of an Orwell novel, Scotland has just brought in its new hate crime law with a maximum penalty of seven years in prison.  How long before that expands to the rest of the UK?  The only evidence required that a crime has been committed is that someone has felt hurt or offence for an ‘offender’ to receive a criminal record.   How can we possibly criminalise feelings?  How will this work without bringing in a huge amount of division and emotion?  Now, I know that some people do require help and protection, but we really do have to become much gutsier and more resilient than it appears we are. 

 The government and the mainstream media are relentlessly bombarding the public with ‘fear porn’ putting society into a state of fear which then convinces them that they lack strength, that their mental health needs protecting and that they are unable to be responsible for their own actions.   This is exactly how you produce a society that thinks it is incapable and then clamours for their leaders to look after them.  And if those leaders have both a very high opinion of themselves alongside their own very different agenda together with a very low opinion of the people, society has allowed a huge problem.

 Aries – the sign of the Solar Eclipse – is an ‘action’, fire sign.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and, therefore, takes the lead to begin a whole new cycle.  It’s the sign of the self-starter, the pioneer who dares to go into the unknown; it is raw, assertive energy; the boldness of competition and the one who wants nothing less than the winner’s crown.  It is the thrill of intrepid bravery and the courage to meet previously unknown challenges.  Add into the mix that this is the Chinese Year of the Dragon and the message is clear – be like the dragon and find your guts and resilience.

 A bit of eclipse stuff:  The ancients were mindful that eclipses augured potent events and they paid a lot of importance to them.   We know that these ancients - supposedly ‘primitive’ people - were capable of plotting mathematically exactly when eclipses would occur and even more than two thousand years ago, between 200 and 60 BCE, had the first type of computer equipment to do so in the form of the Antikythera Mechanism. 

 This eclipse will be particularly powerful because it will be total and, because at its path of visibility – along the eastern side of America from north to south down through Texas – it will last more than four minutes; much longer than eclipses we have seen of late.  It will also be very noticeable because it happens in the USA just after lunch time when the Sun is high in the sky.  This all adds to its potency and, course, events are much more likely where the eclipse is visible.  It passes through a seismic ‘hot spot’ – the New Madrid fault line - but, quite apart from seismic activity, Texas is very much a political hot potato in America these days, taking the brunt seemingly of being a transiting point for illegal immigrants with little deterrence.   

 Very unusually the eclipse will be accompanied by a comet –excitingly named the12P Pons-Brooks – that orbits every 71 years and visible to the naked eye.  The Comet will be at its closest to the Sun on April 21, coinciding with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and just a couple of days later the Full Moon.  This comet is like an ice ball, that through a serious of outbursts appears to have horns – hence its name as ‘the devil comet’.  Indeed it is very rare to see a comet and a solar eclipse together, auguring some extreme events.  The eclipse in Aries is highly symbolic of war and aggression whilst the comet will be passing through Taurus where we see the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, which speaks more of financial and earth issues.   The Bible refers to changes or new appearances in the heavens as harbingers of a new order of things and/or calamities to come.  

 What events have we seen in the lead up to the Lunar and Solar Eclipses? Just before the Lunar Eclipse on March 25th we saw a build-up of US troops on the Taiwan border as well as troops from France, Germany and Poland arriving South of Kiev – all stirring up the flames of war that the leaders seem desperate to trigger – and not a murmur for peace.   We also saw the massacre at the Crocus City Hall, just outside Moscow.  And then right on the lunar eclipse we saw the Bridge at Baltimore collapse, as though it was made from paper rather than steel, bringing a huge impact on shipping.   Thousands of acres of solar panel farms were also destroyed in Damon, Texas by a huge hailstorm – demonstrating the power of nature.   Note that these last two events lie right within the Solar Eclipse path.  As we build up to the Jupiter Uranus conjunction tensions in the Middle East are ramping up as Israel ‘apologises’ for the deaths of seven aid workers in three separate and coordinated strikes in Gaza (very hard to see how this was just a silly mistake); alongside another strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, prompting a ‘harsh response’ from the Iranian Government.  (How many of us were aware that Israel regularly makes strikes on Syria?)   And again in Gaza we have seen footage of the sheer and utter devastation in the Al-Shifah hospital.  Farmers’ protests are also ramping up now, even here in the UK and particularly in Wales, where signs have been seen saying No Farmers, No Food, No Future.  And earthquakes in Taiwan and New York.

 A little bit on patterns and cycles – just because astrologers love them:  Pluto’s entry into Aquarius has triggered the new era symbolised by Jupiter and Saturn’s meeting at the same degree in 2020, whilst the eclipse brings echoes of the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in October 2020, which squares this Solar Eclipse.  The Solar Eclipse degree will be triggered by Venus exactly at the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (and that conjunction will be in Taurus ruled by Venus) on April 21st; Mercury will trigger the eclipse degree three times – once before the eclipse and twice after (April 15th, May 4th and May 28th) and then Mars (ruler of Aries) also crosses the eclipse degree on May 25/26 and 27th), where he will be strong and warlike.   So what begins on April 8th gets re-triggered through May as well.  That’s a lot of re-ignition of the energy.  So I expect to see us exploded out of the containment of the planets in just a small area of the zodiac, but the effects of the eclipse may be delayed until through April and May.  This is particularly likely because at the time of the eclipse the ruler, Mars, is weak in Pisces aand restricted by Saturn.   But, when Mars gets into Aries and then reaches the degree of the eclipse, he will be much more warlike.

