Oceans of Information are tested to the Limits

Our birth chart is our own personal roadmap of our potentials.   And that’s exactly what it is – a roadmap.  It is there to guide us so we can achieve its most positive expression.   Many individuals, particularly in the early days, unfortunately choose the easy route, the path of least resistance, preferring to stay within the opinions they have formed for many years. It all begins with what was learned at school and later reinforced by media, by government and by the opinions of others.  Thought processes become hard wired and it becomes difficult to leave the security of remaining within the comfort of sharing the opinions of others. 

 Saturn sets the boundaries of our consciousness, but our souls are meant to grow and evolve alongside our experiences and for that to happen, rather than trusting others or indeed governments, true individuation only comes when we put our trust in ourselves.  Consciousness takes information that often seems unrelated and allows us to see how everything is co-related to everything else – everyone and everything, everywhere and all at once.   The Soul is trying to evolve into its true identity within this lifetime.   However, if the individual chooses to stay safe and remain within the herd mentality of the known, the soul cannot evolve.  The path of individuating the soul is hard, particularly in times of world crisis when unity is sorely needed, but instead we see polarisation of opinions.  When one evolutionary cycle is ending and another beginning, the level of tension will become intense.  

 On August 31st we have a Blue Super Full Moon – a rare sight indeed.   A Blue Moon is so called when there are two Full Moons in the same month.  This happens every two to three years, but a Blue Super Full Moon is much rarer, the next one not occurring until August 2032.  The Moon will be at its closest to the Earth and should be a spectacular sight.   The Full Moon is on the Virgo/Pisces axis, with the Moon in Pisces sitting closely with Saturn and the Sun in Virgo representing the latest ‘gold’ on the block – information; AI is a super-hungry beast devouring the data it needs to enable it to evolve and create algorithms to facilitate behavioural changes.  Pisces is literally the oceans where there are no boundaries, no fences, whilst Saturn’s position next to the moon seeks control and to test us.   Virgo needs to bring some kind of order out of the chaos of Pisces and does so via systems and data gathering.  Literally we are looking at oceans of information.

 The Virgo/Pisces axis also speaks of service and compassion, physical and spiritual health, using dreams and visions to find a faith that allows grounding and ritual expression.  Saturn in Pisces speaks of the need for some kind of spiritual practice with order emanating from ancient traditional knowledge.  But this must be a spirituality that has proper roots and foundations rather than just the token display, paying lip service to ‘I am a spiritual person’ as is often heard.  In my last blog I set the scene for the future Saturn/Neptune conjunction, when both planets move from Pisces to Aries.  A Moon in Pisces sitting with Saturn almost naturally continues this theme.   Full Moons always reveal, expose and bring to a climax.   So with three planets in Pisces – Neptune, Moon and Saturn – what does this very watery line-up show us?   How is humanity living with the ebb and flow of the oceans?

 At the Full Moon all the outer planets apart from Jupiter are retrograde, as well as Mercury, indicating on the one hand a digging in, a stagnation but on the other hand an opportunity to review and gather.   The power of Uranus will be strong as he has just stationed and is standing still, so expect the potential for disruptive energy and sudden surprising events – possibly events that affect the Earth itself.  And it won’t be too long before Jupiter turns retrograde too, just as Venus returns to forward motion.   We may find it hard to feel we are moving forward, but it’s a ‘taking stock’ time and that is very valuable.  Time to ensure that actions, thoughts and words are correct and will serve you long term.

