Believe what you see or see what you believe?
At this Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th we have finally left behind the heavy Scorpio energy, but we still have the ‘three in a bed’ situation of Sun, Mars and Ceres, but now all have moved from intense, deep Scorpio into fiery Sagittarius. Do we now have some chance of actual thought and communication coming from the stance of the bigger overview? Mars, the God of War, loses the power he had in Scorpio and is being pulled back to do the King’s bidding. Saturn squares the Full Moon – something is changing, being reined in. But who is the King and what is his bidding? Just as Mars, the God of War, was on the brink of losing his strength we suddenly heard that some Israeli hostages were to be released in exchange for Palestinian hostages. And, as Mars hit 29 degrees 59 of Scorpio, his last moment in the sign, so a pause in the bombing began, together with the start of the handover of hostages. Completely in tune with the dance of the universe. As the Moon reaches fullness sadly the violence will likely restart.
It is the Gemini ability held within the Moon to make connections and join the dots, together with the bigger Sagittarian overview of the Sun, that we need to turn to for guidance at this Full Moon. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, shines out right on the Ascendant in Sagittarius. Granted he would be happier in Gemini or Virgo, sifting through all the little details, and granted he is the only one of the Gods who can travel between both upper and lower worlds. But for now he must go up to the eagle’s perch and show us the way through the mess that has been created. He is exactly sextile the south Node and trine the North Node – he is in a perfect position to show us how to use the skills with which we came into this world and how we can use them to fulfil our destiny potential.
Mercury symbolises all forms of communication, thought and learning. And in Sagittarius this is more about philosophical beliefs, the higher self, cross-cultural and religious beliefs. Mercury’s position right on the Ascendant leans more towards how our perceptions influence our beliefs. The Ascendant is our front door to the world – how we view our world, what we see out there and how what we see informs our beliefs and influences our attitude. Whatever sign our Sun, our Moon and all the other planets might be in, all have to process through the Ascendant and its ruler. That world we see when we open the front door that is our Ascendant is our personal reality – which might be very different from our best mate’s realities or even our next-door neighbour’s. Different reactions to the same situation stem from how each individual reaches his/her perception and consequently their personal reaction. Do you just believe what you see, or do you see what you believe? What perspective do you take your beliefs from? Do you believe what is in front of you or do you take time to truly examine the options and only then see what you believe?
The question is – how in today’s almost anti-reality, or inverted reality, do we find truth when so much propaganda, together with behavioural and mind influencing techniques, abounds. We have just come out of Scorpio season where so much is masked and concealed. Patrick Wood, the author of Technocracy News, recently spoke about what he terms the ‘normalcy bias’. This is where our gut tells us that some kind of crisis is looming, but rather than deal with it our defence mechanisms kick in and we pretend that everything will be just fine, even though we see the spectres of tyranny and control shadowing us. Civilisations always rise and they always fall. Civilisations progress and then those who only seek profit at others’ expense appear and proceed to organise society for their personal benefit.
Books such as Brave New World and 1984 now read like user manuals for life today rather than fiction novels about a futuristic dystopia. Why and how, when they were written so long ago? Brave New World some 90 years ago and 1984 74 years ago. It is because both Huxley and Orwell mixed with the very technocrats who were influencing society to work towards a much more technological reality. Those who seek to be in control of the herd and plan to socially engineer society are fully aware that the changes they desire are not quick fixes and they are prepared to put in the time required. In 1984 Orwell wrote that he who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the present controls the past in a world where history is rewritten and ‘telling the truth is a revolutionary act’. He spoke about ‘doublethink’ as ‘the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them’. In Orwell’s world power was not a means – it was an end. And whilst other power-hungry groups might pretend and might even convince themselves that they were working for the ultimate good of the people, Orwell’s thought police were not at all interested in the lives of the people; they just wanted power for the sake of power.
I have always assumed that inventions such as television, computers, smart phones are merely the product of some kind of random progress. But was it actually design by social engineering that such inventions were required and then created as a means of power? Neptune was first discovered in his own sign of Pisces back in the mid 1800’s just as cinema and cinematography became a thing. What better way to ‘escape’ at a time when travel was not open to most people. Pisces and Neptune symbolise how we can leave reality behind, and this in itself can become an addiction.
Cinema was followed by television, the expansion of photography, expansion of the media and then of course computers and smart phones. Pictures could be beamed into cinemas first and then directly into our homes – an absolutely massive change for society as a whole. Those who appeared on our screens became more and more revered whilst the technology became identifiable with our own personal social mobility and reputation. And of course because people could see these pictures they came to emphatically believe in them and the messages that accompanied them . How many are now addicted to their computers, to their smart phones to social media? How many people could actually give them up? This is a type of addiction that creeps, that pervades – it is like a fine mist that can get everywhere before you even realise it. How has this affected our minds, our beliefs and our perceptions without us even realising?
