The People Matter
Whether we look at the smallest unit – the micro level - as in the life of the individual person or ‘everyday Joe;’ or at the macro unit level of society, reflecting nations or indeed war-torn cities, the Full Moon in Leo on January 25th, sitting right on the Ascendant of the Full Moon chart set for London and therefore the UK, sends a strong message that the people (the Moon) must keep on reminding themselves that every single one of them really truly matters.
Any planet in Leo wants to stand out from the crowd, wants to be seen, wants to be appreciated. However, Leo is the sign of the Sun (leaders) and, as such, any planet in his sign has been captured by the Sun and, therefore, by those leaders. The Sun at this Full Moon is in Aquarius, sitting with Pluto. Pluto symbolises power, control, manipulation - and it’s no surprise to see characteristics of this type all sitting with the Sun (Kings and leaders), or to see the Moon ruled by such Kings and leaders. It’s always been that way. But how much have the people been captured and how much freedom has been lost? Every single person deserves to matter – not just those with money. And we shouldn’t be surprised to read that in this ever-growing technocratic society the wealth of the technocrats has doubled since 2020, whilst the poor are indeed poorer. It’s vital at this Full Moon the people turn their sights and their consciousness to escaping their capture by the Sun as much as they can. To fulfil their destiny and the path of their soul they must ensure they are masters of their own universe and their own futures.
Aquarius – the sign of both the Sun and Pluto at this Full Moon - is an Air sign representing the idea of humanity as a collective. It is forward-looking and innovative by nature, so as a sign it has particular relevance to the AI world we are being drawn into, which will communicate via the Air element it represents. However, this is an Air sign that very weirdly is symbolised by a water bearer. But does the container really contain water? For me Aquarius is linked to the Milky Way – our universe - which the ancients often used to refer to as the cosmic ‘waters’. I have often proposed that these ‘waters’ are not just water, but in fact plasma energy – the fifth element described by Aristotle as ether, and ‘the essence of gods and souls’ as described by Marcus Tullius Cicero; and the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas. Robert Temple has described plasma as matter that is for the most part invisible, made up from charged sub-atomic particles.[1] Temple considers that the Sun – our life force – is made up of plasma and that the age we are entering will also be regarded as a plasma age because of the growth of science and technology.
Aristotle was the first Western thinker to consider the existence of a different physical matter which he called ‘ether’, and even went further to suggest that all beings had a corresponding ‘etheric’ body. Space is not empty, and plasma electrical currents travel through space via plasma. This cosmic web looks very similar to the human brain with its complex pattern of neurons. And our Sun emits a solar wind which would seem in actual fact to be a plasma wind. Dusty complex plasma interacts with the electromagnetic field and plays a part within quantum entanglement, something we are only just beginning to understand. Temple regards the human body as in a sense a ‘plasmoid’, with our ‘dense matter bodies’ made of atoms which are like ‘smart overcoats’ that we discard when we die. Does it follow, therefore that we are surrounded by an ‘intelligent’ plasma energy? Pluto beginning his journey through the scientifically oriented sign of Aquarius until 2043 may instead suggest that we are just at the beginning of certain areas of our scientific knowledge.
At this Full Moon, as we begin, ‘intelligently’ and artificially, our entry into a much more AI type of world what will be revealed as we enter this world and this new type of society? Pluto always pushes toxins up to the surface. As he ends his stay in Capricorn, we can clearly see the corruption and toxicity of the hierarchical, top-down structures such as governments, banks and corporate organisations symbolised by Capricorn. We have just seen a barely reported protest from farmers in Germany as they protest against regulations that will severely affect the production of yourfood.
Uranus, the planet of revolution, shocks, extreme behaviour is about to station and then move forward on the 28th January. From this point all planets will be in forward motion, the throttle will be on, the shackles will have been removed - so brace yourself. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius as Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) starts to move forward is likely to be a hugely pivotal point, launching us into a new type of world.
