The Uncanny Valley

Eclipse energy; overt and covert wars are always created – they never just happen; growing our instincts; 2010 and into the final chapter; plasma energy; AI – Saint or Devil?

 We are now officially in eclipse season, with a solar eclipse on October 14th at 21 degrees of Libra, followed on October 29th by a lunar eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus.   The solar eclipse forms a very powerful T-square, with Pluto, the planet of transformation, at its focal point.  A motionless Pluto is particularly strong , suggesting to me that society is destined on a soul level to go through some kind of evolutionary change. Pluto also brings the other two outermost planets – Neptune and Uranus – into the picture, symbolising that current times have a part to play in the attempt to raise our consciousness in general.  We are within a crisis period that is very much about our spiritual evolution at soul level.  Bear in mind that Libra is not a passive easy-going ‘find the balance’ sign – it is a cardinal/action sign.  And Venus, Goddess of Love,  governs both eclipses but at neither time is she in a position of strength or indeed making a good aspect to the Sun and Moon.   She is also a morning star throughout, lending her energy to being the warrior rather than the peace lover. 

The three outer planets are approaching the ends of their stays in their current signs and this heralds a sense of urgency to ‘get the job done’, as indicated by the energy of their respective sign.  If we couple that with the energy of an eclipse period, we need to expect potential disruptive events – and we certainly have that.  Pluto is ending his stay in Capricorn where he has brought to the surface the toxicity and corruption of the governments and corporates (Capricorn) who have now partnered to bring their wealth and power together in order to bring in the changes in society that they desire.  Neptune is ending his stay in Pisces, and we can see how much today’s propagandas and ideologies have both confused and deceived a largely unsuspecting and still trusting public.  And lastly Uranus is in the final third of his stay in Taurus.  What revolutions, awakenings, digital footprints and discoveries of new technologies within our Universe has he yet to reveal?

 This solar eclipse sits with the South Node, which means we are required to let go of something and/or revisit our roots at a soul level.   For me it contains echoes of the Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction at 22 Capricorn in 2020, which also heralded our transition into a new age of Air.  I felt at the time that this period in 2020 also contained a Nazi-like ‘harshness’, symbolised by the expanded togetherness of Saturn and Pluto.  This is almost reinvigorated by the current Mars square Pluto aspect.   A big proportion of the highflyers within the Nazi regime never really went away – they were quietly reinstated to high level positions within organisations such as NATO and NASA, as well as some large corporates.   And that means their ideologies still exist.

 The Nazis were masters of the output of propaganda, and we are overrun with ideologies that have been accepted by most with, I would suggest, very little understanding of the impact of their true outcomes on our health, wellbeing and the future lives of ourselves and our offspring.  Society has on the whole bought into the net zero carbon propaganda - at its root a computer modelling ideology - as the only means to deal with climate change.  And whilst I don’t dispute the notion of climate change, we are about to change our lives so dramatically by the solutions we are proposing that we should seriously question whether we really are travelling down the right road.  We have also bought into other spurious ideological ways of thinking, seized upon and promoted by the censorial brigade.   The propaganda is purposely worded in a way that makes it hard to argue against much of it without appearing as someone who is anti-progress, anti-caring for our planet and anti-caring about the mental wellbeing of others.

 The presence of a very strong Mars in his own sign of Scorpio, square to Pluto and sitting pretty close to the South Node and the eclipse, gives us a strong indication of a war, but in Scorpio it is a war that is often hidden in many ways, or a war whose reasons drill down into the depths of passion and strong ideology.  This echoes my last blog – Who Wants a War? – where I spoke about both an overt war and a covert war.   The overt war keeps coming closer with threats of UK forces putting boots on the ground in Ukraine with, it seems, the blessing of the majority of the nation; when there is a deafening quietness and no words for peace, this by its nature renders it complicit.  Whether wars are overt or covert they never ‘just happen’; wars are always created and engineered, and dissent is not allowed. 