 Both Pisces and ruler Neptune epitomise water, the oceans and the more intangible energy of our emotions and our subconscious mind.  Around 70% of the volume of the physical world is water – more or less the same volume percentage level that water represents within our bodies.  Water is the most essential requirement for life; without it no food will grow, and yet we in the West take for granted that it will always be there.   The ancients spoke of the waters of the sky - the cosmic ocean - and that is perhaps why the air sign of Aquarius is symbolised by a water bearer.  But the oceans of the sky are different to the oceans of the earth.  The water of the skies allies I think more toward the etheric field or some type of plasma energy - or maybe it is water vapour released by the oceans.  And now this atmosphere is also permeated with the oceans of EMF energy that is now required to establish not only the Internet of Things but also the Internet of Bio Nano things which has the potential to connect all living things – people, plants, animals.  We stand on the edge of a new way of life, as the potential for information in quantities never seen before is apparent; and as we observe these oceans of information we will be tested to the limits.

 Because the future informs the present, our world is always preparing itself so that it is ready to embrace the new waves.   It is drawing the energy of the future towards us, and human history is being caused by future events.  Because this period of time is so pivotal, the number of events is increasing, and it feels as though time is speeding up.   Saturn wants to set us limits and boundaries, while Neptune (ruler of Pisces) says we can go anywhere we want to and do anything we dream of.  As Saturn tries to contain our souls, at the same time Neptune will encourage them to be free to transcend and to achieve redemption.

 Man’s creation is said by many creation myths to have come out of the primordial waters.  Venus, the Goddess of Love, was created from the foam of the sea caused by Saturn castrating his father Uranus and throwing his genitals into the water.  The Bible tells us that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth….And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters…..And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters….And God called the firmament Heaven’.   As we transition from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, we move from the illusional world of Pisces into the more conscious world of the Cosmic Mind, Aquarius - the water bearer of Aquarius, that consciousness needs to be supported within the cosmic ‘waters’.

 Water is where we go to drift and allow ourselves to just flow, and Air is where we are blown in the winds.   Water connects and allows flow.  Water contains memories – the memories of the universe.  And water is used in cleansing rituals bathing us within the ancient memories to ready us for rebirth.  Dr. Emoto claimed that water was a "blueprint for our reality" and that emotional "energies" and "vibrations" could change water’s physical structure; he demonstrated this within freezing ice crystals.   He claimed that water exposed to positive speech and thoughts created visually "pleasing" ice crystals, and that negative intentions yielded "ugly" ice formations.

 Neptune always wants to go beyond – to dissolve the limitations we place upon ourselves.   Neptune primes us to always go further, to progress, to create and re-invent.  Aquarius brings the notion of Air and of going up to the heavens, as in this next cycle within civilisation we are likely to become more informational beings.   Man has learned already how to extend his physical abilities via machines, as cars and planes take us further than our feet will carry us, machinery produces things that would be difficult by hand, aided by computers that have extended our mental faculties.  But now we stand on the precipice of an age that enhances our ability to process information – our ability to think.  We have reached the limits of our physical abilities and now we have reached the extent of human mental abilities and so we seek to extend them via machine.  But Saturn is also about traditions, the ancient ways.  So the missing part of the equation is that, as we move forward, we must also take note of the ancient teachings.   As I said in the last blog, we are over halfway through the Great Mega cycle that began in 577 AD.  This brought the religions and the great philosophers and somehow we must go forward being mindful of what they first taught.  The ancient mind just knew instinctively that nature is alive, that the universe is not dead but rather is conscious; and that everyone, everything and every part is connected.

 Our universe, just like our physical bodies, is based on balance.  Nothing occurs in isolation and everything relies on another part - all the time and all at once.  This idea of connection is sorely missing in today’s scientific dogma.  Our water is vital but what of its quality?  The pipes it is stored in, the chemicals added into it.   The plastic bottles we buy water in.  But plastic leaches into the water we drink and then into the mains water and back into the rivers.   What does this do to our physiology and intelligence, let alone that of the animal life that inhabits our rivers?

 Some things are bigger than human understanding, particularly at the time they occur.  Let’s look back this time rather than forward - to 2012.   This was the time of the first exact square of seven between Pluto and Uranus in Cardinal (action) signs.  This was a very big deal – seven exact squares is a rare event.  And during this time we saw so much political turmoil, social turmoil, economic turmoil that laid many scenes for today and for the future.  We saw the Arab Spring which brought many to leave their homes and seek to settle in other lands.  We saw the Fukushima disaster, back to haunt us today as radioactive nuclear wastewater is being pumped into the sea once again.  It was also the run up to the beginnings of the current troubles within Ukraine.  And in 2010 South Africa was added to the BRICS line up, as today the oil powers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in a direct challenge to the US petrodollar have been invited to become members of this group of developing nations in its first expansion in over a decade.  Also joining next year will be Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and Argentina.

It was also much vaunted in 2012 that the end of the world was nigh because the 5000+ year Mayan Long Count would end in December.  However, the world did not end, so did it instead mean the end of one type of civilisation and the beginning of another?  That would certainly blend with what I am seeing within the astrology.  The Mayans counted their periods of time in spans of 20 years – which they called an ‘atun’.   So let’s assume we are in a transition phase to a new way of life that began in 2012; that would take us up to 2032. 

 I titled this blog ‘the oceans of the universe are tested to the limits’ because this Full Moon sits with Saturn and because that is what Saturn does – he tests.   But this is a Saturn in Pisces, so what we are experiencing is very much a spiritual crisis, a spiritual test.    By 2032, (the end of the Mayan transition time frame), Saturn will have met with and, therefore, tested all the outer planets; Pluto and Jupiter in 2020, Neptune in 2026 and finally Uranus in 2032 to begin a new Saturn Uranus cycle.   That means that in addition to the new 200-year Jupiter Saturn cycle we will by 2032 have begun new cycles of Saturn with all the other outer planets.   This is pointing to our need to step up and take responsibility for our own lives as Saturn will have tested the symbolism of all these to the absolute limits in just 12 years.  

 If, as I think, we are on the edge of a new way of life, not only will be tested on a physical level but more so we will be tested spiritually.   Religion and faith have lost their edge in our modern world, as money and the desire for money have become more important Gods for so many.   And a Full Moon in Pisces indicates lies, deception, veiling of the truths and the use of confusion.   This test, therefore, requires critical assessment (Virgo) to assess what really is true and what is a veil in front of our eyes (Pisces).  Evolutionary change will always begin with some kind of personal desire – most likely the desire of those who wield power. And that power right now shows its hand through the wealth of the ‘philanthropic’ corporates in partnership with government bodies.   How other individuals respond to such evolutionary change will depend on their individual development, their level of evolved consciousness.  Those who adopt more of the ‘herd mentality’, which they consider will allow them to remain safe and protected, will conform.   How many will not conform though?  As I keep saying we are in pivotal times so how these times run their course will very much depend on how individuals react.   This will depend on how they have set clear moral boundaries within a developed consciousness.  This is the test that Saturn in Pisces is setting as we are being pushed to experience life on a more virtual level?

 World leaders appear to be following a centralised government path where the golden ticket will be for ‘world’ leader.  However, the astrology does not really support that direction.   It did when there was a heavy Capricorn/Earth type influence that symbolises a top-down hierarchical rulership.    But we are in an Air cycle; mankind is moving upwards towards an evolution of consciousness.  Saturn has moved on from its five years of rulership and now seeks a more spiritual world.  And Pluto by November next year will be fully into Aquarius, supporting a world for community.  America, as it goes through its own transformational Pluto return, is losing its grip on its status as the number one superpower, particularly as the BRICS group of countries expands and challenges.


However, in a changing world there will of course be huge attempts to hold on to the power strings and more and more fanciful claims will be made to gain support.  This leads to a life that appears to get weirder by the day as so many moral boundaries are being challenged and tested right now.   How long before people can no longer tolerate this testing?   How long before the veil lifts?   How long before people actually begin to talk about this?  How long before we reach the tipping point where the small islands of coherence that do exist within the oceans of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system into a higher order?  


Systems in Chaos


Everyone and Everything. Everywhere and All At Once