 To recap - we see the echoing of a new era, almost perhaps a ‘software upgrade’, together with a particularly powerful eclipse, accompanied by a comet, that is retriggered through April and May, followed by a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and then next year in the summer many planets will enter new signs.   I’m not sure how we avoid being propelled into some kind of new way of life bringing both pain and excitement.

 The weird and wonderful at the eclipse:  The August 2017 Solar Eclipse was visible across America from East to West and crosses the path of totality of this April 8th eclipse   100 miles from a town called Rapture.   The path of totality of the 2017 eclipse passed through seven towns called Salem (meaning peace and short for Jerusalem), whilst this eclipse will pass through two towns called Nineveh.  A lot of biblical stuff.

 NASA, in a repeat of its APEP (Atmospheric Perturbations Around the Eclipse Path) programme, which began at the Solar Eclipse last October, is firing three rockets into the shadow of the eclipse as it happens.  The choice of the name APEP for this programme is interesting because Apep was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder and was the opponent of light and truth.  How prophetic is this? 

 CERN – a somewhat ‘dark’ and secretive organisation that also weirdly uses a lot of biblical symbology in its promotional material - will test the world’s most advanced particle accelerator during the eclipse to search for invisible matter.   It will shoot particles down a 17-mile-long tunnel at nearly the speed of light to recreate conditions a second after the Big Bang.  Why choose this exact date and what indeed could possibly go wrong?  Some say its goal is to discover a type of portal or Jacob’s Ladder – for what we might ask?

 And then the strange cicada-pocalypse in the USA.   Just after the eclipse more than a trillion cicadas are likely to take to the skies over a six-week period.  Cicadas require either 13 or 17 years in the nymph stage, developing underground, and maturing very slowly.  They are synchronized to emerge en masse, every 13 or 17 years. Their 17-year life span makes them the longest-lived insect known.  Cicada broods often emerge together but 2024 will mark the first time in more than 200 years that Brood 19 which emerges every 13 years and Brood 13 which emerges every 17 years will emerge in the same year but with an overlap in Illinois which is on the eclipse path.  The next co-emergence of these broods won’t happen for another 221 years.  And 13x17=221!!!!!

Cicadas are interesting creatures.   In Japan China and Egypt cicadas symbolise rebirth and they were also the subject of Socrates’ s writings in Phaedrus.   Socrates’ Myth of the Cicadas remarks on their chirping, which is said to lull humans to laziness.  He said that Cicadas were once humans who allowed the first Muses to enchant them into singing and dancing for so long that they stopped eating and sleeping and died without noticing.  The task of the Cicadas, Socrates said, is to spy on humans and report who honours the Muses and who does not.  Sounds a bit like Orwell’s reporting on hate crimes. 

 The rape of the people:  New Moons are beginnings – they are new seeds.  This Solar Eclipse feels like it is the beginning of something big – the fireworks at an opening ceremony event, an event that just gets stronger.  The eclipse sits with the North Node – this is about our futures, but it is with Chiron – where we are wounded.   Chiron in myth was strong – he trained the warriors how to fight and how to heal.  He is not a namby pamby wimp by any stretch of the imagination.   In the eclipse chart set for the UK the Sun and Moon are placed n the 7th house – the sign of our partners but also those who openly oppose us.   Additionally the eclipse squares exactly the Moon (the people) in the 10th house of government in the country’s 1801 chart.  Our enemies could be nations, but by the same token our government in many ways seems openly opposed to its people’s well-being.  The eclipse chart shows a government working against its people. 

 Governments now work in partnership with corporates whose main goal is profits not the well-being of the people.  They also work increasingly with NGOs and think tanks whose main goal is to follow certain ideologies and control via behaviour modification of the people.  Young families are currently being forced to work longer and longer hours just to stand still, facing bills, for example for their energy, costs that outstrip inflation and yet those energy companies may have increased their profits six-fold.   As Aristotle said ‘It is also in the interests of the tyrant to make his subjects poor ….. the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting’.  The UK is also experiencing a nodal return – a time of new beginnings. 

 If we always follow the path of having to be kept safe, we will never truly be free.  Instead we sorely need at this time to develop a revolutionary resilience and guts, which develops from facing up to challenges and ‘pushing through’.   The more we do this then the less we are likely to be pushed ‘off track’ and we find our inner power.  If we live a life under increasing control, then we never find that inner power – the fire that comes from the mouth of the dragon that emanates from his heart.

 What further progress towards war will occur around this eclipse?  What retaliations will be made? Aries is a sign of independence and freedom and yet it is our freedoms that are potentially being limited by so many controls that are being introduced now.  Aries is the brave leader, not the one who willingly participates and takes himself towards his own demise.  In the name of ‘stuff that is for the greater good’, the definition of a vaccination has been changed, the definition of a pandemic has been changed, the definition of a woman has been changed.  How long before the definition of a human is changed?  Is the goal one of a high tech superhuman, where the biological, physical and digital worlds are fused in order to create a disease-free future - Bio digital convergence or the Internet of BioNanoThings.  We have moved into the realms of biosecurity.    Is this the AI type of future that is being plotted, where the elites find the one thing that eludes them – eternal life?  Are ‘the common people’ being lulled and lured into docility and participation in their own demise?  We must ensure we are not totally hypnotised by the chirping of the cicadas else we die without even realising we are dying.


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