The Dominant Minority
Since the beginning of time there has always been a dominant minority, in the form of those who rule the majority and shape how civilisation moves forward for good or for ill. Some names became memorable and remain a part of history for ever. We may not remember what they did but we remember the names of these people of influence. Plato, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Henry VIII, Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Adolf Hitler, to name just a few. Some were wise, some were great inventors, some were great rulers and some were just evil warlords.
And still it goes on, but with the arrival of a digital world the globe in many ways has become smaller and dreams have become bigger. No longer a dream for that minority group of influencing just a town, a nation, a country or even a continent. For the first time the dream can be to literally influence and potentially govern the whole world. Those who have these dreams have their own ideologies which they firmly believe to be the right one for the future. Who from our era will be remembered in history?
New Moons are always a time for new dreams, new ideas, new intentions. They set the scene for the lunar month to come. And on December 12th we have a New Moon in Sagittarius – the sign that loves ‘going large’, freedom, justice, open space, looking at the bigger picture. Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, symbolised by Zeus – the God of Gods; Zeus who embraces wisdom, hope, optimism, philanthropy. At the New Moon Mars still walks alongside the Sun but he is almost out of the shadow of his control. The chart set for the UK has Virgo rising and a Gemini Midheaven, meaning that Mercury – our voice and our level of communication – is of prime importance (he rules both Virgo and Gemini). Mercury sits in Capricorn at the New Moon, standing still just before he goes retrograde until January 2nd. He is making a particularly harmonious aspect to Jupiter, the ruler of this New Moon, very very close to the degree of the lunar eclipse on October 28th, which I am finding an aspect of hope and optimism. Will we perhaps see something positive in the Middle East, at least over the Christmas period? In Capricorn Mercury is hopefully inspired to think responsibly and morally to do ‘the right thing’.
A stationary planet is strong in its power, but when the planet is about to turn retrograde it holds more of the quality of a sick man who needs to go to bed. And, because Mercury is all about communication, his retrograde periods get such bad press. This retrograde period lasts from the New Moon until January 2nd, so beware of communication issues over the Christmas period, particularly as the Deputy Prime Minister has already warned us to expect both internet and energy outages. And this is an interesting Mercury because his retrograde period covers both Capricorn and then into Sagittarius, a sign where Mercury is somewhat uncomfortable. So not only is he retrograde – which in my opinion is not as bad as its reputation – he is not running on full power and could be tempted to turn into his alter ego – the trickster, always dangerous. Mercury is like his name – mercurial; he is quick and flighty, and in this mode, we may not see his tricks until after they have been played.
Mercury’s last retrograde period through Capricorn/Sagittarius was in December 2016/January 2017 – the time of Brexit and Trump’s surprise election. The war in Syria was already 5 years in. However, during that particular period he stopped just short of crossing the ‘Galactic Centre’ which is situated at around 26 degrees of Sagittarius. He recently crossed this point on November 28th (towards the end of the fragile Israel/Gaza truce); he will retrograde across it on Christmas Day and then finally cross it in a direct motion on January 10th. What is so meaningful about the Galactic Centre? It symbolises the rotational centre of the Milky Way – our galaxy. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany have confirmed the existence of a supermassive black hole at this centre, encompassing in the region of 4 million solar masses, a mass being approximately equal to the mass of the Sun. Some might consider this point just a cosmic void. The Mayans, however, believed it to be where all souls enter and exit our galaxy and that it represented, therefore, the centre of cosmic wisdom. Philip Sedgwick commented that the Galactic Centre ‘emits a wide array of powerful radiation, most notably infrared’. He went on to say that this infrared energy pressures the subconscious mind, providing the release of learned behaviour and memories, both negative and positive, all in the interest of moving forward. Could we consider it more then as the cosmic womb, the birthing point of consciousness and thought? It is interesting to note that Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, traversed the point during 2006 and 2007. And this was the period that started to set the stage for our current contextual environment.
Mercury at this New Moon sits with a Fixed Star called Facies. Facies symbolises the ‘penetrating stare of a lethal weapon’ that contains penetration of action but has no regard for others. Brady tells us that Facies represents a person who can be a great leader or a fearsome dictator (back to my dominant minority), as well as the individual who becomes the victim of ‘the archer’s stare’. On the upside it gives the gift of prolonged and intense mental focus which we can use to our benefit.
Mercury represents our mind, our brain and our thoughts and in very recent news we are told that 1 in 5 people in the UK now requires medication to calm their anxious and depressed minds. This is such a sad fact in a world today where we have so much more on a material level than ever before. The sadness is also emphasised by the fact that I suspect a huge proportion of those on medication are in fact our young people who now seem to be so anxious about so much. Is this caused by our current teachings on gender, the over sexualisation of our young and the indoctrination of climate change? We also cannot forget the constant ‘fear porn’ put out by the media. Young minds are particularly susceptible to neural plasticity where the neural networks of brain change and reorganise during growth. The brain rewires allowing it to function differently from how it was previously. Whilst the developing young brain exhibits a higher degree of plasticity than the adult brain, neural plasticity still continues into adulthood. Indeed it is much more likely if the mind is in a constant state of fear and anxiety.
