Outrunning The Tide

Pisces energy has to be the most ‘confusing’ of all the signs; hardly surprising when the symboI is two fish swimming in the ocean, both going in opposite directions and joined by a cord.   No wonder this blog has taken me ages to write, with constant changes!!   At the New Moon on March 10th we will have four planets in mutable Pisces (Saturn, Sun, Moon and Neptune, co-ruler of Pisces).  However, we also have five planets in fixed signs – Pluto, Mars and Venus in Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.  And that brings a real battle between control and freedom of choice.    We are very much still within the squeezing or pinchpoint that I spoke about at the last Full Moon, with Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius and the building Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus acting as bookends.  The control and restraints of the Fixed signs are winning at the moment, but the trapped energy that wants to ‘do’ and change is being completely ‘churned up’ and we don’t know how to resolve the situation.   No matter how much we try to change and adapt we cannot – we are locked in.  Or as the boss of Marks and Spencer recently commented: doing business in the UK is ‘like running up a downwards escalator with a rucksack on your back’.  In Pisces, the feeling is more perhaps of running against a tide that threatens to overwhelm.

 I think many of you can identify with this feeling right now.  The Moon is the only planet that, with its monthly lunar cycle, can escape the clutches for a while.   And this goes on until May.  The feeling is not comfortable - we are stuck in what feels like a large pressure-cooking pot, and now that pot is about to be stirred up even more vigorously by disruptive energies.  Surrounding the pot lies barren ground like a battlefield – both physical and psychological - as wars to control minds and nation states still wage strong. Does the New Moon on March 10th suggest that it could possibly hold a new beginning for the everyday man?  Actually, I think it could.  I think we have some tough times ahead of us, but, in essence, we have a chance of beating the tide. 

 First, however, let’s consider the upcoming energy.  After this New Moon, but before we begin the first eclipse on March 25th, we reach the astrological new year, a new cycle that begins when, on March 20th, we enter the sign of Aries – the first sign of the zodiac - and we see the start of Spring.   For the UK it appears that we are dead set for some kind of big change.  We are already in eclipse energy – it starts before the lunar eclipse on the 25th March, and continues after the total solar eclipse on April 8th.  This solar eclipse will be visible across the eastern side of America, and events are most likely to be seen where there is visibility. 

 Eclipses often herald challenging events, and a New Moon is always a time of new intentions and new beginnings.  The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th may, however, reflect a time where we can in our minds take the reality of our world outside the matrix and into almost anywhere.   In the sign of Pisces there are no boundaries, no fences, no restrictions, no controls; we can explore the potentials and possibilities of what a world like this might resemble   Pisces is the sign of compassion; it is also the sign where the truth is veiled and we are deceived, intentionally or unintentionally.

 The period between now and 21st April, when Jupiter and Uranus meet, has huge implications for the world as a whole.  The backdrop energy for the ‘collective’ has already begun to change with Pluto’s entry into Aquarius; Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, so with Uranus itself about to be ramped up and ‘excited’ by Jupiter, it is highly likely that we see some kind of big disruptive event.   In Taurus, this may be financial, or it may well be AI related because AI is set to grow during 2024 at a greater level exponentially than had been expected.   AI will affect our lives for sure – indeed which industries will it affect first?    Taurus is the sign most closely connected with the Earth.  We could even see a physical, earth type event such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption – or indeed it could have a connection with the rising up of the farmers who are trapped between the power of the governments and the control of the supermarkets.  This is gaining traction across Europe and yet we hear very little reporting. 

 The New Moon in mutable Pisces is making a sextile to Uranus (Pluto’s ruler) and, whenever Uranus is in the picture, the important thing to remember is that we have to act differently, think differently, feel differently.   Trying to battle through using the same old tried and tested methods won’t work.   We need to be more revolutionary, thinking more outside the box.  Uranus and Aquarius are not where we think or act traditionally or conventionally.

