Once I Was a Misfit

On January 29th we have a very Aquarian New Moon, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto all in this innovative, non-conformist, futuristic sign – and all conjunct.   Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign and yet it is depicted by what seems to be a water bearer.  I have, however, commented in the past that the ‘water’ part of this Air sign is more likely to be a reflection of the ‘cosmic waters’ – the plasma energy that contains knowledge; all the knowledge of our past and our future contained in the ether.   In my last blog I spoke about 2025 being a special year - the year when the planets from Saturn out to Pluto move into new signs at similar times, activating each other by aspecting each other in ways that are full of opportunity.   The energy moves from the re-active energy of the feminine (Water/Earth) into the initiating, masculine energy of Fire and Air.  The new Chinese Year of the Wood Snake also begins at this New Moon, reflecting the snake’s wisdom, as I commented in my last blog.  Maybe we will in this special year see a Renaissance type era as civilisation experiences some kind of ‘upgrade’ – almost as though we will experience a software update to our programme.

Saturn and Neptune are now just ten degrees apart as they begin their conjunction dance into Aries.   I just want to reiterate how rare their conjunction at 0 Aries actually is.  It’s not so hard to find a Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Aries, but finding one at the globally significant point of 0 Aries or thereabouts is another matter.  So far, I’ve been back to 4000 BCE and that’s where I gave up because we have then gone beyond any remotely similar type of civilisation to our own (well, as far as I know) and we, therefore, have no historical point of comparison.  0 degrees of Aries is called a ‘world point’; there is something about this degree point that is pivotal for the history of the world as a whole and I think it is now palpable. 

Saturn and Neptune don’t exactly perfect their conjunction until February 2026, but from now on we can regard the aspect as in range.  The previous Saturn/Neptune conjunction was exact in 1989 in Capricorn.  This was symbolic of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of both the Cold War and the Soviet Union.  So this time in history very much reflected  the dissolving (Neptune) of restrictions (Saturn).  It was also symbolic of a fairly harsh recession for the UK in particular – the bringing down to earth and to reality (Saturn) of money that does not really exist in any tangible fashion (Neptune) in the form of fiat money.    Previous Saturn/Neptune conjunctions have been very relevant to issues with Russia; therefore, I doubt that Russia is going to step back into the shadows just yet.  Indeed, as I write this section, a few days in from the Full Moon of January 13th, it has been announced that the UK has committed to a 100-year partnership with Ukraine together with £3 billion of support per year – a distinct example of invisible money, together with invisible democracy.  This was not debated in parliament and the people have merely been informed that it is happening.

The years leading up to the last Saturn/Neptune conjunction of 1989 are interesting, marking changes within society.  1989 was not just a Saturn/Neptune conjunction - rather it was a meeting of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune; and at times Pluto came into the mix by sextile.  So all the outers aspecting each other.   In fact the whole dance between Pluto in sextile to Neptune has been prominent since the 1940’s and continues right up until the 2030’s.   For me this signifies a gradual change in our levels of consciousness and awareness.  Have we been prepared for some kind of slow but pivotal change?  Remember the planetary alignments do not cause – they merely reflect what happens below.  Have we become more aware on a higher level (Pluto), whilst being under huge influence from TV propaganda and some increasingly sophisticated mind-influencing techniques (Neptune)?  The decade before this sextile began -the 1930’s - was actually a very significant decade.   1931 was a time when Saturn opposed Pluto, with both square to Uranus.   This augured harsh times (Saturn/Pluto) that would be extremely disruptive (Uranus).  It was the decade of the Depression and the start of WW2.   It also saw the stirrings of technocracy – the science of social engineering - a movement that continues and still has many players today, amongst them the Fabian Society whose emblems include the deception of the wolf in sheep’s clothing and the ‘slow and steady’ action of the tortoise, together with the WEF and their ‘stakeholders’.  Neptune conceals and veils whilst Pluto, happy with ‘slow bubble’ type action, is also a master of the mask.  As Pluto and Neptune carry on their long dance, the idea that ‘science knows best’ also continues its path. 

