Marine Le Pen and the French Presidential Election
On April 23rd the French people go to the polls to elect a new President. Should there be no clear winner on this day the top two candidates will go forward for a run off election on May 7th.
I failed to put my money where my mouth was during the US election so today I have put on a bet that Marine le Pen will win.
Born in August 1968, Le Pen has her Sun and Mercury in fiery Leo. She also has a Uranus Pluto conjunction, reflecting the call for change currently in the cosmos which has so far been answered by a vote for Brexit and a subsequent one for maverick Donald Trump.
At the time of the election Le Pen has the Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto T square activating three of the four angles – Ascendant, Descendant and IC, as well as her natal Saturn. And just as with Donald Trump, her progressed Sun moves into a new 30 year phase, this time one of Libra – the same sign as that of her beloved country.
At the time of the election the French fifth republic chart is also activated – across the ascendant/descendant axis and with Pluto in the 10th house of government, indicating a radical transformation. France is also experiencing a Saturn return, suggesting that its people are auditing how they feel and the direction the government is taking them.
Le Pen’s Midheaven plugs into the Moon of the French Republic – in other words her intentions are for the people. Her Sun picks up the French Uranus reflecting her ideals for change, whilst her Ascendant/Descendant picks up on that of the French chart in reverse. And with her Saturn sitting on the French South Node in the first house, she will undoubtedly work hard to bring back what she considers made France a great country. In fact bringing back their countries to what made them great in the first place is a running theme at the moment and can be seen in the words of Donald Trump in the USA and Theresa May in the UK.
So I’m putting money on a Le Pen win.