Nothing is hidden today about the desires of the increasingly profit driven state/corporate partnerships that are the basis of how Marxism functions. Corporates increasingly influence political decision making. We were warned back in the 30s about the desires of the technocrats by both Huxley and Orwell. They wrote about it and it seemed like fiction, but was it? Was it the plan? Huxley warned of a ‘dictatorship without tears’ because society would be so distracted by trivialities and mind manipulation they just wouldn’t notice. In this way the people, he said, would willingly enter their own prisons and remain there with no desire to leave. There is a silent coup d’etat happening in front of our eyes; the people believe everything they see even if it is absurd and even if the absurdities are pointed out. The ‘dictatorship without tears’ Huxley said would be like ‘a painless concentration camp for entire societies’ where people would actually enjoy losing their liberties because ‘they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing’ is here. What better way to describe social media than as a ‘triviality’ that would distract a whole society. Huxley in Brave New world was speaking of the conveniences of technological advancement that would in the future be used by government against the people to destroy them. Such governments knew that permanent crisis would justify permanent control of the people – and now our lives are being influenced by continual wars.
These dystopian type novels appeared at a time when the behaviour of the mind was being closely studied by people such as Jung and Freud. But it also followed a time of the discovery of the outer planets – Uranus in 1781 during the Scientific Revolution, Neptune in 1846 bringing cinema, TV etc, and finally Pluto in 1930 heralding the power of control and mind manipulation. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are our personal guiding planets but the outers in my mind are a bit like the Akashic Records, containing the memory of all that has been, all that is now and all that will become – the collective unconscious held in the unconscious. Jupiter and Saturn form the bridge between the personal and the collective worlds.
Universal Law, or astrological law, demonstrates that the future informs the present –humanity has to reach a point where what is required by the future can draw in the present. There is a plan, and it corresponds to Universal Natural Laws; and these universal laws are contained within astrological principles. And within these astrological principles the whole history of the world is contained – past, present and future. Nothing is random. Everything follows a plan. Some will resonate to the future plan better than others and those that do, according to Patrick Wood, are not worried about stating their plans because they know that the majority are distracted by trivial amusements such as the cinema, TV, smart phone screens, social media, sport. Some people are leaders and the majority are followers. In between there lies the rebels. Those who will not conform. They are the Watchers who try to warn even if they are not heard. Everyone resonates – whether they are the distracted followers or the leaders who are spurred on to become change agents according to this universal law. However, the success rate of the change agents – whether they are pro the changes or anti - depends on their ability to ‘read’ the propaganda and their courage and ability to give the counter argument.
Everything is screaming that there is a revolutionary change coming - on the level of a type of civilisation change. It is as obvious as we have two eyes to see, a nose to smell, a mouth to shout and eat with and two ears to hear. Nothing at all has been hidden thanks to the promotion of the WEF. And as we stand on the brink of the technological sub reality which is AI why would that not be so? If AI goes according to plan, it is highly likely that we will see some kind of human/machine relationship before too long which would bring in one of the biggest changes to civilisation ever. However, just because this is the plan does not mean it will be successful, even though the ride might be wild and messy. It will be pushed in by Big Tech in partnership with government and the military industrial complex. Technology will become so powerful and so intelligent that it becomes akin to religion.
It is likely that there will be a huge conflict between technology and humanity insomuch that technology wins at the expense of humanity as we know it. Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous, who was also likely to have moved in similar technocratic circles, considered that evolution must be directed in order to transcend what holds back human progress. Already there has been a kind of cultural eugenics (the Huxleys were great eugenicists) in that critical thinking has already been censored and renamed conspiracy theorising.
Some proponents of a linkup between AI and genomic engineering are on a quest for immortality, where life will present death as a choice rather than a certainty. When we look at those who press the most for this technocratic takeover there are many old men in there, such as Soros, Schwab, Rothschild and Gates so this would certainly not come as a surprise. d
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes all the same
And the people in the houses
All went to the university
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same
And there’s doctors and lawyers
And business executives
And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same
So if universal law is absolute, what message can we glean from the upcoming astrology? We can clearly see how important the 2012 period of Pluto/Uranus was in terms of the upheaval and political turmoil occurring in the world, leaving the way open for many of today’s events. And we can clearly see how the astrological energy of the 2020 period was so crucial in shaping behaviours and accelerating what was desired to happen. We have a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction next April which is likely to coincide with a surge in technological advancement. The years between now and 2026 are very crucial. In 2025 we arrive at a point where many of the planets including the outers will all be at early degrees of their signs. This is young raw energy and suggests some kind of new beginning has started. There will also be easy aspects between all the outer planets that shape the collective. But easy doesn’t mean positive for society – it just means it’s easy to influence the collective. It also doesn’t mean that those who have strong desires will be successful. That will require effort on both sides – from those who are pro and those who see the dystopian nature we have been warned about. In 2026 Saturn comes out of Pisces and into Aries to meet with Neptune at 0 degrees of Aries, a point that will affect everyone globally, although both planets will have been in range since 2025. Saturn says we must get real whilst Neptune says no, let’s escape to wherever we want to be. And maybe escape in this context is not such a bad thing.
We are going to need people to be people who are individuals; not ones who are in boxes where they all look and behave just the same - that would mean AI has created a robotic army! I would welcome any thoughts on this as I have run out of space now and plan to continue the theme of this blog at the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th.