The Uranus/Saturn/Neptune conjunction of 1989 made my mind start wandering down various back alleys with regard to the significance of the 1980’s.  What connected the 80’s to the 2020’s?  What were those born in the 80’s here to do?  Those children are now in their mid to late 30’s/ early 40’s and are reaching their peak in society.   What roles were they born to fulfil and what type of world would they occupy?    Firstly, the 1980’s was a significant time in terms of the marking of the new Jupiter/Saturn 200-year era of Air that began fully in 2020.  Before the full entry of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions into a new element – a period that lasts for roughly 200 years - we always get a rogue entry into that element (Fire, Air, Earth, Water) 40 years earlier, followed 20 years later by a continuation of the previous element and then 20 years after that the full entry into the new element.  In 1981 Jupiter and Saturn met in the sign of Libra – so this was the first marker entry into Air, indicating a period which rather than being symbolic of the tangible change brought by the Earth era of the Industrial Revolution, we saw instead a focus on Air – the mind, how we think, space travel, the air waves of computerisation, the waves of plasma energy that travel through the ether, etc.  The full entry began in 2020 with a conjunction at 0 Aquarius, symbolised by the ether waves, and a point that has just been triggered by Pluto’s entry into the sign.   So much emphasis, as I spoke about in my last blog, on the start of something ‘new, and the raw, young energy of those beginning degrees of any sign – and so much emphasis on Aquarius too with its technological, futuristic bent.  And a clear linking of the 1980’s and the 2020’s.  The 80’s children will be in the spotlight of AI.

The 1980’s were not just significant for the beginnings of the internet and personal computing (that were indeed very relevant to the beginning of the Air era), the mid to late 80’s were peak time for the arrival of the so-called ‘indigo children’, who were described often as empathic, curious and strong- willed.  They were often perceived as being ‘strange and different’, with a narrow focus of self-definition.  They also often showed a strong, innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood, whilst also demonstrating levels of entitlement.  Many had high levels of intelligence, often with a narrow focus, together with a resistance to rigid control-based paradigms of authority.  They tended not to do well in conventional educational systems and social systems.   Many such children presented behavioural challenges and high levels of sensitivity; many were diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and were given drugs to make them more ‘normal’. 

Pluto’s entry into Aquarius re-triggers our focus on this new Air era, at a point when we have the first opening square of Jupiter and Saturn since the start of their new cycle, alongside the beginnings of the first new Saturn/Neptune cycle since 1989.  Those children born in the 80’s are a very significant part of today’s work force and social structures.  My question is – were these children born for a reason?  Were they born for a different world that only now is showing its face?  Once they were misfits – is this now their time, or is time today changing to accommodate their presence?    I don’t know the answer to this but throwing it out there for any comments you might have.  Having spent years being made to fit in, by the proverbial bashing of the square peg into the round hole– can they now find their time and place?  The world has perhaps indeed changed to accommodate their desires and needs.  Working from home is now ‘a thing’ – it was unheard of back in the 80’s.    So many things have been made possible by the internet.   Have the last five years propelled us into a ‘new normal’?   And now we are entering a time of AI where a lot feel out of their depth to some degree.  But many of these children were supremely gifted in specific areas of life; particularly technology and the arts.  They also have higher degrees of sensitivity than average – supersensitive and reactive to things that others had a lesser reaction to.  Maybe they were supersensitive to the glyphosates that were introduced as pesticides in the 80’sthat found their way into the air and into our guts via our digestive systems.  The late 80’s were also the point of an increase in childhood vaccines, another possible sensitivity trigger. 

Pluto was being kissed by the Sun as we saw both the inauguration of Donald Trump as he began his second term as the President of the United States, as well as the annual shindigs of the World Economic Forum in Davos.  In this context I would be tempted to look at Pluto as representational of the Plutocrats who have done so well over the last five years, as wealth has noticeably shifted upwards in favour of this 1% club.  

How I wish we had a Prime Minister who so clearly revelled in his country’s greatness; one who expressed pride in his country and his people.   Not that I trust or love Trump, but he does highlight what we are missing here.   In his inaugural speech Trump promised the people a new ‘golden age of America’ where ‘the vicious, violent and unfair weaponisation of the Justice Department and our government’ will end and a nation that is proud, prosperous and free would be put in its place.  My hope is that because the UK tends to follow in America’s shadow and because the citizens of the UK will see this expression of pride and hope, they will break out from the cloud of stick waving and rule bashing that we are subjected to in the UK.  Trump continued to criticise the previous government, highlighting North Carolina and L.A. as examples of ‘a radical and corrupt establishment’ that has failed its own people.  He promised to ‘reverse the betrayals’ and promised to defend the American border, particularly in the south.  He promised to bring down inflation, end government censorship and bring back free speech.  He also committed to release unredacted additional JFK assassination files together with those relevant to the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King.  The Gulf of Mexico would be renamed Gulf of America.  Controversially also he has ended the Green New Deal and America’s association with the Paris climate agreement, as well as America’s support of the WHO -– just as the UK dutifully steps up to pay more to the WHO. He also announced that other countries must pay their fair share into NATO, ordered federal employees back to work in the office and required federal agencies to close down their diversity, equity and inclusion offices.