 Pisces is the sign of the deep deep oceans but the dam holding back ‘the waters’ is being damaged – there are holes being punched into it.     Water finds a way of seeping into unexpected places.  Saturn is trying to bring structure but the Sun (leaders) and the Moon (the people) at this New Moon have left him behind.  He fails as he has to defer to the strength of Neptune, God of the Oceans, who pulls this lunation towards him.  Venus, the ruler of both Jupiter and Uranus aspects nothing – she is untethered, allowing the entrance of the ‘unexpected’; she has broken free from the grip of Mars who, in a dynamic aspect to Uranus unleashes some kind of ‘weapon’.   This is very complex energy and the pressure cooker we are in at the moment has to burst in some way - and that brings opportunities (New Moon sextile Uranus).

 Many of the complexities centre around the Pisces energy of this New Moon - energy that goes deep into the unfathomable depths of the oceans.  One side of Pisces is compassion, but an alternative side has the potential to deceive.  Consider the ‘sirens’ of Greek and Roman mythology – humanlike beings who used their voices and songs to enchant sailors and control their fate.  The media in general, including social media, TV and cinema all come under the realm of Pisces and ‘the sirens’, as do all addictive behaviours.   They are all ‘sirens’ - as is for instance coffee and caffeine in general, probably one of our most addictive daily substances.  The Starbucks logo is just like a ‘siren’ of the sea, luring us into how we start our day.   TV is the cinema of our home, constantly barraging us with attempts to seep into and influence our lives in the same way that water is pervasive; it seeps and penetrates just like the mind-influencing methods that are used constantly to condition our behaviour in different ways through marketing and advertising - even product placement in the programmes we watch.   Marketing has become a highly sophisticated tool used not just to make us buy something but also influencing how we live and what we believe in.    

 We believe in things such as our ‘great democracy’ because that is what we have been told over and over and over again – repetition is indeed a marketing technique.  But, as far back as the 1700’s William Pitt said in the House of Lords that ‘there is something behind the throne greater than the King himself’.  Benjamin Disraeli also alluded to this unseen power when he said ‘the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes’.  Do we really think much has changed since then?  If anything, the ‘hidden hands’ behind the scenes hold more influence now.   In Pisces we can’t see – instead we have to feel.   But if we inhabit a world where our instincts are being lost, we aren’t able to feel.   Our world is not as it seems.  It is more like the world of the film the Matrix.

 A democracy is defined as a system of government in which state power is vested within the people through elected representatives.   However, imagine a world where the people’s views are ghosted and ignored in order to follow the desires of a mainly unelected viewpoint.   That is our reality.  Even the UK Prime Minister is unelected, as are the wealthy corporates and the innumerable cocktail of NGOs that are unseen but wield considerable power.  That type of democracy is in effect extremely undemocratic.  Here in the UK we also have a figurehead to demonstrate this, in the form of the monarchy.  Symbolically, however, our figurehead – that monarchy – appears to be very ‘sick’ at the moment.  

 On March 1st, at a tight Sun, Mercury, Saturn conjunction in Pisces, Rishi Sunak, the UK Prime Minister, made an ‘emergency’ speech outside Downing Street highlighting protests against politicians that allegedly threaten our democracy.  The Government has lost three by-elections in a row, the last seeing success go to George Galloway, defying the government’s attitude to the Middle East situation and openly despising the PM.   The speech centered around inclusion of all types of people sharing UK values.  Interestingly at the time of Sunak’s speech Pluto, symbolic of the collective consciousness, is unaspected, having recently entered into Aquarius.  We were told an emergency address was required to protect the values of our democracy that had suddenly come under threat.   It seems more that the government is out of step with public feeling, symbolised by those by-election losses.  Our current reality is one where success and power are only measured by wealth, and it is that wealth that appears to hold all the power.  It was already apparent in the times of Pitt and Disraeli and is technocratically fascist in nature, working for the rich elites.  As inflation just keeps on rising, we can see how this is working in harmony with these elites, who are enjoying bumper profits at the expense of the working-class man.  Interestingly, within constitutions of a Republic such as the USA, it becomes much harder to deprive the everyday people of their ‘inalienable rights’ which include ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ – inalienable rights that are being squeezed out of our democratic existence.

