Let the waves break, the stars rise and the flames leap

At the Full Moon I wrote about the importance of myth, even within our fast paced modern life of augmented reality.   Myths allow us to explore the boundaries of the natural and the supernatural worlds.   Before the world of the scientists put limits on our thinkings, nature was alive with supernatural beings.   The stars rising were indeed flames as gifts from the Gods, sent with love.  Astrology recognises this supernatural world in terms of the archetypal signatures of the planets and of the Gods of those planets.

The people of the world learned to respect the phases of the Moon in terms of the knowledge of agriculture and planting.   They were individually responsible for their survival - no one else was going to take care of that for them.  So many of the mythical stories speak of fertility rituals; both individual fertility and the fertility of the Earth.   Instead we choose to rearrange nature’s furniture rather than respect her.

Our only responsibility towards our survival these days lies in popping to the supermarket where we have got used to a plentiful supply of foods to choose from.  We don’t know where it’s flown in from, how it’s been grown and to be honest most don’t care.  We never look forward to a particular item being in season so that we can savour it for as long as it is fresh. We spray and spray and then spray again our fields with pesticides which in turn means we need more and more fertilisers.   We have destroyed insect and bee colonies - they are there for a reason - and then we create ‘fake’ food.   So what actually happens when the bees and insect balances are out of kilter and our future supplies of fertilisers are at risk due to war?   In the UK, once an entrepreneurial country of production, our manufacturing facilitIes have been farmed out to the eastern countries who can do it so much more cheaply, even if we have to throw it away after a short while.   We have become a throw away society with scant reflection on our survival.

Myth teaches us about boundaries.  Jack climbs up the beanstalk in a shamanic journey into the sky realm in order to steal from the gods who resided there.  Alice went down the rabbit hole and through a mirror to discover a world of complete contrariness. Boundaries in myth teach balanced exchange - magic points where worlds meet.  But first we must understand our own world.

At this quarter moon the planets are confined to just one third of the chart, boundaried by Pluto who is signalling he is nearing the end of his exposure of corruption and breakdown, and the north node signalling that this ending is taking us towards our fated destiny.  We are likely to find these changes disruptive particularly if we don’t heed the warnings to learn to understand the language of nature.  Mercury is almost exactly square Saturn, both in fixed signs; interesting at a point where we see Elon Musk attempting a takeover of Twitter in the name of free speech in what he describes as a ‘do or die’ effort
The hunter knew he had to learn the music of the forest in order to see what was hiding.  But now we have cut down the forests so there is no music to hear.   This quarter moon is telling us to listen and understand the language now contained within the dream worlds of myths if we wish to retain the music the hunters heard.   We must respect the lands where traditions have penetrated the earth continually, rendering those areas sacred through the vibrations of the continual presence of traditional happenings.

We can’t disrespect and destroy our own world and think we can just steal the treasures  from other worlds, but we can cross boundaries via our words, our thoughts and our vibratory energy.   We have the power of dream and alternative realities within our own hearts our mind and our gut instincts.  And using those areas within us brings its own vibrations and sacredness.


Tread Lightly and Make Daisychains


“A star rises from the night …. it is a flame from the world of the Gods and love runs before it.”