Bridge over Troubled Waters

So we find ourselves at a Super Full Moon – a time of culminations and revelations.   Always the cosmology is reflected within our lives.  In other words – as above so below.     Events happening now will be set in the context and backdrop of past and recent planetary activity.  So our current situation has to be taken in the context of ten years of square (conflict) angles (2008-2018) between Pluto (power, transformation) and Uranus (revolution, disruption).  This has led us to a huge number of global events and issues reflected within worldwide political, economic and social disruption.   

 Then 2020 began, and I’ve written on this so many times as being a point of big change.   The meeting of Saturn (authority, laws) and Pluto (power, control, transformation) started off a new dance and set the scene for draconic new controls and a period of rising authority.  I can remember when I first wrote about this and thinking to myself “I wonder where that will happen because it couldn’t possibly happen to me in the UK”!!   How simple-minded and naïve was I?    I realize now that if governments are not kept in check, authoritarian controls rather than ethical or moral controls can happen anywhere, particularly in a fear-driven society who will readily swap rights for perceived safety.   The fear state is not only hugely damaging in itself for health, it also shuts down the part of the brain most able to deal with rational and strategic thought processes. 

 In 2020 we had a massive line up of planets in the sign of Capricorn – particularly Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter.  This has been reflected in the breakdown of structures and corporations, and now we even see the potential for a breakdown within the ultimate British institution – the monarchy.   With Jupiter in the mix we saw a rise in hysteria and heightened reactions to almost everything.  Then we arrived at the new Jupiter/Saturn cycle, changing from the Earth element to the Air element, which I spoke about as being either as small as the Industrial Revolution or as big as a complete civilization change.   And now we are in the crisis square of Saturn to Uranus – laws and authority meet disruption and revolution.

 Astrologically 2021 only began when the Sun entered Aries at the Spring Equinox last weekend.  And, personally, I feel we are at a fork in the road as we see a “forced” divisiveness within our society.    I say “forced” because the current polarisations feel as though they are artificially created.  Always at Full Moons the Sun and the Moon oppose each other in signs of opposing energies.   And at this Full Moon the Moon is in Libra – the sign of balance and harmony – looking across at a warrior Sun in Aries who has captured the Moon’s own ruler as his courtesan.   However, even this warrior Sun is struggling to get past Chiron (wounds, hurts and pains) to his adoring lover.  

 The Moon is the planet of the feminine and, in Libra, is ruled by Venus also symbolic of the feminine and of love.   Venus at this Full Moon is in Aries trying to clamber on to the King’s lap.   So, as we follow the red thread of life that ties everything together, where is Mars, the Sun’s ruler and the generic symbol for males?   Well he is in Gemini exactly with the North Node (our sense of destiny) looking very fondly at the Moon.   His weapons are words.  So the way forward has to lie in Gemini’s ability to collect data, to communicate, to connect, to join up ideas and people.   The symbol for Libra looks like a bridge and a bridge connects and joins.   Chiron, who is trying to divide the Sun from Venus, is also capable of bridging the divide through healing.   Libra and Aries are action signs – so, putting this together, we are meant to be information gathering so that we can actively work against divisiveness and towards finding some mutual conciliation to bring together and heal communities through the energy of feminine love

 However Mercury can’t see clearly – he is in Pisces and he is sitting with Neptune who has cast a veil over his eyes.   What are we not seeing?  How are we being deceived? What lurks unseen is shady, corrupt and oppressive – and it’s all around. Perhaps we had the truth in Boris’ hastily retracted comment a few days ago that the success of the vax was due to ‘capitalism and greed’.

 This Full Moon reflects the latest area of divisiveness to hit us.  Did the UK have a kind of George Floyd moment with the tragic murder of a young girl in London?  However, this senseless assault appears to have been hijacked and exploited on two fronts – the right to gather in peace and stand up for fairness and justice (Libra) and divisiveness between the sexes.  The first arrow shot connects with the current bill being hurriedly rushed through Parliament to limit the right to protest.   Now you may think that does not bother you in the slightest because you don’t want to march in the streets anyway.  But when we see that these new laws have been described as ones “that would make a dictator blush” then perhaps we finally need to sit up and take some notice.  Once we lose something it is rare we ever get it back again. 

 The second arrow shot was aimed at men in general.  There were calls for men to be banned from the streets after 6 p.m., suggestions that clubs and bars would be patrolled (once they finally open) by plain-clothes police officers.  I also watched a TV news clip showing very young children being educated on the subject of ‘toxic masculinity’

 We are physically divided by masks, social distancing and by laws that prevent us from seeing friends, family and loved ones. Why are we destroying and dividing society at a time when we should be pulling together and creating for the future?  Such a different stance to the one we adopted during the crisis of World War 2.  Cruelty and inhumanity are particularly apparent towards the elderly, many of whom have retreated within and must feel they have been abandoned, and towards children who have been told that a hug from them might kill granny. 

