Everyone and Everything. Everywhere and All At Once

 Everyone and everything - spiritually and physically connected within the mathematical constructs of our universe. Rich and poor, old and young, good and evil, dark and light, all skin colours - all connected.   No fences, no borders, no limits.  Nothing escapes – connected everywhere and all at once.  Rupert Sheldrake shared this idea of connection when he talked about the idea of morphic resonance, where all memory is inherent in nature and where all self-organising systems inherit a collective memory. [1]  This brings a sympathetic vibration where an idea conceived in one mind can then arise in another.  It also explains the idea of quantum entanglement where entangled particles remain connected, so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great distances.

 We are born and we die - and the gift we are given at our birth is not only the gift of life but an allotted timespan for that life as judged by the Lots of Fate.   How we live out these gifts rests upon how we take responsibility for our actions.  According to the ancients, a person’s life would be judged at death by the weighing of the heart against the weight of a feather.  In Ancient Egyptian tradition the heart was the seat of the life-spirit, whilst the feather represented the goddess of truth and justice.   Hearts heavier than the feather were rejected and eaten by the Devourer of Souls.  Whilst the sign of Libra and, therefore, Venus as Libra’s ruler would represent the scales of justice, the planetary God Saturn would be the most likely contender for the judgment of how a life has been lived.  Physically our bodies are held together by Saturn - he symbolises our skeleton, our bones and our teeth.  More than this though, he is the teacher of our moral compass and, interestingly, at the New Moon in Leo on August 16th he answers to no-one.   He aspects no planets in the chart.  In the sign of Pisces, where he currently resides, he does not have the same strength he has enjoyed over the last five years, but his main ability now would manifest in terms of how we guide our lives on a more spiritual level.   How have we transcended the everyday ‘necessities’ of life into realising the more uncharted realms of our dreams, our visions, our emotions, our unconscious minds and how have we released ourselves from the unnecessary burdens of the learned behaviours of our childhood so that we may give out on an inner level and help others?  This is very important during this current period of spiritual crisis. 

 In my last blog I spoke about the upcoming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April 2024 and, as we know, each aspect in the sky builds on the last.   Following on from the manifestation of the energy of Jupiter/Uranus will be a build-up towards a new Saturn/Neptune cycle which will be exact in February 2026 at 0 Aries – a world point.  This may seem too far off to think about but it’s not.   The future informs the present, so it will help us if we are consciously aware of what we are ultimately working towards, particularly as Saturn and Neptune have a long slow courtship.  Whilst Jupiter/Uranus is indicative of some kind of shock or sudden event, Saturn/Neptune demonstrates more of a spiritual crisis – everywhere and all at once!

 Saturn and Neptune begin their journey into Aries in 2025, but don’t make their exact meeting until the following year.  Saturn’s strength is that he can help to manifest into reality Neptune’s ideals, whilst Neptune’s strength is that he can provide the creative vision and imaginative ideology.  Saturn may try though to limit Neptune’s journey into the realms of the unknown and Neptune in turn may sabotage and undermine Saturn’s universal moral compass through subversion and destabilisation, dissolving Saturn’s desires to set boundaries.  Aries is a sign that is pioneering, desires to fight to win and has ambition to achieve at all costs.  Aries goes straight to the heart of an issue.  Pisces is accommodating, compassionate and may take the more duplicitous, bending, possibly even sneaky route.  In Aries both will be fuelled with the energy of fire – the cold Saturnian nature will be warmed up and Neptune’s energies may begin to ‘bubble’.   In Pisces Neptune perhaps idealised the whole ideology of confusion and deception - in Aries he may begin to idealise the act of war itself.

