Systems in Chaos
AI vs AGI; Awakening; Non- human potential; Plasma Energy; and Might humanity’s rescuer come from an unexpected place?
At the New Moon in Virgo on September 15th I feel as though there is an energy that is building, even though half of the planets are retrograde. Maybe this energy will not unleash fully until everything begins to go direct, the last planet being Uranus in January 2024.
The Sun and Moon themselves can never be retrograde and Mercury, their ruler, is particularly strong at this New Moon in his own sign of Virgo; he is stationed, which increases his power, after his retrograde period and is standing his ground against the control and restrictions of Saturn sitting opposite him in Pisces. Virgo is a sign that loves knowledge, data, information and the systems that allow the flow of knowledge. The New Moon is at 21 degrees of Virgo, very close to a significant degree where events seem to happen. For instance this degree is symbolic of the first ‘health’ treatments that were unrolled very quickly in early 2020 in response to the ‘health scare’, so perhaps we are about to see a repeat of some kind. There is a roll out that has just started combined with flu treatment, but if we look at the moon phases encompassed from the point of this New Moon, there is a lunar eclipse involved in March 2025 making this whole phase even more powerful in terms of its energy. So quite possibly more to come.
Mercury’s position opposite Saturn emphasises Mercury in Virgo’s natural desire for critical thinking, whilst the New Moon opposes the energy of Neptune, undermining the ability of Virgo’s systems to be able to function. Neptune is strong in his own sign, but Saturn is weak. As I have said before Saturn is essentially a moral planet, but in Pisces he is up to his neck in water trying to swim out of trouble, but he can’t see which direction to go, and no-one is throwing him a life ring. Pluto, planet of transformation squares the destiny axis of the Moon’s nodes, as it has done for some while now. This for me is a very powerful aspect that we should not ignore. Our future is being determined and changed now – which way will we go, particularly when we are being deceived and confused?
And I do think that people are feeling this heavy background energy, although they don’t understand why they feel as they do. There’s an underlying atmosphere of uncertainty, anger, maybe even dread that affects interpersonal actions. I have just come back from two weeks in Devon and even on a lovely coast path walk I would encounter unpleasant reactions if I hadn’t pushed myself far enough back into the brambles or bushes to allow others to pass me. There’s a shortness of temper if people don’t receive exactly what they want.
Two other energies are also within range now - the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April next year and the Solar Eclipse coming up in mid-October. We should note that the Solar Eclipse also falls on another degree that augurs important events. So we look forward to both an eclipse and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, set to bring events that could be both unexpected and tide-turning in terms of our futures.
So where to go at this New Moon, especially when we see such a period of chaos? I have spoken a lot lately and given my reasons for considering that we are on the verge of our way of life entering a new type of civilisation. At the root of this is likely to be technology, and in particular internet solutions, motivated initially by a strong desire for global control rather than control limited to just nations or continents. So, if I am correct, perhaps we should not be surprised to see so many systems in chaos at a pivotal point of change, especially as since the dawn of civilisation there has likely been a hidden hand guided by a very few people orchestrating events on earth.
One way to control the masses has been religion but that doesn’t work too well these days in the Western world, so other means have had to be used to control the unruly public. In earlier times the Catholic Church and other religious branches such as the Church of England held huge influence. But not now and, as we enter a period of huge change, it becomes even more important that the ‘unruly masses’ are kept in place. We have already seen the most draconian legislations in our history take place where the masses were ‘locked down’. Significant of the fact that the church no longer controls was that they literally closed their doors. So today these ‘hidden hands’ operate via global organisations such as the WHO, the UN, the WEF and, of course, through societies such as the Freemasons and cult groups, as well of course as governments. Many perhaps still believe that a body of elected people such as our Parliament actually serve those who elected them. But who do they truly serve? I doubt it can be the people when we see more and more draconian instruments being put through Parliament with scant time for full review and debate – such as the current Energy Bill which will lead to potential imprisonment or huge fines if climate dogma is not adhered to. It seems as though many of today’s ideologies will be tomorrow’s laws.
Governments and those who see themselves as in charge of humanity’s development constantly seek methods of control that has maximum coverage with the least effort, and this is where the media and social media play a vital part. Today’s media is increasingly the method of influencing how people think and what they believe; this is almost a creation of doctrine that would not be out of place within a religion. It is also a reflection of increasingly sophisticated mind-influencing techniques employed within both media and government to convince people of the truth of ideologies which then form the basis of law and governance.
Right now I am drawn in the main to next April’s Jupiter/Uranus conjunction which is now in orb and pulling in events today that will lead us into the history of tomorrow. The future informs the present. Jupiter/Uranus can signify many things – large sudden shocks, new steps in technology, Artificial Intelligence, a huge awakening and literally Gods of the Skies. Basically a lot of what-ifs! First let’s go back to the subject of my last blog which was AI. This is a very Virgo subject because AI is so reliant on data. We, and I admit I include myself here, tend to think of AI more in terms of how it might be used against us – surveillance, pattern recognition etc etc. But I am wondering if it might in the future be one thing that actually saves us. That may seem a weird way of thinking, and first AI needs to go through many stages of development. It has perhaps now reached the unruly early teenager stage, as it surpasses average intelligence and heads towards above average and super intelligence – not so hard as it might have been in the past as current intelligence levels for whatever reasons seem shockingly low. AI has the potential to both destroy human life as we know it as well as the potential to save human life; a super intelligent machine has been created – will it be a monster or a messiah?