 This Moon has the Fixed Star Diadem by her side.  Diadem sits in the constellation of Coma Berenices, known as the Woman’s Crown.   In myth Berenice was told that she needed to sacrifice something of great value to ensure that her husband would return safely to her from battle.  So she sacrificed her precious hair.  Whilst this demonstrates humanity at its highest in the form of giving something one values for the sake of another, it also demonstrates that we must give very careful consideration to what we are sacrificing.  Berenice was confident that her hair would re-grow; my question now would be, if we don’t wake up very soon, can we be confident we will regain our liberties?

 This Full Moon leans towards the need for action rather than passive acceptance.   So how do we move forward with some positivity whilst creating change? Battles need allies so who are the Moon’s allies?  In addition to Mars and the North Node she also has Saturn, and he is a vital friend.   Saturn has huge importance at this Full Moon – the buck stops at his door.    So we have to have Saturn working less as a stern, patriarchal, draconian lawmaker and more from doing what is morally right for society as a whole – remember we have to save the whole forest now, not just one tree. If we are treated like children we will likely behave that way.  But a Full Moon in Libra says the people can behave in a perfectly measured fashion.

 Aquarius can represent a ‘cutting off’ – remember I spoke last time about Saturn cutting off Uranus’ balls so he could no longer procreate. But how do we go forward in a world which has had its heart cut out, in a world of economic desolation, in a world with rules that might make a dictator blush, in a world which is being encouraged to be pitted against each other – white against black, man against woman, vaccinated against unvaccinated, masked against unmasked, rich against poor? Lockdowns themselves are extremely divisive – they favour those with nice homes, gardens and the ability to work from home.  We have to strengthen our resilience and we have to question because, in what we have always thought was a free world, we still aren’t questioning enough. 

 Our new era is in the element of Air.   That takes us into the realm of the mind and how the mind can be enhanced and controlled - another indication that we have to be inquisitive and that we must always question.  It also takes us into the realm of space and whoever controls space controls the land masses beneath it.   Trillions have been siphoned out of global governances to finance how to control the skies – trillions that we are not told about. 

 I began this blog by looking back to see how we got where we are.  What does astrology say for now and our immediate future?  The only guy left on the Capricorn block is Pluto – there is, I feel, more breaking down of structures yet to come and more corruption to be shown.   It feels to me though that Pluto represents the wealthy ‘old guard’, those who have come to see themselves as the power and who are desperately trying to get their desires met almost in a type of last hurrah.   Surely the future cannot lie in the hands of the old guard in what is a crumbling, dying system when we are at the beginning of a new era?  

 Jupiter will meet Neptune next year and this could be a period of huge scandals of fraud and corruption.   It could be a time of new religion or a turning towards more spiritual ways, particularly with Saturn entering Pisces in early 2023.   Saturn has a hard job being authoritarian in Pisces - Pisces represents the ocean and Saturn can’t find firm ground in an ocean.   In Pisces forms are dissolved and perhaps we will turn inwards in some way for some spiritual help or we are forced to ‘clear up the mess’ that has gone before.   Pluto (power, transformation) begins his transition into Aquarius (technology and humanitarianism) in May of 2023.   Having broken down corporate institutions in Capricorn, could this be the breaking down of the technocratic takeover as well as a huge advancement in technology that could really help humanity as a whole?  And our next New Moon is indeed a ‘warrior’ Moon. 

 A recent post from Zach Bush turned my attention once more to Nikola Tesla,. Interestingly, Tesla would be enjoying a  ‘Neptune return’ in his chart and his offerings to the world would have been highlighted and awakened.   Bush quoted Tesla as saying that “there is enough electricity to create a second Sun”.  I have said on many occasions that Tesla was very close to working out how we could benefit from ‘free energy’.  That would be as big as or bigger than Prometheus’ gift of fire to mankind.  Tesla was so advanced for his time but, unlike many scientists, he was also emotionally and esoterically connected to the collective.  He saw the beauty of nature and he saw “the Sun’s rays as food”, but today divisiveness extends to our own divisiveness from nature and our food.   Our foods are being created more and more artificially – our food is literally having Nature taken out of it.   Zach Bush comments: “the light we manifest in our bodies is beginning to dim.  I hope we can find the new path before it is too dark to see.  Come visit soon Nikola and light up this world once more.  We might follow this time”


A life without risk and freedom is a life without experience and without living 



If you’re waiting for a leader – look in the mirror


The World Needs Hugs