When someone experiences a stressful event, the amygdala in the brain sends a distress signal to the hypothalamussignalling the ‘fight or flight’ response. The pre-frontal cortex section of the brain processes the information to determine if the threat is real and how to respond. If the threat is not serious the frontal lobes take control, but if the fight or flight senses kick in, instead the amygdala highjacks the logical senses. The hypothalamus sends signals to the adrenal glands to send adrenaline into the bloodstream, airways in the lungs open to transport more oxygen to the brain. All this just happens automatically and then when the threat passes the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in to put the brakes on and dampen the stress response. However, many people are finding it difficult to actually put the brakes on and consequently suffer from constant chronic low-level stress. To continue in this state of mind is dangerous, but to grow up with it as children and know no different is another.
Some like me have minds that never seem to stop whirring, waking up in the night with thoughts still buzzing and not even letting up for what should be a peaceful walk in the woods. Many are at the opposite end of the spectrum and seem to allow others to do their thinking and decision making for them. In fact it seems that we are taught not to think these days. We are urged to look after our bodies, but our minds need a similar level of care, particularly if we are vulnerable on some level. Regular meditation, being in nature and doing things we can ‘lose’ ourselves in such as music, yoga, sport help us allow our minds to just switch off for a while. Getting our thoughts into some kind of rational perspective by being able to talk them through with a trusted person can also be extremely helpful. If the fight or flight response is always in play, particularly in terms of young people, it is extremely difficult to think logically and, therefore, to take on board any kind of learning or wisdom.
The Bible tells us that ‘in the beginning there was the Word’. Word and mind came before matter and the material world. Our brains and our ability to ‘think’ are of vital importance and we should value them accordingly. When our ability to ‘think’ and to speak our thoughts becomes challenged and censored this is a threat to the first thing we were endowed with – the Word. In fact, we are currently being censored on a global level in an unprecedented fashion. There is power in Word and psychological mind manipulation knows this; words can be easily and very subtly weaponised in terms of the language that is used.
I was prompted to write this particular blog because one of my readers commented to me that my blog had left her feeling apprehensive. I realise that my blogs tread a fine line between trying to be a watcher who warns and becoming that pessimist who is always delivering bad news. I believe it is the astrologer’s role to be analytical of the astrology as it stands within the context of our situation. We are at pivotal point in our history and how things turn out will be determined very much by our reactions. If we don’t use the first ‘gift’ we were given’ in terms of the Word and instead allow others to ‘think’ for us, we become lost to the dominant minority. As a nation we are naturally compliant rather than revolutionary, but how complacent have we become?
It is not my intention with my blogs to convert people to my way of thinking. We need different opinions, but what we do need to be able to do is to discuss our opinions so that we can validate and understand what the media pushes upon us and why they do so. Every week I probably add one more piece to the jigsaw, so I am still very much learning and absorbing information. Over the last number of years many forms of extremely mind influencing techniques have been developed that we do not realise are being used against us to retain a compliant population. This is Mercury in his trickster mode. Think back to when we were in lockdown – just the use of a phrase that consists of three sets of words is an influencing technique that has been demonstrated to get a message through. Colours used in these messages are also important – for instance red is a message of danger. Remember how the weather maps this summer turned red on many occasions in a way they never used to.
It is also not my intention to scare people. If we are in a fear or ‘wetiko’ mode, we cannot use the gift of the Word because we cannot process our thoughts. But many of these mind influencing techniques have the creation of fear as their goal. I truly believe that to have knowledge on our side is far better than ignorance; knowledge is an empowerment tool. My intention is to promote awareness while we are still in a place where we can look after our own minds and still think logically and rationally. We are being presented with problems, reactions and solutions ready made on a plate whilst being shepherded towards the desired solution. Do I believe there will be some kind of new world order? The signs are definitely there, but it does not have to be the new world order exactly as the global technocrats want it to be.
I was watching an episode of Clarkson’s Farm last night and was intrigued by how complex and how reliant on weather conditions a resulting harvest becomes. The right amount of rain, the right amount of sunshine, the right amount of moisture level within the crop before the actual harvest. It is so so complex. And then when conditions are ‘just right’ as Goldilocks would say, farmers have to go go go before weather conditions change. However, is this type of knowledge a priming tool to lead towards the technological solution which would take out the randomness within our food supply and give us food security? Synthetic food for all, leaving nature behind! That may be a solution but is it really what we want to look forward to? Maybe it is for some.
We live in such an upside-down world which seems a mixture of Alice Through the Looking Glass and in Wonderland, as well as complete Clown world. In fact we appear to live in a time of inverted reality, and inversion is a satanic tool to create disorder and chaos in order to bring about societal and cultural change. Robin Monotti recently said that ‘we live on a planet in which people believe oil and gas are fossil fuels, C02 is a pollutant, masks stop viruses, vaccines are safe and effective, gender is a matter of opinion, censorship is essential for democracy because of hate speech, and genocides are self-defence’. You may not agree with what he has said but it is certainly worth thinking about. As Mercury makes two more passes across the Galactic Centre – the gate for souls and the womb of consciousness – we have an opportunity to expand our personal wisdom centres and take in the knowledge contained in the Galactic Centre.
We live in a time, and I have written on this before, where it is well known that the next battlefield is for the mind. NATO produced a paper on cognitive warfare in 2021. I believe we are not only in a physical, materialistic war but a spiritual war and Satan, in his Saturnian form, delights in giving us challenges that sometimes we feel might break us. However, if we alchemise these challenges into fuel by meeting them head on, we can achieve spiritual growth, whilst developing a resilience that will serve us well for the future. In other words we can alchemise something malevolent into something good.
I conclude with a poetic form of a 1946 post-war confessional prose by a pastor about the silence of German intellectuals and clergy following the Nazi’s rise to power.
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me. But there was nobody left to speak out for me.