Buried Treasures – Festering Issues
Jumping on quickly here to comment on the first quarter moon on November 20th. The Sun, Mars and Ceres (Goddess of the Harvest) have all tracked each other and are a nice cosy threesome in bed at 27 degrees of Scorpio, opposite Uranus, all squaring the Moon in Aquarius and Saturn at 0 Pisces. The energy of Scorpio can be likened to still waters running very deep. What you see on the surface is nothing like what lies beneath. A Scorpio individual will keep their cards close to their chest and be extremely secretive and private. They often tend to bury their anger and rage which can lead to jealousy, toxicity and festering neuroses.
Mars represents the urge to take action, which in Scorpio will often be on a covert level using ‘persuasion’ and manipulation. Scorpio’s trump card though is that he has the tenacity to make things happen in a very determined way, pulling every rabbit in existence out of the bag to achieve what he wants. Scorpio is also very apparent within issues of trust and betrayal. The key question, therefore, for me would be should we trust or are we being betrayed?
Mars rules the Sun at this quarter moon – the Sun is merely an honoured guest in Mars’ kingdom; he has to stick by Mars’ rules. Mars is the God of War and the two wars we see currently, in Ukraine and in Gaza, have at their roots festering hatreds and deep-seated issues. As wars dig in and more people are doomed to die, there will never be a real settlement, because Mars rules. Even if one side claims victory the toxicity merely deepens and the neuroses grow in number. But the main reason for these wars lies with those who take the opportunity to capitalise upon them for the sake of money. They are the real cold-hearted sociopaths and psychopaths; the ones who hoard their wealth whilst wearing the mask of a philanthropist.
With the Sun, Mars and Ceres square to the Moon (the people), has the very idea of democracy in the UK been betrayed as, exactly on the New Moon, one of the top jobs in Parliament is given out to a member of what might be termed the ‘ultra-networked elite’? Albeit that the now Lord Cameron was once our Prime Minister, he has been brought in by an unelected current Prime Minister, made a peer and most importantly he cannot be grilled by or indeed be answerable to the elected parliament. He’s already taken his bat and ball away from the playground once, so what now?
Mars, Venus and Neptune are all in rulership. Pluto still squares the nodes (the destiny axis) and this, alongside the Scorpio line up, suggests that we still face a lot of hidden secrets, with hidden hands poking their fingers into some very juicy pies; all connected by a vast web of unseen figures with one thing in common – vast wealth bringing power and influence over world events. However, is this all about to be shaken up and revealed by Uranus? Mythically Uranus has form for this, having been responsible for the gift of fire to man in defiance of the gods.
The people (Moon in Aquarius) desire community and humanitarianism – they are tired of being pushed into fighting wars against people to whom they have no allegiance and against ideologies they couldn’t really care less about, paying taxes that destroy their own once comfortable lives. The Moon has Saturn by her side and Saturn represents authority figures, rules, regulations. But in Pisces these authoritative figures have no teeth. As an astrologer friend said to me, they are like ‘gummy’ bears – exceedingly gummy bears. They are toothless – they claim solidarity with the people but there’s something about them that says they do not stand with the people at all. Saturn is in a different sign – he walks to a different drumbeat, out of step with the people he claims to stand by.
What we the people don’t perhaps realise enough is that we have vast untapped ‘buried treasures’ to call upon. These treasures or talents are buried within our psyche and within the collective unconscious of all knowledge that has gone by that we carry within us. As Pluto moves from the sign of corporate power to the sign that represents the power of equals, perhaps we will come to realise that when we come together we have real power. The leaders spend a vast amount of time and vast amounts of money on psychological techniques convincing the public to do their ‘work’ for them, demonstrating that they actually need us on side. Why? Because there’s around 8 billion of us!! Many of whom have now had enough of being a real-life pawn on a chessboard. We have reserves of grit, determination and ability contained within us to call upon. We just need the veil to lift and to stop fearing - fearing social exclusion as well as career and economic penalties.
The Aries/Libra nodal axis (destiny axis) says we have to find our courage, our desire to do before it’s too late. We can stick at the Libran end, being all nicey nicey, flip flopping and not wanting to rock the boat. We have to do our Mars and how we do Mars will be different for everyone depending on where Mars sits in your and birth chart. For me my Mars is in Gemini, so the only way I know how to do Mars well is through communicating – whether that is with my voice or through words such as in my blogs. What is your best way to do Mars? The people have to see the illusion of reality that is created by our perceptions, dig deep for the talents within come into a state of non-fear.