Into the Future

On June 14th we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius.   June 14th is my birthday and this Full Moon falls exactly opposite my Sun, so with my Sun being illuminated I thought this would be an easy blog to write.   Not so, maybe because I have been a bit under the weather - and maybe because of that I have found it difficult to keep my vibration raised sufficiently to deal with what feels like a complete bombardment of hurdles and difficulties.

 So, in the end I thought, well maybe that’s what I am supposed to write about.  These times are unprecedented, and we hear words bandied around such as the 4th Industrial Revolution; the 6th mass extinction; the Great Reset; Build Back Better; by 2030 you will own nothing but you will be happy; we need to achieve zero carbon or we may all die; follow ‘the science’.  What does it all mean?   Why do we have to build back?   What is there to Reset?  Who exactly wants to do all these things?  Is all this really for altruistic reasons or is it for profiteering and are we really approaching destruction? Is the direction of ‘the science’ not always funded by big money?  And where the money flows the energy goes.

 The Full Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius and squares Neptune.   At the point where we are longing and yearning for some kind of escape from the bad news, the noose tightens and the warning signs get stronger.  We want empathy, compassion, softness.  Sagittarius is the sign that belongs to Zeus (Jupiter) who liked to look down from his mountain stronghold so that he could view events from the stance of the bigger picture.   Jupiter is in Aries – the sign of the warrior – alongside Mars, the warrior of warriors.   Is it time for us all to become warriors for freedom before we are dragged into a world we won’t recognise or feel comfortable with?

 Most of us who went through the schooling system were educated to learn by rote.   We were told something, we repeated it and we repeated it and we repeated it.   Like Pavlov’s dogs we were rewarded for good behaviour.  Once we had repeated something enough times it remained in our psyche, and we believed it as truth.  But we were not taught to question; we learned via rinse and repeat.   Hardly surprising that we enter a crisis and we go into childlike learning mode, seeking a reward for being ‘good citizens’.  But how are our perceptions being shaped?  Our perceptions are of utmost importance because thoughts and perceptions shape our actions.   Are our perceptions really true or have they been propagandised and shaped by slick marketing type behaviour influencing?

 Has ‘do as I say’ rather than ‘do as I do’ taken root?  Do we fear telling the emperor he is not wearing new clothes and, even worse, that he is actually naked?  We see climate conferences – because of course we must believe that global warming is finally going to kill us unless we modify our carbon footprint – where those who are not only the perpetrators of the warnings are also the profiteers.   They meet up via private jets and an armada of gas guzzling vehicles.  Not quite the spirit!  But do we question loudly enough?  And what ever happened to the hole in the ozone layer that my generation was told was going to take us out?

 The fourth industrial revolution portrays a much easier life ahead as we are told our working days will be cut and an army of robots and computers will do all the heavy lifting for us.      Is this realistically achievable or are we signing our own ‘useless eaters’ warrant?

 What are we building back better from and how will this better build look?   Have we stepped into a form of mass hypnosis where we can now blame everything on Mr. Putin and his wicked madness?  Or have the real scapegoats just returned from Davos and their sense of knowing what is right for us is linked to the amount of money they wield and the governments they claim and boast to have infiltrated.

 I am not skilled enough to have the answers, but I know astrologically that an individual only evolves through ‘owning’ their Soul and their Soul’s purpose in this life.   To do that we have to become authentic beings even if that means stepping outside of what is regarded as ‘normal’.   Saturn is the planet who represents our learning process on Earth, and he is currently in Aquarius still squaring the Nodes (the parts of the chart that represent our destiny and fulfilment of our potentials).   He is lining himself up for his final square meeting with Uranus towards the end of this year.    Whilst Saturn in Aquarius can for sure reflect strict control via technology, it can also reflect putting effort into our daily lives in an Aquarian fashion – not towing the conventional line, not conforming and instead embracing a way that is radically different to the traditional methods that we have become accustomed to. 

 As we reach ‘two minutes past midnight’ at the Full Moon, Saturn has turned retrograde and we have been given a last-minute reprieve where we can re-address our perceptions and, therefore our behaviours.   We have time and opportunity to revise how we have come to our decisions and our actions and whether we are truly authentic beings able to live as free souls.   Can that be achieved by rinse and repeat?  Can we say we are prepared to climb seemingly impossible mountains?  Are we prepared to allow our perceptions to be challenged?   Can we say we have arrived at our perceptions having sought the balanced argument? 

 Saturn represents effort and hard work put into survival; he does not follow the easy route.  He represents ‘owning’ our problems and difficulties rather than looking for someone to blame them on.   He represents the qualities of resilience, realism and self-responsibility for the path we tread.

 So, as we face the perfect storm of a final Saturn/Uranus square and its conflict between freedom and control, safety and taking a risk, the new versus the old, alongside the bottoming of this current cycle as well as eclipse season, do we face the battle of our times? 

 We have difficulties whichever way we turn courtesy of big pharma, big tech, big war, big money, supply issues, food issues.  If we are to survive this, we have to pull together whilst also allowing our Souls to receive some nurturing and ‘time out’.  Can we do it?   Yes of course we can, but we must allow our perceptions and our ensuing actions to come from authenticity and truth.  Are lone voices enough?   I don’t think so.  Aquarius speaks of the group, the community, whilst the Taurus line up speaks of a connection with nature and the Earth.  Our Souls cannot survive if we have separated ourselves from our natural world, particularly as perceptions of ‘science’ are always in flux.

 The positive side of Saturn in Aquarius encourages going back to embracing communities where each individual can bring their own strengths to the table collectively and where we can confidently see the bigger picture and enter the realms of intuition and trust.    With a natural connection to our world, it will be so much easier to enter and trust in the realms that are naturally invisible.   That is how I think we can really build back better - we can live lives that are really connected to nature where we truly have to put effort into our survival, but as a collective without the constant need for the profiteering and the behavioural influencing.  






It was the best of times.   It was the worst of times.


Black humour