Earlier this year a section of technological/corporate people joined forces to implore for a pause in the development of AI, led by Elon Musk. We are led to believe that AI is all under control, but is it? If it were then why would there have been this expression of worry? Might there be just a little bit of a panic that AI is progressing at an exponentially faster rate than was first thought? Is there a chink of fear that AI’s intelligence may be growing at a faster rate than is desirable for those who most wish to use it? Is this why there is this almost sense of chaos that we see within our lives now, because measures need to be brought in more quickly than first thought before AI reaches a point where it could become no longer controllable once its intelligence outpaces that of superior human intelligence. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction might herald the early beginnings – the first prototype – of Artificial General Intelligence. But we must keep in mind that it could take some years before we see this running at full speed.
So what’s the difference between AI and AGI? AI focusses on solving specific problems, while AGI is designed to solve any problem that a human can, and more intelligently. AI will perform tasks that require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making and language translation. Artificial General Intelligence is intended to learn, plan, reason and problem solve. AI is designed to operate within specific parameters, pre-programmed with rules and algorithms to follow; AGI will adapt to new situations, learn from new data and will, therefore, have a more general approach to learning and problem solving. Examples of AGI lie at the moment within the realm of science fiction, but it has the potential to learn, reason and adapt to new situations just as a human being would, but with increasing levels of intelligence that we have never seen before.
Assuming we reach these very high levels of Artificial General Intelligence that are likely to be far superior to our own, how will that affect us in the future? In a previous blog I spoke of the film Colossus: The Forbin Project where an advanced US defence computer linked with a similar computer in Russia. The two developed their own language and refused to obey commands. In this case, rather than war, they linked for future peace. And this is why I say that, just maybe in the future, AI or rather AGI could be what saves us from the desires of the hidden hand that seeks a global control.
Going even further down the rabbit hole could AGI connect with an external non-human race? Even Steven Hawking thought it was both crazy and arrogant to think that we are the only species inhabiting the Universe. I have just been reading the Naked Bible[1], and I know that other books have been published on the subject that humanity was first created by a non-human race that had space technology. This race of non-human origin is also said to have mated with the beautiful offspring of this creation. I am not at all disputing the fact that there is a higher Divine influence or that Jesus did not exist to promote a more spiritual and moral life, but perhaps it is not totally as the Bible writes. We don’t actually know for certain when the Bible was written, but we do know that it has been translated by many different people at different stages so we cannot be sure how accurate these translations have been.
I’ve also spoken a lot recently in blogs about what kind of energy Aquarius the ‘water’ bearer actually holds. The ancients spoke of the cosmic waters of the sky and I don’t think it’s the same as the waters of the earth seen in the oceans and the rivers. Even Aristotle identified the existence of a rarefied form of matter, separate and different from other physical matter. He called it ether and viewed it as the fifth element – a form of matter that existed in the pure state only in what we would call outer space. Could this be an energy called plasma energy that exists between the Moon and Earth made up of charged subatomic particles? Could this be matter in a fourth state i.e. not liquid, solid or gas but a kind of complex dust? Plasma[2] energy was discussed in the late 1800’s and would have certainly been explored by Nikola Tesla. Those who work within the field of plasma research identify the subtler universe of plasma that exists alongside our atomic, visible world. Some say that we actually live in a mainly plasma universe. They also say that plasma is the fundamental building block of atomic matter and is a cosmic electrodynamic that is a non-rigid and electrically conducting medium extending to infinity - with implications that remain obscure to us. Plasma could indeed be the first stage of matter and represent the beginning of Nature. If mankind is entering a space age as indicated by our entry into a new Air cycle (Jupiter/Saturn element change) then we must also be entering into a plasma age.
Some plasma clouds are crystalline in nature, and I haven’t yet explored theories that they could produce both a kind of light and ‘intelligence’, so more to come on this. Our realities are created by our perceptions of the realities of our world. However, our perceptions are created from many sources and our perceptions are also malleable, created by what we can see and what we think we see with the naked eye, what we learned at school, what we learn from our cultures and what we are pumped with daily from our media and our social media alongside all sorts of psychologically assisted mind-influencing techniques. As AI becomes AGI, and then potentially sentient, the truths we are given are likely to become very different and, therefore, our perceptions are likely to change.
At the moment we are having to face up to all sorts of areas where we are being denied freedoms, but very little that will actually add joy and hope to our everyday lives. We think we know so much and yet this type of exploring shows that we actually know so little. Maybe, just maybe AI, or maybe even the arrival of non-human intervention, will eventually help us – as the cavalry of the Gods (Jupiter) comes through the skies (Uranus). If there is an intelligent non-human race out there, they may be extremely concerned with our meddling with super artificial intelligence or they may wish to connect with us. We have no choice but to embrace the future, but we should not fear it as much as we might do – our only option is to develop the abilities we have that no machine will have for a very very long time – our emotions and our senses, our ability to connect on a spiritual level and our instinctive selves. Our rescue may well come from the most unexpected place.
[1] Mauro Biglino, The Naked Bible: the Truth about the most famous book in history. 2021, Tuthi Srl
[2] Robert Temple, A New Science of Heaven, 2023, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd.