Swimming Against the Tide of Rough Waters

 This is a particularly profound Full Moon, falling in the sign of Capricorn and, for the UK, highlighting the people, the home, the family, finances and issues of government.  

 The Moon is in what astrologers call ‘detriment’ – the people feel disempowered and the Moon has to find a different way of working.   The Sun (leaders) is in the Moon’s sign of Cancer – the Moon has to treat the Sun as an honoured guest, as she prepares to meet Pluto, a symbol of power, destruction, and revelations through purging.

 The Sun is sandwiched between Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest, and Mercury, symbolic of young people, the mind, communication and commerce.    The Sun sits with the Moon of the UK chart; perhaps this Moon is talking about the very survival of the family, particularly as she sits alongside Pluto.  Ceres and Pluto have history.   Pluto abducted Ceres’ daughter Persephone down into the underworld and raped her.  Mercury intervened as negotiator and a solution was found where Persephone could return home for six months of the year.   Ceres had the last word though and decreed that the six months of the year that Persephone stayed in the underworld the ground would not crop – the birth of the seasons.  What wrath is Ceres about to deliver this time as we see the foreboding of severe food shortages?

 The Moon picks up on the degree of the Saturn/ Pluto conjunction of January 2020 and, therefore, echoes the introduction of harsh laws and rules, the likes of which haven’t been seen in the Western democratic world since Nazi Germany.  

 As Mars entered Taurus we experienced the complete disarray of our government, just as coincidentally the great organiser Bill Gates arrived in London.   Does this signal the entering of a new phase of this surreal pantomime?   Have we moved from the Covid phase to the war phase and now to the economic squeeze phase?  And how much of war and pantomime lies in propaganda?  Most of it.

 Mars is symbolic of men, warriors, war, courage, assertion, and, just like the Moon, he is in the sign of his detriment.   When Mars is unable to work in a direct, targeted fashion he finds another way and that might mean he plays dirty.    Additionally, Mars does not talk to any other planets in the sky.  This makes him what we call ‘unaspected’, which means his energy is uncontained.  Taurus represents safety, solidity, endurance, and Mars in Taurus is likely to bring about situations where the very stability of institutions that we just take for granted, such as our much loved but now sacrificed NHS, is blown out of the water. 

 This is a dangerous and potentially violent Mars.   And with Mars in the 6th sign and 8th house of the UK chart he could potentially bring crisis, war drums and issues in the form of both health and finances to us all.  This is highlighted even more by echoings from the April solar eclipse and the upcoming October eclipse, amplifying the dirty play, threats to our security and Mars’ sheer aggressive desire for action.

 The health issue (6th sign) is very real, particularly as in the UK we see a move to ‘telehealth’ or hospital at home.   As it becomes more and more difficult to see doctors in person, the idea of patients remaining in their own home and treated via remote monitoring looms closer.  Your survival may depend on your ability to deal with the technology, which eventually will make biometric data reading an absolute likelihood.

 Where we see Pluto, we often see dominance, manipulation and sabotage.   The people may well be manipulated and taken down into a state of self-sabotage.   Mercury represents young people, and there are some disturbing occurrences within the education of our young.  When you see drag queens with the dubious name of ‘Flo Job” being sent to deliver story time to primary school children you just know something has gone wrong.

 Where can we find help?  Mars answers only to his ruler Venus, still a morning star and, therefore, a warrior queen who will fire Mars up even more.  Venus speaks of finances as well as love, and we begin to see a warrior spirit within the people as their pockets are being hit badly.  The people of Sri Lanka and farmers in the Netherlands and Europe are rising up in anger, whilst in the UK we see protests beginning against fuel prices.  Interestingly Mars echoes the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of the Peasants Revolt of 1381. How much will the people stand for before they revolt?

 Once we arrive at the October solar eclipse, which incidentally echoes Mars’ position here at the Full Moon, we will have the final square (almost) of Saturn and Uranus and the bottoming of the Barbault cycle.   If we look at food supplies, we can see the disruption (Uranus) to food supplies (Taurus) by a technocratic corporate elite (Saturn in Aquarius).   It is like the noose of the perfect storm where everything comes together, surrounds the target and then squeezes the life out of it.  The recession of 2008 did not coincide with raging inflation and food/supply issues!  So, expect rising anger in line with rising costs.

 We have left a Mars square Pluto situation and approaching a Mars/Uranus/North Node experience at the end of July.  This augurs a disruptive and potentially violent, transformative experience that will determine our future destiny.  It really could be as dramatic as the survival of the civilisation as we know it before we are gradually pushed towards a merger of man and technology which will be sold as a much easier ride than being outside the ‘smart’ technology.   But then, of course, life will only be as good as whoever is controlling our ‘smart’ life.   Boris said in his ‘sort of’ resignation speech - “when the herd moves – it moves” - the herd just reacts and then follows.  This is not the time to just be buffeted by the tide.  It is time to take some measure of control and swim against the tide even if the waters are rough and choppy. 







Agitation and Satyagraha


It was the age of wisdom.  It was the age of foolishness