Another New Normal

The Leo Full Moon on February 12th is in a tight square to Uranus – the planet that delivers shocks, sudden changes, sudden breaks.  This is a positively ‘crackling’ New Moon auguring sudden changes and disruptions.  As the world entered 2020 our old normal, that many still crave, changed forever into a new normal.  As we prepare for the advent of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) and this summer’s entry of the planets from Saturn out to Pluto into new signs; we have the beginnings of another new normal 

Trump would be the perfect candidate for the physical incarnation of Uranus in this Full Moon chart - the deliverer of Uranian shocks that have already reverberated around the world since his inauguration less than one month ago.  His radical macho manner has already turned upside down the central core of subjects like climate change, diversity, etc.  But is it all just one big chess game for hm?   He seems without filter, as he promises to ‘liberate our nation’ and achieve a ‘new golden age’, confidently asserting that Canada and Greenland can both have the honour to be the next states of America.    His biggest shocks so far seem to have come in the form of a Mar al Gaza and the exposure of the sheer size of waste of money within one organisation so far – and one that is supposed to help.   But is he actually setting out his store as a front runner candidate for the ruler of the world?   Is the world just one giant Monopoly board in his eyes?

Between the New Moon of January 29th and this February Full Moon, the North Node in Pisces met with Neptune exactly.   The North Node is the part of our destiny axis whose qualities we should be aiming to incorporate within ourselves, balanced by the qualities of the opposite sign.   With a North Node in Pisces, together with Neptune, we would be aiming for Neptunian qualities at their most positive level – compassionate beliefs, creativity and connection to infinity and beyond.  Neptune speaks of dreams and visions at their highest level, and chaos at the lowest.  Neptune and Pisces at their higher level also remind us of our association with the divine through our soul and our spirit, and our ability to use intangibles as a means to improve ourselves and our spiritual health - such things as meditation and expanding our intuitive knowledge; that sense of ‘knowing’, those ‘gut feelings’ that seem to come from nowhere, the ability to just ‘know’ that things feel wrong.  

Uranus invites us to think outside the box – outside the confines of the narrow matrix of reality that keeps us imprisoned in straitjackets.  Remember Trump himself said in his inauguration speech – never believe anything is impossible.  He is proof of that.  The outer planets are approaching their aspect of a minor triangle, full of hope and opportunity for our future.  Neptune encourages us to seek a world without limits – one that exists in our visions and our dreams.  Might it be possible though for us to access this world and, through that, escape the rigidity of our current boundaries?  We might be surprised; it could just be the tech of AI that allows us to do this.  I know it doesn’t seem that way right now but that’s because our viewpoints are limited and shaped by a very narrow matrix; and AI still has a very long way to go to reach Super Intelligence.

Sun Tzu in his Art of War said that if you know your enemy you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself, but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy or yourself you will succumb in every battle.  The sign of the South Node is Virgo – symbolic of health, knowledge and the gathering of data.  If we work with astrology we can grow by understanding ourselves – identifying our strengths and our weaknesses and how we can use our strengths to improve where we lack.  Knowledge that will help us in our battles can be found when we engage our ability to critically understand, alongside higher levels of intuition and conscious awareness.   If we know our enemy’s goal and how they propose to eliminate or weaken us in battle, we can defend ourselves.  We have been convinced over many years to become complacent – to believe that everything is being done to make our lives better and for our own good.   The biggest gift we have given our enemies is our apathy. 

Critical research to be honest is made much easier today by the fact that everything that is being done by those with their huge egos is openly documented; but the language is  obfuscated and ‘word souped’ so that we think we understand what is being said, or, if we don’t truly understand, we feel too stupid to ask exactly what is meant.  Words like technocracy, sustainability, stakeholder capitalism, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusivity), net zero.  We think we understand them all, but do we?