 And on cue, just days before this eclipse, we saw an eruption of huge unrest in the Middle East.  This indeed is a war that goes very deep – right back to biblical days where God is said to have decreed the contested space of the promised land to the Jews.  But this area is like a tinder box so will we see countries such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon plus the USA and the West all pulled in?   It feels very Mars in Scorpio energy – just when you think you know what the conflict is, the sting lashes out in a volatile and extreme fashion. 

 There is also another very covert war, which is undermining our lives but which you can only see if you look at the bigger picture.  It is only when you piece together the current threats against our lifestyle, only then is it possible to see what a destructive turn to our lives this will produce that is akin to a war on the people.  The censorship, the loss of freedoms, the surveillance, the incessant financial squeeze, the utter confusion of ludicrous government policies and dealing with ideologies; the centralisation of all financial transactions which will lead to the loss of cash and the ability to switch on and off at will our access to money - no financial dealing in our lives will be private going forward; the utter precariousness of our financial situation as a whole; the path to net zero which has been eagerly adopted by many of the big thinktanks such as the Club of Rome, the bankers, governments and corporates with an eye for profit and then funnelled through for action by the WEF. Individually each of these policies carries its own level of influence but bring them all together as a whole and we can see a very real covert threat that feels almost like a war against the ordinary people.

 I first heard Dr. Mike Yeadon using the words Uncanny Valley in a podcast with James Delingpole, referring to that very subtle instinct when you can just tell that something is ‘off’, that something is very wrong, but you can’t totally verbalise why.  It’s a sense – a feeling.  You just know.  And it is that sense of ‘knowing’ in an age when the majority are glued with their heads down into their smart phones and their social media, that demonstrates just how vital it is that we raise our heads, tune into and develop our instincts even more, before they are lost for all time.   It is this sense of knowing that epitomises the gap between humans and artificial intelligence.   The animal kingdom feels an instinct to be wary that sets it apart from a machine.   Man has become accustomed in current times to it being the job of the leaders and governments to keep everyone safe, but in past times man used his wits and his instinctive senses to keep him from danger.   The rest of the animal kingdom has retained this, but man is in great danger of losing his for ever.  Whilst machines may be able to develop a superior type of intelligence, it will be a very long time before a machine can surpass man’s ability to listen to his instincts and just know – if ever.

 In my opinion our instinctive nature is just like another ‘muscle’ that needs exercising and using if we want to in the first place keep it, and in the second place improve it.  One of my good friends, who has now sadly passed, used to say to me ‘always keep one foot in spirit world and one foot on earth’.   If we are only in the world of spirit, we risk floating around without purpose, unable to help the earthly world; and if we are only in the earthly world we risk being ‘stuck’ within an endless routine, but without the necessary instincts and connection to spirit that we need to fully express our soul’s purpose here.

 In such a period of crisis as we find ourselves in now, we are truly challenged.  And I wonder if this is almost a repeating loop throughout history as we as humans fail to learn from our challenges because we never truly raise our consciousness.   Society as a whole cannot ‘win’ from playing the usual war game rules, and I use the word win very loosely here.   Although we are in a type of war, it has always been the way that the elites, however much they have, always want more and more of the benefits of elitism at the expense of those who provide the ‘resources’ for their benefit.    We now face such a level of corruption, wealth and power that it is not possible for us to win.   What is important to realise, however, is that we can adopt attitudes that can cause the elites to lose.    We can only combat via our more subtle strengths - the powers of instinct, creativity, vision, consciousness and love;  instinct to know; creativity to think and create the type of world we want; vision to see that our current way of life, always wanting more, is not sustainable; consciousness to understand what truly matters; and love to send to people and situations that we wish to heal so that we do not feed them with the energy of fear.   We have to fulfil the vision that we are perfectly capable of creating a different and better world, but first we must think, research and form an opinion.   Then we must speak and engage with others before all is just lost to propaganda.  We must voice our opinions.  No sensible ordinary man or woman wants a war because they are always the losers.    So why are the voices for peace so silent?