 Neptune has been in his own sign of Pisces since 2011, some 12 years, whilst Saturn entered in the Spring of this year.   Saturn’s meeting with Neptune in 2026 will bring to a close a cycle that began in 1989, three years after the Chernobyl disaster had cast its shadow.  And once again, just before we begin this next cycle, a nuclear threat currently looms large.  Whilst history doesn’t repeat, it often rhymes, and we need as many clues at this pivotal, paradigm-shifting time as we can get.  1989 was actually a conjunction of three planets - Uranus, Saturn and Neptune, all sextile Pluto; and when we see the outer planets in aspect to each other we know we are looking at a learning process that is vital on some level for the collective as a whole.  In 2026 we will have Saturn and Neptune sextiling both Pluto and Uranus, so once again all the outer planets aspecting each other, indicating a period of global collective importance. But the aspect is showing a different pattern to 1989 – it is one that is shaped like a small triangle and this is indicative of a potential to bring opportunities.  And it occurs as many of the planets will be in early degrees.  Does this mean the seeds of new opportunities?  Might there be a potential for some kind of awakening of Neptune’s spiritual ideals and imaginative creativity put into action by Saturn; or on the shadow side a disruption of the ideals that act as the underpinning of our culture?  

  In 1989 we began to see collapses; the collapse of the old systems (Saturn) and ideals (Neptune) to be replaced by the new; and, included within that, the beginnings of the subversion and demoralisation of our society.   It started well when in 1989 the Berlin Wall fell, to be followed in 1991 by the collapse of the Soviet Union.   Apartheid in South Africa also came to an end in 1991.  But with every ending we see beginnings. And with Saturn/Neptune we often see some kind of civil unrest – and this is particularly likely to happen I think in the sign of Aries.  In 1990 Iraq invaded Kuwait beginning a destabilisation of civil unrest in the Middle East which eventually would bring further destabilisation to the west through ensuing migration.  We also saw political rises that would impact future society - Bill Clinton became President of the USA in 1993 and Tony Blair began his metamorphosis of the Labour party in the UK as he joined the shadow cabinet in 1992 and then became Prime Minister between 1997 and 2007.  Both men succeeded (Saturn) mainly because of their deceptive, charismatic personas (Neptune).  The Labour Party in 1989 represented the working man, but under Blair this morphed into New Labour, which by 2023 seems very little different to the Tory Party.

 In 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn as Blair’s political career was ending and he transformed himself into a philanthropist.   We also saw the beginning of a recession that, with the help of Neptune’s smoke and mirrors, in all likelihood never really ended.   When Pluto entered Capricorn Saturn and Neptune were in opposition and Saturn and Neptune in aspect are indicators of ‘soft’ money or money on credit, possibly the beginnings of our current financial issues bringing in a generation of unsatisfiable consumers who continued to ‘extend’ their purchasing ability. Pluto’s reign in Capricorn has revealed the corruption within all that Capricorn stands for – the banking industry, the government and the big corporates who have joined forces in a very Marxist way to control the activities of the world for their benefit rather than the people’s.  As we head towards the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction we already see rampant inflation; does Saturn/Neptune augur deflation?

 Saturn takes about 29 years to circumvent the zodiac while Neptune’s journey takes 165 years.  2025 will be the first time Neptune has navigated Aries since 1861.  Interestingly this was very soon after a Jupiter/Saturn element switch as we have just had.  It was the beginning of a new age as the Industrial Revolution was bringing huge changes to society – welcome to some but possibly viewed with suspicion by many, just as now, as we approach what appears to be a new ‘smart’ technological/technocratic age.  1861, interestingly, was also a time of the rise of Marxism, which we see once again with the rise of corporate/public partnerships and the burgeoning of ‘thinktanks’.

 Neptune in Aries has often coincided with wars, uprisings and break ups.  For instance 1206, coinciding as now with a new Jupiter/Saturn air cycle, was a time of the Crusades and Genghis Khan’s conquest of Eurasia, the late 1300’s saw the Hundred Years War between Britain and France and the Peasants’ Revolt, whilst Neptune was also in Aries at the time of Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries in 1538. 

 Over the last 20 years or so, and particularly influenced by the Blair government, we have seen a long, slow and subtle subversion of society on many flanks resulting in loss of trust in our once great health service, in our police service, in our government, in our education system, in the banking system.  The political and social turmoil of the Pluto/Uranus squares of 2008 to 2018 at the same time hammered more nails into the coffin and then came Neptune in Pisces.  The Illusory nature of both planet (Neptune) and sign (Pisces) seems to have pulled a veil over the deceptions, with reactions to problems and situations that have no basis in reality.