 In the early 1930’s, astrologically we saw Pluto in Cancer opposite a strong Saturn in Capricorn, with both squaring Uranus in Aries.   This was somewhat echoed in 2011 when Saturn in Libra opposed Uranus in Aries, with both squaring Pluto in Capricorn followed by 6 further Pluto/Uranus squares.  Both these periods were clearly going to be pivotal, historical times of change and turmoil.  The 1930’s heralded the depression and WW2 as well as the beginning of an ideology of the science of social engineering to bring about a system of control via sophisticated technological systems and invisible digital constraints – technocracy.   2011 brought us political and economical turmoil, particularly in the Middle East which in turn led to the Arab Spring and then to many of the social issues that we have today.  It also brough technological strides that would help the progress of technocracy.   But it is important we understand how all the different organisations that we have been conditioned to trust have grown up since the 30s.

Technocracy was born in the early 1930s – a world that leaned towards technological advancement and scientism, hungry after WW1 for more of the inventions of the Industrial Revolution.  It appealed to people with wealth and influence such as David Rockefeller, who would go on to set up organisations that would contribute to technocracy’s progress.   Technocracy proposed an ‘energy’ based economy which would replace capitalism and lead to a one-world government system in the political realm, and a one-world economic grid with which to control the populations of the earth.   H. G. Wells, also back in the 1930’s, envisioned a future where human knowledge would be instantly available via a ‘world brain’ (the internet).  He too advocated a technocratic governance controlled by a global scientific elite.   Aldous Huxley, also in the 30’s, foresaw a world where technological change would overwhelm populations, making them ‘lose their capacity for critical analysis’.

 Technocracy is really a scientific dictatorship enabled by full scale surveillance.  It will involve the gradual appearance of a more controlled society, dominated by an elite    It is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the whole world.  The technocratic dream envisions a total reorganisation of industry, government and law and order.  The intent is to socially engineer all society, seize control of production and distribution of all goods and services via a scientific dictatorship and totalitarian style of rule.   Power would lie not with elected politicians but with the technocrats who also happen to head up multi-billion dollar corporations.[1]  Stakeholder capitalism, net zero, sustainability, and DEI all become intrinsically interlinked as required forces that will enable technocracy to rule, with climate change as the driving central core belief. 

 Stakeholder Capitalism is a political system that is designed to be the solution to our climate crisis.  it replaces both free market capitalism and State capitalism (communism) and puts climate change and the achievement of net zero at the heart of everything, empowering the WEF with authority over planet and people as this is carried out.  WEF members comprise the heads of most fortune 500 companies as well as the large NGO’s such as the UN, WHO the EU and G20 governments.  In act Benito Mussolini said (and he should know) that fascism should be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.  In 2020 Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF, announced his 10-year plan to change the world to stakeholder capitalism by 2030, via the mechanism of Terra Carta launched in 2021 by the now King Charles 3.  Terra Carta sets out how to achieve Net Zero - Stakeholder Capitalism’s solution for climate change.  Concealed within all of this is the monetisation of our planet Earth – nature, water, food – everything!!  King Charles is also heavily involved in Astra Carta – which will bring stakeholder capitalism and sustainability to the space industry – nowhere is safe.

Sustainability means sustainable from the threat of climate change.  The word sustainability appears to equate with thrift, resourcefulness, re-use of something, long-term planning to meet our finite resources, but not in this context.  Sustainability’s roots  go back to a 1987 UN report – Our Common Future – that presumed that if we use resources now we will not be able to draw on them in the future.  It is accompanied by varying degrees of vagueness, particularly in terms of ‘corporate social responsibility’.  For instance companies might issue sustainability reports greenwashing their own contribution to sustainability in terms of low carbon emissions, whilst making sales to companies that contribute heavily.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

