Earth – Primary School for Infant Gods?

 The upcoming intensely powerful lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 16th has the Sun (the leaders) almost in bed with the Fixed Star Algol – one of the most evil stars in the sky.  Algol represents the gorgon Medusa, whose hair was a bed of hissing snakes.    Algol signifies losing one’s head. So which leader or leaders will lose their head in their grab for power and money as we head towards the bottoming of our current cycle towards the end of this year?  The Moon in Scorpio - a sign of intensity, power, and the need to do something in a masterful, transformative way - sits very close to the South Node.  There is a need for the people (the Moon) to let go or discard something from the collective past and step into their own individual power.  For the UK, the Moon falls in the second house of value systems – money, assets and resources.   Is it our materialistic outlook that we need to shed?

 The Sun, Moon and the Nodes (our karmic destiny axis) are in a square to Saturn.  We have to face some kind of fated reality check as we move forward into the future.  So, where are the release points?  Where can relief be found?   If the leaders are to move forward positively, they must find the power to transform and change (Pluto).  Is that likely?   I doubt it.  So, it is up to the people to find their own strength and go within to find their own power within themselves (Moon in Scorpio, Mars and Neptune in Pisces).

 However, the chart for this lunar eclipse signifies an upcoming change in energy.   Mercury has turned retrograde, which is not necessarily the bad thing people fear.  Mercury retrograde gives the opportunity to reconsider, reassess, redo – and, at a time where we need to adjust to the changes in our circumstances, this may well be a good thing.  Jupiter has just left his sign of rulership and entered hard hitting Aries. The actual point of entry is significant on a world level – we all feel this, and particularly so when Mars follows on May 25th.  Mars will put energy behind Jupiter’s search for truth, for freedom and for expansion on many levels.  But his energy may be felt in increased aggression and a desire to win.  There should be outrage at many issues to do with our current circumstances but there doesn’t seem to be.   The only outrage appears to be directed where the current propaganda seeks to propel it!  But with some strong Aries energy maybe this will change.

 The Iroquois Indians have a name for an extraordinary invisible spiritual energy inherent in people and their environment – a supernatural force present in varying degrees in all objects and persons.   They called this ‘Orenda’.   Many other civilisations and cultures shared a similar belief and I think it is important to note that they considered this spiritual energy to be not only in people, but also in their environment.   In the UK, before the Scientific Revolution of the 1700’s, people saw nature as being alive with spirits and Gods, but then this was all changed by the desire for a scientific explanation for everything.

 Yogi philosophers spoke of matter as being a ‘vortex of energy’.   Hindu philosophy saw ‘maya’ as a magic power which gods can use to make human beings believe in the illusory; the world we live in, which we think is so real, is just an illusion in ‘mayan’ philosophy, where man’s self-centredness stops him from seeing what is real and true.

 If we let go of our materialism and consider everything as just energy, and energy itself as the prime reality, then our true reality begins to turn upside down.   If everything is energy, then the supernatural can indeed be reality.  In the book ‘the Vortex – Key to Future Science’[1] the authors discuss consciousness as being the awareness that lies behind thought.  They state that whilst consciousness can exist without thought, without consciousness there is no awareness of thought.  If there are only two fundamental realities, consciousness and thought, then the universe is the mind of God and God is the consciousness underlying it.   If spirit is defined as consciousness, then it could be said that spirit is within everything – within every particle of matter - and the creator is the unseen energy of consciousness within all things.

 If we come to understand consciousness, we can understand who we really are and how, as beings of energy, we are different from every other being of energy.  And we can come to understand the meaning behind our lives.  Whilst we might all be part of the same consciousness, we all look out through different eyes.  Therefore, we are all part of one consciousness, and we are all one with God.  However, if we accept God as consciousness, then God has no actual form and can only manifest through ‘forms’.   Astrology seeks to show individuals how to individuate into their best possible creation and achieve their fullest potential by expressing the archetypal principles of their birth charts in as positive a way as possible.  In other words, become their own ‘god’.   

 Could our planet Earth be one of the training grounds to become the best ‘god’ possible?  ‘The Vortex’ suggests we are here to learn to attune to our own inner divinity and to cooperate with others in the fullness of our own wisdom.   All those in learning make mistakes and if life on Earth is an ‘opportunity for growth in godhood’, then are we at a school for infant Gods where most of us are students. 

 If we find a good teacher we can find the only freedom that really matters – ‘the freedom to be who we really are’.   We can achieve this if we ‘embrace more than teaching’ and have the courage to move from one teacher to another so that we can find a balance of different approaches.  So, at this lunar eclipse in the fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio, we have to find the courage to not limit ourselves to just one ideal and outlook and to find the flexibility and difference to enable us to find our own uniqueness and our own individual paths.

 I leave you with one final paragraph from this book: ‘To become a god, we need to recognise the enormous power of thoughts and emotions.  Thought creates reality.  To change our reality, we need to change our pattern of thinking, conscious and unconscious, and release the blocks on our emotions.  Thoughts and emotions feed off each other.  By choosing to replace negative thoughts with positive ones, by choosing not to feed negative emotions, and by freeing blocked emotional energy, we transform ourselves and the nature and quality of our experience.   …   The most important thing for us is to learn to love.  We can choose love rather than fear.  … the choice is entirely ours … to be a mere mortal or to live as gods.   Our mission on earth is to become who we really are … we don’t have to forsake the world or deny ourselves the enjoyment of it.  Rather we need to grow in consciousness and creativity – develop our being as well as our doing’.

[1] The Vortex – Key to Future Science, David Ash and Peter Hewitt, Gateway Books, 1990.


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