The Full Moon squares Jupiter, which is still very close to the point of the October lunar eclipse, so there are echoes of events from around that period – mainly of course events in Gaza. Neither this war, nor the one in Russia, seem to have any intention at the moment of ending with a peace treaty - Jupiter in aspect always wants things to expand, to grow bigger. However, this is also an aspect that is asking the people to grow and expand, because that’s the archetypal nature of Jupiter. Grow in confidence, grow in wisdom and grow so that they really feel inside them that they honestly do matter. When an individual feels that they matter and that they could stand out from a crowd in some way, they then feel that they have meaning in their lives, a sense of purpose, so that feelings of apathy and hopelessness lift. And this is a Jupiter that is being given opportunities by Saturn, the planet that creates structure and encourages responsibility. This Full Moon highlights the Ascendant/Descendant axis of both King Charles and Camilla – and Charles and the Princess of Wales appear to have serious health issues come to the fore.
Mercury, the planet that directly symbolises thought, the mind, communication, has now moved into Capricorn. He sits with a particularly strong Mars, who is exalted in this sign. This is a Mercury who needs to act on his thoughts, needs to do something, needs to achieve something. With Mars’ help, Mercury can strike right at the heart of a matter, but Mars can also weaponise Mercury’s voice to create further war or alternatively wage a war against Mercury, our minds. I have spoken a lot about the desire to influence our minds in more and more sophisticated ways – we only need to look at the growth in marketing options with wider and wider techniques that in effect create a battle for our minds and, therefore, our wallets. Militarised, however, the Sun (leaders) ‘captures’ the Moon (the people) – through their thoughts. So it’s vital we become our own ‘mental warriors’ – keep our minds strong, always question always curious.
NATO in 2021 released a document on research carried out by the Johns Hopkins University and Imperial College London on countering cognitive warfare from new and disruptive technologies, enabled by social media and ‘smart’ technology. ‘In cognitive warfare, the human mind becomes the battlefield. The aim is to change not only what people think, but how they think and act. Waged successfully, it shapes and influences individual and group beliefs and behaviours to favour an aggressor’s tactical or strategic objectives. In its extreme form, it has the potential to fracture and fragment an entire society, so that it no longer has the collective will to resist an adversary’s intentions. An opponent could conceivably subdue a society without resorting to outright force or coercion.’[2] And, in a quote attributed to activist Steve Biko, he said ‘the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed’. There is no doubt that our minds are under some form of attack.
The Full Moon chart is one of very fixed, entrenched and stubborn energy – it is hard to find the adaptability for change within behaviours and within opinions. The element of Fire represents our vision, our imagination and that extra bit of ‘ooomph’ energy that is needed for a new creation. The only Fire in this Full Moon chart lies within the Moon, the people. So the people need to do their inner Leo – stand up and stand out and show that every single one of us matters. If everyone did this then the leaders would be forced to listen to them but, if the people don’t do this, then an authoritarian technocracy in an AI dominated world will happily do it for them. This is the world that the technocrats in George Orwell and Aldous Huxley’s writings dreamed about. We are there now!! But we naively tell ourselves that this won’t happen because we live in a democracy, because we elect our leaders.
2024 is a year of an unprecedented number of elections around the world – 64, in fact, plus the EU. The UK, the USA, Russia, Iran, South Africa, Pakistan, Taiwan – to name but a few. Taiwan in fact held theirs just after the New Moon, on January 13th. The incumbent Democratic People’s Party was re-elected in what was said to be a ‘triumph for democracy’. But living in a democracy requires ‘constant vigilance from a free populace’ to protect the democracy of their lives. We definitely see the lack of true democracy, we mutter about it complainingly, but if the people are not constantly vigilant and not speaking out against violations of their democracy, then we will no longer live in a democratic world. As AI presents us with so many ‘conveniences’ from this new world that, they say, will free us from burdensome responsibilities and actions, such systems will also allow elites to impose regulations that limit freedom and allow them to make arbitrary decisions.
Governments retain democracy via influencing and controlling public opinions and, therefore, behaviour. Once upon a time that was the job of religion and the Church. Without realising that control is happening no-one gets destroyed bodily and everyone is ‘happy’.
Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has revealed the toxicity within the current penchant for public/corporate partnerships. The partnership between the Post Office and Fujitsu which began way back in the 1990’s was particularly highlighted in the recent ITV drama series ‘Mr. Bates versus the Post Office’. The lives of postmasters and postmistresses were cruelly traumatised, and in some cases literally ended, because a system could not be regarded as at fault - even though this system was being tampered with by its manufacturers, highlighting the difficulties we will face as we enter an increasingly AI world.
These ‘ordinary’ people were constantly lied to and treated with utter disdain, coldness and callousness over an almost 20-year period, being told at every point that they were ‘the only one’ so it could not possibly be a fault with the system, when in actual fact hundreds were affected. Those at the top were even rewarded for their actions – or non-actions. It struck me how much this situation could be extrapolated out and applied to so many government areas where the ‘little’ people are just trodden on and used by those who appear to have no conscience and will not risk public shaming by deviating from their script. Politics is increasingly inhabited by a breed of ‘professional politicians’ who have learned every trick in the book to never answer a question in a direct fashion and to increasingly make use of mind influencing techniques.
But the televising of the scandal seems to have ignited a sense of outrage at the injustice that has been shown to these people. It has ‘spoken’ to them in a way that a documentary or campaign could not have matched and will likely force the government’s hand. If only other areas of domination and disdain could also be similarly revealed. But this drama series has shown the people that they deserve a voice and that it is possible to come out on top.
In the run up to this Full Moon we have seen the annual weeklong shindigs at Davos 2024 held by the World Economic Forum with the key theme of Rebuilding Trust – they clearly love a joke!! This year the meeting has hosted an estimated 60 heads of state and government, 1600 business leaders, 300 public figures, major international organisations, plus a selection of so-called experts and changemakers. This is where the rich and powerful get to pontificate on how the world should be run – what will they have decided for us? They have informed us that the biggest ‘threats’ we face are from misinformation and disinformation and disease ‘X’. Those who are curious and inform themselves from sources other than mainstream media might well agree, but from a different standpoint. All whilst we are being told that a vaccine is being prepared to fight this disease ‘X’, even though supposedly they don’t know what the disease will be!!
And all this to a backdrop of Grant Schapps, our Defence Secretary, telling us with great excitement and enthusiasm that we must prepare ourselves to deter ‘the enemies gathering around us …in order to guarantee our freedoms’ as we are in a pre-war period. Is he Minister of Defence or Minister for War? And now we prepare to send 20,000 troops to a huge NATO military drill. Are they actually preparing us for WW3 even though we would have barely enough troops to defend ourselves? I don’t believe that this would be the will of a fully and honestly informed truly free populace. South Africa has brought Israel to the International Court of Justice amid accusations of genocide in Gaza. Hopefully the result of this will be through by the next New Moon.
I love to follow the ‘red threads’ in a chart that connect the dots. This Full Moon chart is a chart where everything leads us back to the planets currently in Pisces – Neptune and Saturn. These planets urge us to work with love and compassion and not war. They urge us to adopt the qualities of serenity and meditation. They urge us to flow rather than fight. Pisces is a classic sign of escapism and of crossing impossible boundaries. And the human spirit needs to do this because we have senses, emotions, instincts that must be kept alive. We are not robotic creatures. We need to give time to nurture ourselves and our senses and to use more spiritual practices in our lives. We are illogical beings, and we can do things that work out correctly even though we have not followed logical rules. AI cannot and will not behave like this. Like the birds who find their way home and the animals who sense danger we must use – or risk losing – our instinctive minds.
[1] A New Science of Heaven, How the Science of Plasma changes our understanding of physical and spiritual reality, Robert Temple, Hodder and Stoughton, 2023.