The 17 sustainable development goals include no poverty, no hunger, good health and well-being, good education, gender equality, clean water, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, climate action.  All sounds very commendable.  But this is where we have to see beyond the BS and do our own research as to where this will really take society.  Sustainable policies are the totalitarian component of stakeholder capitalism now promoted by the graduates of the WEF young global leaders programme, which has now penetrated so many governments and their cabinets.   Climate change is the existential threat to be feared and, therefore, we must adopt net zero policies.  What most don’t realise is that net zero means zero travel, zerofood that we are used to – only the wealthy will be able to do what we are accustomed to now through a system of carbon taxes and totally unproven carbon offset capture.  Stakeholder capitalism will enforce DEI (Diversity, Equity, Incllusivity) policies via ESG (Environmental Social Governance) that will be mandated by government.  Through ESG we will receive a credit score for how compliant we are to sustainable and inclusive policies, to net zero and to employing oppressed people.  No compliance = no funding = businesses collapse. 

Climate Change narratives designed to put fear into populations date back to the 1950s, very often supported by the Rockefeller Foundation.  All have had dire implications, but none have come true.  But the population must be given something to be afraid of.  The Climate and Nature Bill currently going through UK Parliament gives the state a duty to implement a strategy to achieve and ensure that the UK reduces its overall contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.  

DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity)  includes tactics many of which are similar to those used by Mao Tse Tung during the Cultural Revolution in China between 1966 and 1976.  The ordinary people were ‘persuaded’ that they were oppressed by capitalist businesses and landowners.  Now we are led to believe that black people are oppressed by the current capitalist system and white privilege, together with the oppression of sexual identity experienced by those within the trans community.  Mao Tse Tung used similar methods and 12 million working class Chinese joined the Red Guards, a social justice organisation, that drove China’s move towards Communism.

Philanthropists are central to the road to technocracy.  They shape policy and social change by funding universities, schools, media, activists, NGOs and thinktanks.  We only have to look at the foundations funded by people such as Soros, Gates, the Clintons Rockefeller and other heads of large corporates.  A myriad of organisations were set up to create and perpetuate the image – for example the UN, the Council for Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group.   The Trilateral Commission (the Tri part reflects that it covers America, Europe and Asia) was an idea floated by the Bilderbergs and then created in 1973 by Rockefeller just after Klaus Schwab, mentored by Henry Kissinger, set up the World Economic Forum.  In the end the ordinary man had no idea what function any of them had, but in reality all were pursuing technocracy. Keir Starmer was/is a member of the Trilateral Commission as well as the Fabian Society that established mechanisms for gradual social transformation which seem to appeal to many Labour front benchers.  The liberal West was built on social cohesion, and so its destruction is achieved by undermining it.   The Club of Rome was founded as a crisis think tank 1968 based on the notion that the earth has finite resources. Their Limits to Growth, commissioned by the UN in 1972, formed the basis of Cameron’s Big Society and Tony Blair’s New Labour, New Life for Britain - all the same thing. The uniting new enemy was human caused pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine etc - the foundation for today’s climate change messaging that would unite the world to achieve a one world government. 

Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, weaponised Freud’s insights developed a psychological framework that would become modern marketing and social manipulation and his own great nephew co-founded Netflix.  Films pre-condition people just like Pavlov’s dogs to future events, normalising ideals and Hollywood became the centre of predictive programming via films.  Our digital world creates an illusion of choice while every interaction is monitored and shaped.  Initiatives such as the InternetofBodies and the development of smart cities, overseen by governing bodies such as the C40 network, show how technocratic vision is being implemented. 

Full Moons are intended to expose and illuminate.  If technocracy wins it could take many many years for the people to get back any concept of freedom and liberty that they have taken for granted.  Use technology but don’t be used by it.  Understand it for yourself and learn to accept convenience without surrendering autonomy. Their biggest allures will come with the promise of quick fixes of which we won’t know the eventual outcome together with the promise of convenience.  Our biggest gift that we will hand over thoughtlessly will be – our apathy.


[1] The Light Paper, Issue 53


Once I Was a Misfit