 There’s an even bigger picture though that I don’t think I have ever touched upon on in my blogs.  This is what I would call the Mega Cycle.  We are over halfway through this cycle that began with the chart of the First Axial Age of 577BCE.  We saw then a conjunction of Uranus Pluto and Neptune opposing Saturn and all squaring Jupiter.  So the three outer planets, symbolic of the collective, were lined up together, and Saturn and Jupiter, symbolic of the socio economic situation of a time, were also aspecting them.  This was the point leading up to the birth of many of the world’s main religions as well as the most important age of the mystics and the greatest philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle who have ever walked our Earth.  It was an age of deep thought.  An age when responsibility was taken for realising one’s life and one’s dreams (Saturn and Neptune).  There was great hope and great faith (Jupiter).   We don’t see a chart anything like this until 3378 AD.  The halfway checkpoint was in 1389/1391 – the Golden Age of the Renaissance, interesting in itself.    

 Just stop pretending

My blogs over the last few years have been a way for me to try to make sense of our crazy world using astrology and astrological principles.   For each blog I always feel ‘guided’ in some way towards a topic. If I try to write on something different no words come.   And I give thanks to my ‘critique in chief’ (she knows who she is) who receives a draft copy and is unafraid to bluntly tell me if something is not quite right!!!   I try to get a sense of the energy of our future to seek hope that at some point there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.  In essence I am seeking how we break out of this blue pill Matrix and achieve breakthrough to a red pill true life outside.   To do this we must understand and distance from the public/corporate desires into a time where we go back to taking our own responsibility for our lives. 

 I know that 2023 will be a pivotal year.  For much of the year we have Pluto, representative of power, control and huge transformation, squaring the destiny axis of the nodes, as both he and the nodes change signs and in so doing continue to retrigger the April solar eclipse.  This demonstrates the paradigm shift where we find ourselves, but this shift is long and slow, and at times painful.   To get through we have to stop pretending – pretending that if we adopt the three monkeys’ principle of not seeing, not hearing and not speaking out on evil, all will just pass by and we will go back to the old normal.

 With Saturn and Neptune together we are challenged to find a balance between the real and the ideal, between what is true reality and what is merely lies and illusion.  How do we find the right kind of forward-looking ideals where we can aim for our dreams and visions without falling foul of delusion and illusion as we seem to have done at the present time?  The dark side of Saturn says we are oppressed and judged, whilst the dark side of Neptune brings in fakery, deception and, therefore, ensuing corruption.  Above all will be called to allow transcendence (Neptune) to dissolve both our individual ego (Saturn) as well as the collective ego that is telling us we just need more and more money to have a happy life.

 This is a spiritual crisis even more than it is a crisis of power and wealth.  This is both a beginning and an end.  Will we dig a deeper hole, or will we plant new seeds as the planets shift signs?  Saturn/Neptune augur periods of disillusionment and collapse and it’s a very big deal that they meet on the Aries point.  We have to get rid (Neptune) of the old corrupt materialist paradigm with the power of the old men (Saturn).   Mainstream beliefs seem currently based on illusion rather than reality, fed in the main by the narrative that is fed to the media by the higher echelons, intended for widespread consumption by the mass readership.   As the wider public is successfully convinced that the illusion is real, those in control deal with dissenters by using increasing levels of censorship and intimidation.  This then reflects back into the wider group who will vehemently attack any notion of the real ‘Truth’ as a threat to their illusory belief system.  

 Everyone and everything is connected – all the time and all at once.  And yet most people currently seem to want to stay contained within a little bubble of their own, where they can pretend that nothing around them is changing.  Where we are now is a spiritual crisis – dark versus light, good versus evil.  To be really connected to the web of life requires the use of power in a positive way; in a way that is empowering where everyone and everything is connected all the time and all at once. The web of life then becomes a source of power in its own right – imagine how this connected power source could be utilised by humanity to counter the forces of dark and evil who appear to seek control in their hoped for one-world global order.







[1] Rupert Sheldrake, The Presence of the Past, Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature, 2011, Icon Books Ltd.


Oceans of Information are tested to the Limits


The Gates of Hell or the Garden of Eden