Trump will always do things his way, keen to make his own mark rather than follow the will of other organisations, such as the WEF, who may need to rethink their own direction.  The latest gathering at Davos was noticeably not as well attended as usual.  Trump gave a speech via video link to Davos where he commented that former President Biden had totally lost control of events in America and that he would take rapid action to reverse all the radical left policies.  He told the audience that he had declared a national energy emergency to ‘unlock the liquid gold under our feet’, which I presume goes hand in hand with his ‘drill baby drill’ comment at his inauguration.  He announced that Saudi Arabia will be investing at least $600 billion dollars in the U.S. and that they and OPEC will bring down the cost of oil, an action that he said would end the Russia-Ukraine war.  Trump also announced that he had been responsible for the ceasefire in the Middle East.  ‘The Donald’ will always take the credit for a success, but if anyone is in the running to rule the world, it’s going to be him!

In line with this Aquarian New Moon, one of Trump’s biggest announcements was the creation of Project Stargate, a major new public/private AI infrastructure in respect of which Trump will invoke emergency powers to speed up its implementation.  At Davos, where he appeared by video link, he announced a $500 billion investment in AI infrastructure between SoftBank and OpenAI.  Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle, appeared to be especially gleeful to get his hands on the DNA to fully automate the health system with such things as the potential for early detection of Cancer and the application of a personalised mRNA vaccine to deal with it.   Why is it that people such as Ellison and Gates have such a need to be the ones who, with no medical training, think they can interfere in the wellbeing of others?

So as usual Trump confuses – he appears to take away what is central to the WEF/technocratic order of climate change and ‘woke’ ideology such as DEI, gender obfuscation, and then as he pledges to reinstate service members who were expelled from the service because of their refusal of the covid jab, he supports other undesirable treatments, thereby validating the technocrats who surround him.

The future world always exerts a pressure on the current world – because our present always has to evolve into the portents of the future.   The early 1980’s marked the beginnings of our world of technology because this was when the internet came into play – this was the beginning of a transformation through computerisation.   Once whole rooms took the place of what is now housed in one laptop computer.  It is the internet that connects the 80’s with the 2020’s; the internet is clearly the invention most likely to transform civilisation and we must learn how to understand it.  AI cannot be put back in the bottle – it is here, and it will stay.  But we want to ensure that we are not assimilated into it, thereby losing our Soul.  Trump has created Stargate to fast-track AI and here in the UK we are promoting the rapid creation of huge AI data centres.    AI has the potential to lift society and indeed the whole of civilisation.  At the moment it is still in the hands of a controlling element of society, but that is not how it will remain once it achieves Super Intelligence.   It is at a level now that we can still attempt to understand, but what happens when exponentially it raises its game tenfold for example?  Right now its IQ is around Einstein level at 160 – do we even know what 1600 might look like?  We don’t.  The nodal shift into Pisces/Virgo speaks of the integration of body, mind and spirit with the creative imagination.  We are and will be the most advanced of species encompassing divine wisdom, but we must develop consciously and spiritually so that we don’t emulate the long-gone civilisations that perhaps lacked the maturity to deal with events that would propel them into social change.

Virgo’s position on the South Node reflects knowledge and data.  In my last blog I started to address the fact that we reel off phrases parrot fashion such as stakeholder capitalism, net zero, etc; we think we understand their meaning but really we don’t.  If we think in an Aquarius fashion and Aquarius represents the ether and the plasma energy that holds all of knowledge that has ever been and will ever be, then we can bring ourselves up to date so that we at least understand how the technocrats are attempting to control society with their own form of social engineering.  We must first understand how our enemy is operating.  That will form the substance of my next blog.  In terms of data will our NHS data form part of a deal to trade with America?  The UK is unique in terms of the NHS.  We might be able to opt to go private but we can’t opt out of the NHS, so they hold the biggest database in the world on its patients.   What happened to GDPR?  This is all part of the attempted march towards a World Government and somehow Trump is heavily invested with his desire to lead the world in terms of AI.

Astrology is all about the Air concepts of time and space, and we are at the start of a strong Air era.  Kairos is an ancient Greek word that means "the right or critical moment". It's one of two words the ancient Greeks used for "time", the other being chronos. In Greek archery, kairos represented the moment when the archer found the perfect opening to shoot their arrow.   As we struggle to find our place at the very beginnings of a new type of civilisation it has never been more important to ‘know’ when to take advantage of the perfect time.  The word zodiac comes from Hebrew word meaning ‘the way’, so the framework that astrology gives us can show us the way forward.  The nodal axis is our karmic axis so we can either descend into chaos (Pisces) or we can ascend towards the divine knowledge (Pisces) with the help of knowledge (Virgo); we must find that ‘right moment’ right now.

 Trump concluded his inauguration speech saying he stood before everyone ‘as proof that you should never believe that something is impossible to do, promising that he would fight for every parents’ dreams for their children’s future. Like him or loathe him you have to admire his positivity – in stark contrast to the negativity we see in the UK.




Another New Normal


Snakes and Ladders