  As we see the rekindling of further destabilisation in the Middle East we can look back to the energy of 2010/11, which astrologers called the cardinal climax years.  This was the beginning of seven Pluto/Uranus squares which brought so much political turmoil and disruption - the Arab Spring and the beginning of the war in Syria in particular, all bringing an increase in migration to our shores, the problems of which beleaguer us now.  Fukushima, the collapse of Lehmann Brothers and Northern Rock following the 2008 recession, bail outs in Greece and bail ins in Cyprus.  The years from now to 2026 will hold some similar energies.  During both periods we see the outer planets all in early degrees of their signs, symbolising new beginnings and next year we see a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction; not as potent a period perhaps as the length of time we experienced the Pluto/Uranus squares, but might this be a ‘final straw that breaks the camel’s back’ moment?  

 The 10 years between 2008 and 2018 (the period of the Pluto/Uranus squares) set the stage and the context for the early 2020’s, but because Uranus is always the unexpected, the shock that brings disruption, we need to wait for the context to really speculate on the implications of next year.  But it feels to me as though the energy of 2010 was the beginning of one part of the story and from next year we enter the final chapter of the story.

 Richard Tarnas in his book Cosmos and Psyche identified an informed Universe pervaded by a holistic patterning that brought synchronicity and correlation between both astronomical and human events.  Aristotle back in the 4th century BCE first identified a matter that he called ‘ether’.  This was something that Nikola Tesla also investigated and which we now might identify as plasma energy.  Is plasma energy the connecting energy of everything within our Universe?  We can’t see it and we can’t feel it but it is there and it contains all the intelligence we could ever want.   Is this the energy of Aquarius – the sign that Pluto will enter fully for 20 years next year and also the sign that begins the first 20 years of our new age of Air?   Because plasma energy makes up the whole universe it transports the energy of all the planets into our psyche – it is the unconcscious psyche of the whole world, the collective unconscious.  So it is vital that at this precarious and pivotal point that we influence the collective unconscious with an intelligence rather than the dumbed down thinking that is encouraged. 

 Before the world of the scientists put limits on our thinking, we lived within the uncanny valley, where we just knew.  We must rediscover this sense of just knowing how magical this universe was before rationality invaded our consciousness and we were ‘taught’ how to think through media, propaganda and applied psychological techniques.  Our way of thinking today is generally someone else’s thinking, not our own.  How do we go forward and expand our knowledge, our perceptions and our consciousness if we are to be denied freedom of speech and debate and dissent is not allowed?   How can we think and consider what our biases and dissonances might be if we cannot discuss?  Human beings are designed to be creative individuals.  We are designed to be instinctive individuals.  We are not designed to be automatons.   AI can be either saint or devil – saint whilst allowing society to move forward by using automatons to take the drudgery out of our daily lives; or the devil incarnate if it imprisons us, stunts our minds and limits our abilities. 

 If we are to fulfil our soul’s purpose for being here, we must be using our instincts to enable us to speak and form opinions.   Neil Howe in his book The Fourth Turning is Here tells us that it is a paradox of every crisis era that it works toward the creation of stronger community as an end yet uses conflict as a means.   And the progress that is intended to lift us out of cyclical history in practice pushes us back into recurring trauma.  When the old regimes become weak new regimes compete to replace them   Society gravitates towards altruism which they see as a winning strategy, and crisis era leaders wield propaganda arguments, imagery and symbols.   And this is indeed exactly what we see now. 

 We think we have progressed so much and perhaps we have on a physical level, but on a conscious awareness level we seem not to have developed at all, in fact we may even have gone backwards.   Are we now in a technocratic world with a technocratic agenda whilst fighting out very primal beliefs that we just do not understand or know?   It seems to me that our only chance is to re-discover the instincts and the gut feelings of the Uncanny Valley.



The Illusion of Truth – Are we ‘in our right minds’?[1]


Who Wants a War?