 As we enter the energy of the astrological new year – Aries – we start to lose some of that confusing Pisces type energy, so that even before May we begin to find a desire to fight back against the control of the people as the Moon in Leo opposes Pluto, the planet of power.  Do we really feel as though we live in a democracy, or do we feel more as though there is what resembles a fascist ideology of control?

 Because Pisces encourages us to go beyond the everydayness of our reality, we can also use this New Moon to explore quantum energy.  I think the quantum field has much in common with the boundaryless ocean energy of Pisces. I am fascinated by the idea of things such as parallel universes and different realities that could be explained by quantum.   However, my brain seems to have a problem ‘getting’ it and understanding it.  And maybe I don’t have to ‘get it’; maybe I just have to accept that this all exists and there are things that we cannot explain.  Science is never settled, and it is quite possible to have differing views within science.

 Quantum mechanics seeks to explain how the universe works on its smallest scales. Everything we can see around us whether far or near is made up of subatomic particles, unimaginably tiny entities whose interactions produce the macroscopic effects we experience day-to-day. While it’s tempting to imagine that these interactions obey the laws of physics that we’re familiar with in our everyday lives, they are probably much much stranger.  The quantum realm is just a different way of looking at why things are the way they are in the universe.  It holds that as soon as a potential exists for any object to be in any state, the universe of that object transmutes into a series of parallel universes.  At a basic level, quantum physics predicts very strange things about how matter works that are completely at odds with how things seem to work in the real world.  Quantum particles can behave like particles located in a single place, or they can act like waves, distributed all over space or in several places at once.  Indeed the first wave of quantum technologies gave us the transistor which has led through to the AI world that is ahead of us. 

 Quantum mechanics says that everything is uncertain until it is observed, and that observation alters reality.   Quantum mechanics suggests that reality does not exist in a definitive state independent of observation.  It's as if the act of observation brings reality into existence. This isn't to say that observation creates reality but that the observer effect is the disturbance of an observed system by the act of observation.   Does reality even exist when we are not looking?

 Whilst my blogs tend to look at the true reality of our existence, maybe the Pisces energy challenges me to open up to new realities.   If the reality of an atom’s behaviour can be changed by the observer, then does that mean we can change the reality we live in?  Do we have to live in a reality that seems more akin to the film ‘The Matrix? 

 There’s a difference between parallel universes and changing realities.   I would love to find the way in (and the way out if I didn’t like what I saw) to a parallel universe.   The reality we live within will depend very much on the country we live in, and the level of wealth we have as well I think.   Are you in the huge wealth zone, the mid wealth or at the poorest of levels?   Wealth and location will change your immediate environment and the people you mix with.   However, way above this lies mindset.   Your attitude to life, your belief systems and your ability to think critically will all have a bearing on how you view life.   Do you live fully within the Matrix as a paid up blue pill member, are you ‘red pilled’ or are you at the moment ‘sitting on the fence’?  If you are reading this blog you are most likely to be somewhere on the radar of the last two options. 

 It is becoming very apparent to greater numbers of people that our leaders are not treating them with the respect and care they deserve within a democracy, and they certainly are not treating us according to a constitution such as exists in the USA, where life, liberty and happiness are considered of importance.   

 The first step to changing our reality is to ascertain if our belief systems are valid – question, question, question.   Not easy I know, especially when the media as well as our governments continue to try to convince us that fantasy is reality, and that reality is fantasy.  Not only must we read beyond the propaganda we have to see what is not being reported.  Only once we have questioned the validity of what we are told and see what we are not being told can we start to thinkdifferently, and once we do that we begin to act differently.   Then, when we perceive changes within our behaviour and our attitude we may start to feel differently.  By changing our mindset it is possible to change our reality.   This only happens, however, if we begin to think outside the box; it will not be achieved by doing the same conventional thing, expecting a different outcome.  The truths are all there hiding in plain sight and once they are uncovered everything falls into place and we just instinctively know.


There’s A Monster Under My Bed


Squeeze Me Tight – Very Tight