The Turkeys Who Voted For Christmas

2024 kicks off with its first New Moon on January 11 at 11.57 a.m., in London, at almost 21 degrees of Capricorn.  This is a New Moon that carries a clear message of change, so buckle up for the ride of 2024 guys. 

We have four planets in Capricorn – Sun, Moon, Pluto and Mars – with two of them being what astrologers call ‘out of bounds’, the Moon and Mars.  This means that these two planets behave in a maverick fashion, not bound by the normal rules that constrain them.  The Moon represents the people and Capricorn is an earth planet bringing a restricting action to the Moon that would much prefer a water sign, where she can just flow according to how she feels.  But, of course, this is an ‘out of bounds’ Moon, so really she can behave as she wants.  Mars - drive, energy, modus operandi and desire for warmongering - is very strong in Capricorn, he is actually exalted, so his ‘out of bounds’ energy for warriorship and action may well be keenly felt.  And, of course, Capricorn is ‘action’ energy; we must all participate in making positive changes so that we are not just buffeted along by them as they happen.  As I write this, Israel has declared 2024 ‘the year of war’.    And while the people just want to live in peace it seems the political classes have a different agenda; it seems they can’t wait to bloody their hands! 

The New Moon sits with Pluto, planet of power, strength and transformation.  But Pluto is at the very last degree of Capricorn before he moves into Aquarius, so he knows he has very little time left to do all the Capricornian things he needs to finish.   Right up until November 2024 he will be teetering between this last degree and early Aquarius.   He is in a hurry, so he may well throw caution to the wind; he may be prone to making mistakes or beginning things before really ready.  So expect to see a lot more corruption revealed to us, especially as all planets are virtually above the horizon – everything can be seen, everything is on show – which doesn’t really suit Pluto’s nature; he prefers to cloak everything so he can disguise and manipulate.

 The Sun approaches Pluto and will escort him as he moves into Aquarius on the 21st January, (the Sun on the 20th).   At the time of the New Moon only Uranus is retrograde, and he is readying himself to begin to move forward at 19 Taurus by the end of January.  So this first period of 2024 is I feel going to be very interesting, especially once the chains are off and everything begins to move forward.  

 The New Moon at almost 21 degrees Capricorn is very close to that critical 22 degrees of the cardinal signs (Capricorn, Libra, Aries and Cancer) where events seem to happen.  The Moon also makes a dynamic angle to the nodes (the destiny axis) highlighting the potential for change that affects us all.  22 degrees of Capricorn was the point of Saturn and Pluto’s meeting four years ago in January 2020, heralding the shocking restrictions (Saturn) society has been forced to endure.   Saturn and Pluto together make for a very harsh aspect, symbolic of control, power and the abuse of that power and control.   So this New Moon is a reminder of those times and how this type of behaviour must never be tolerated again because of its damaging effect on society.

 Capricorn is an Earth sign, a symbol of large, hierarchical, top-down structures such as governments and corporates.  Whilst we might think we live in a democracy we are at the mercy of a top-down structure in the form of the government, which today appears to encompass a policy of partnering with other top-down structures such as large corporates, giving the benefit of corporate wealth to some.

 Back in 2020 I naively thought that once the truth was brought into the open then everything would go through the democratic channels and all would be fine.  I have come to realise that firstly the truth seems to mean nothing, and secondly the democracy I thought I lived within is not there.  Scant respect is often paid to the rules of law and little regard to parliamentary debate before policies are put in place.  And yet we still think we live within a democratic process where public ‘servants’ are actually in their jobs to serve the people.   If we continue to just trust in the type of governance we think we live within, it goes without saying that we will be exactly like the turkeys who voted for Christmas.

 The benefit for the government of partnering with corporates is that they profit from their wealth, and the benefit for the corporates is that they can influence government policies so that they can further increase this wealth.  It follows, therefore, that we need to understand that what we see happening around us is merely a business plan, driven by the fact that those in charge consider the masses to be ignorant, uninformed, irrational and apathetic, meaning that it is up to those who are cognisant to make the rules.

 The New Moon chart lacks the element of Air – intellect, critical thinking, the ability to stand back and take a critical overview of any situation – so we must be conscious of this and make an effort to ‘do’ Air.   Mercury, the planet of the mind and thinking sits on the Galactic Centre (I spoke about this in a blog recently), so he is a great help to us at this New Moon and as we make our New Moon intentions.   The Galactic Centre is the swirling gateway to the cosmic consciousness and to the seat of the knowledge of all that has been and all that will be.  Mercury also squares Neptune which can be a classic symbol of lies and deception, but this aspect can also provide inspiration, as Mercury can easily travel to where there are no boundaries.   Let’s take advantage of this and allow our minds and our thoughts to soar and to really see our world and its events – there is never ‘nothing we can do’ in terms of our ability to use our minds to influence the course of our lives. 

 If we use our thought processes, we are surely invincible, even if we don’t fully realise this.  In an age of sophisticated mind influencing techniques our minds can, however, be controlled and used extremely easily so that we end up with zero intellectual curiosity.   At a New Moon with Pluto and squaring the destiny axis of the nodes we have a choice; we can choose not to be a part of the government/corporate business plan, so long as we put life into our intellectual abilities. Or we can line up and take our place within the herd.

 I will be preparing a full blog on our minds and how they can be influenced as Pluto’s entry into Aquarius leads us into a more sophisticatedly developed AI world.  The wavy line symbol of Aquarius I believe does not symbolise water, but instead the more etheric plasma energy which like the Galactic Centre, highlighted by Mercury’s position at this New Moon, contains the intelligence of cosmic consciousness.  Our ability to ‘receive’ and tune into this galactic plasma energy will, I feel, be intensified and heightened as Pluto enters Aquarius.

 Aquarius is the sign that represents community.  Humans are finely balanced creatures.  We are social beings, which is why lockdown was so damaging for us.  Our bodies operate from a state of fine balance, particularly in terms of our hormonal system.  When we are social with other humans our hormonal system releases fine quantities of oxytocin which gives us the feel-good factor of joy.  Hence, we are at our best in a community.

 And whether you want to believe it or not, the idea of climate change has been seized upon within the government/corporate partnership as a money-making venture.  Our climate has always changed, mainly because our climate is very dependent on the activity of the Sun.   We have had warm periods, warmer than now in fact, and we have had cold periods when we have had an Ice Age, and indeed a Little Ice Age as we did in the 1700’s and early 1800’s, so of course our earth has been constantly warming up after experiencing extreme cold.   Our world and our climate are both subject to cyclical cycles – they do not stay the same.  It is us who must adapt to the cycles rather than the other way around.

 Dr. Zach Bush, a firm believer in changing our relationship with nature in favour of a positive one rather than a battle, spoke recently of our relationship with carbon – now regarded as the enemy in climate change as we chase net zero at any cost.  Carbons, he says, are the most important substrate and CO2 is the building block for life rather than the enemy.  We are made from carbons.  What we call waste, Zach Bush says is actually the energy for life.   In his opinion we have stripped our topsoil of its life force, denuding it of nutrients and microbiology – ‘we have given the earth emphysema’.  In this way, he says, it is not CO2 that is the problem, it is the lack of lung tissue within the soil.  He goes even further to contradict current policies by stating that CO2 is the future for life, as opposed to its death and, if we continue to act as we are now, we are accelerating the death of the planet.  Carbon in his view is the future for life because it is the communication network for the energy potential of the future; the building block for growth is CO2 in the atmosphere.   I haven’t seen quite such an outspoken comment from him against current policies, as he points out that we need to reverse our guilt/shame programme because CO2 in the atmosphere is a building block rather than a problem.  Instead we are taking ourselves to a tipping point for humanity.  Our relationship with nature and other areas has been hijacked and influenced by those who have a vested interest in making money from our choices.

 I would choose to put more faith in the opinion of someone such as Zach Bush than those money driven ‘experts’ whose opinion we are not allowed to challenge.  So this is an area where our intellectual curiosity must be brought into play before elements such as ‘climate change’ are used to the detriment of society.  The suggestions from the cosmic consciousness and natural cycles are telling us that nature may indeed be changing in a very different way from what we are told.   On December 2nd a massive hole erupted within the Sun, as though it almost has a hole in its heart.  Rather than entering a period of acute global warming we could instead be entering a solar minimum, preceded by weather extremes, leading into a period of global cooling, which is much more devastating to humanity’s survival than a warming period.  If we allow so called ‘experts’ to carry out acts of even more cooling, such as dimming of the Sun with particulate matter, we could be led into a devastating period which could be catastrophic and take a very long time to reverse.

 This is why it is so important to fight against the kind of censorship we are seeing and instead allow our minds to be much more independent and curious for knowledge so that we are not deceived by the ‘emperor’s new clothes’.

 So a recap on why I think this first New Moon is a heralder of change – it sits with Pluto on the Midheaven of the chart for London; Pluto is at the anaretic 29th degree; the New Moon squares the nodes and trines Uranus (easy relationship) the first planet we meet in the chart for London and, therefore, the UK – another sign of awakening and revolutionary change.

 An extraordinary number of elections will take place across the world during 2024 – 64 countries in fact plus the EU.  The UK, America, India, Russia, Austria, Australia, Slovakia, Belgium, Taiwan, Pakistan to name some of them.  And there are other signs of the world splitting in a dramatic way with the growth of the BRICS group.  As America goes through its Pluto return, which may change its position as the number one superpower, Argentina has decided not to join BRICS.   But Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Ethiopia have been officially sworn in as member countries, joining Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.   This is huge, particularly with the Middle East and Russia in such a state of unrest.  Pluto’s change of signs will add intensity, particularly when in April there will be a strong solar eclipse visible across America just as Jupiter and Uranus make a conjunction. 

 So, as we enter this AI world that is very good at generating and analysing massive amounts of data, we should remember that humans are instinctive beings who reason and problem solve – something that AI is not good at.  We are creative, inventive, spontaneous beings who need a purpose.   But above all we need to recognise how our minds are being very cleverly and sophisticatedly influenced by propaganda and marketing techniques.  To get through this point in society we must take advantage of Mercury’s position on the point where all cosmic consciousness is held, be adaptable, as Mercury indeed is, and take ourselves to the Sagittarian heights where we can get a ‘feel’ for what is really going on.  If your ‘gut’ tells you that something about this climate change doctrine, or indeed any other doctrine, doesn’t feel right, then your gut should be listened to.   If you want to live in peace and not be drawn into a world war, then say something.  A Mercury sitting on the centre of consciousness in a square to Neptune says one thing – listen to what your instinct is telling you.   If we return to listening to our instincts we won’t go far wrong. 





The Grey Rhino Event


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