Who Wants a War?

Who creates wars; Are we sleep walking into nuclear war? The covert war; The Delphi Technique; How societies rise and fall; What are we made from; Dead water; Vitality.

 At this Full Moon in Aries on September 29th, I ask myself who on earth would want a war.  I certainly don’t and I doubt you do.  But surprisingly plenty of people do, particularly the bankers and the large, powerful military industrial complexes.  A lot of transfer of money and power goes on during wars – always upwards.  The bankers always get richer!!!  Indeed it is often said that all wars are bankers’ wars.   Maybe ask yourself what nation/nations seem to have their nose in the trough of most of the wars and why.

 We are right on track towards a nuclear World War 3 situation and yet we seem to be sleep walking into it as though we have no choice and no say, because it’s all the fault of the wicked man who runs Russia.  We are a whisker away and it is hardly registering.  Since World War 2 we have lived in relatively peaceful conditions – we have no clue what it would mean to be at war; to see our once young, fit men and women – our futures – returning home in body bags.

 Why do I ask this question?  Because the sign of this Full Moon – Aries – is ruled by the planetary God Mars, who is of course the God of War.   So how is Mars placed in the chart for the Full Moon?  Could a war happen?  He is in the sign of Libra where he is not happy at all.  He could well play dirty here, or he could play the passive/aggressive.  He is also with the South Node where we are asked to release something and, as Libra is the sign of balance and harmony, is that what we are going to be asked to let go of?  Any peace and harmony that is left in the world.   The North Node (where destiny decrees we should be heading) sits next to Mars’ sister Eris who threw her toys out of the pram when she found she had been left off the invite list to a particular party.  She is an arch disruptor.  And the other side of the North Node sits Chiron, the wounded healer, showing us where our wounds and pains are.   So not looking good really in terms of peace.

 Add into the equation Pluto, who has been in a conflict angle with the nodes (destiny axis) for some while. This aspect tells us we are in a life-changing period.   But look around you and do you see many feeling this?   No.   We are sleep walking folks into a world we really don’t want to be in.   Potentially a world where society has collapsed, where only the elites rule and where we are reduced to almost a peasant class.  You may think I exaggerate but, if we don’t begin to take responsibility for the direction of our lives, I don’t think so.  

 We also have a double whammy going on, echoing the importance of this period.   Mars at this Full Moon is sitting on the exact degree of our upcoming Solar Eclipse on October 14th.   This is almost like our pre-warning bell that something is about to kick off.  And it is almost at the magical 22 degrees!  Around 22 degrees of the cardinal signs (Libra, Capricorn, Aries) we find in astrology to be a marker of important events – here are just a few events and people with this magical degree prominent: the UN, Alan Turing, BlackRock, Ukraine War, ChatGPT prototype, NATO, Bank for International Settlements, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum, First Covid Lockdown, Saturn/Pluto conjunction 2020, Agenda 2030, Lehmann Brothers collapse, Wall Street crash, Storming of the Bastille, Pluto/Neptune conjunction 1398 heralding the Renaissance.

 At the risk of sounding like an old fogey, in my day we were out there marching for ban the bomb, protesting against Vietnam etc., letting government figures know how we felt.    But now people just seem to put their head down and see what’s going on with their Instagram and Facebook – the soma drug of Huxley’s Brave New World perhaps.   Wars happen in someone else’s back yard; wars happen to someone else’s sons and fathers.  Our newspapers are not full of pictures or true facts on what is happening in Ukraine, perhaps because showing where our money is going might offend delicate senses.  Nothing.  Nada.  So we have not been feeling the pain of war.  And yet we receive messages that condition us to think that we must get rid of Putin at any cost even if it takes a world war to do so.   Part of the problem is that people feel they have no say.  But governments do listen to social media to gauge the popularity of their proposals.  Sunak has just pulled back marginally on the net zero push because, in his own words, he knows he cannot fully go to the limit without ‘consent’.

And this is just the overt war I’m talking about.   There is also a covert war being waged, which reflects the passive/aggressive side of Mars in Libra.  Gradually we see more potentially draconian bills being passed – the Energy bill, the Online Harms bill - disguised like little Red Riding Hood as one thing, whilst concealing unrealised draconian measures.  What we are seeing is Communitarianism at work – a political philosophy that sees individual rights as a threat to the global community.   But governments still need consent, so more and more mind-influencing techniques are being used against the public at large.  You only need to read the British Cabinet Office’s Mindspace Document as far back as 2010 to know this.[1]  Note that the Mindspace document was created as the destiny axis of the nodes reflected very closely the 22 degree of cardinal signs position.

The Delphi method is another well used process used to arrive at a group opinion or decision.   Developed by the Rand Corporation at the beginning of the Cold War and named after the Ancient Greek Oracle of Delphi, it is used to channel a group of people to accept a point of view that is imposed on them, while convincing them it was their ideal in the first place.  Trained facilitators present a range of choices to a group but have tailored them to direct the outcome.  You think you are being asked for your opinion in a ‘visioning meeting’ but only comments and observations that support the pre-approved plan will be supported.  All others are written on a vision board to be discarded later.  The audience has very likely been seeded with chosen representatives of non-profit groups who will outnumber potential opponents.  Everything is slick and beautiful and social pressure is used to ensure that you conform in order that those who disagree feel a sense of isolation. 

So many NGO’s and Commissions have been set up that you didn’t vote for, creating ideologies such as Agendas 21 and 30 that you know nothing about.   An NGO is a non-profit corporation that is independent from government control and is increasingly used to blur the line between government and the private sector.

We live within a system of communitarianism where a problem is created to allow a desired solution to be proposed.  The solution to the problem that didn’t exist in the first place becomes a new normal as the corporatocracy government, where governments partner with private stakeholders/corporates, engineers their desired outcome through huge social pressure leaving most baffled as to how we arrived at the result.   Net Zero for instance began with the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 where it was discussed how to combat "dangerous human interference with the climate system".

Within the system there is a background sense of panic and anxiety so that you are made to feel there is a sense of absolute urgency.   Confusion and information overload are a part of the Delphi technique so that radical solutions and accelerated actions are part of the game.  If you are beginning to disagree, then legislation is brought in - the carrot is that you’ll be saving the planet and the stick is legislation. 

And then of course we have the incredible wealth of the two top asset management companies - BlackRock and Vanguard.  In the words of James Corbett they represent ‘the shadowy financial cabal who own the world’.  And here we find ourselves back to where I began with my question ‘who wants a war’.  Whilst these two hugely powerfully and wealthy organisations may say they have no influence over the companies they invest in, it cannot be denied that they do have financial clout in the goings on of these companies as well as government policies.   And they will count bankers and military industrial complexes within their scope.  When the few who dominate BlackRock and Vanguard have such background power, we can see easily how that concentration of control underscores the gap between ordinary citizens’ experience of disengagement and distance from their government and the increasing wealth gap between the ultra-rich and the bulk of the population.

 When speech is censored, opinions are controlled and taxpayers’ money stolen, we begin to stare the collapse of civilisation in the face.  When leaders abandon inspiring society with constructive change for complete control of society, whilst reducing the members of that society to the level of slaves for that so called leadership elite, we stare the collapse of civilisation in the face.   And here the internet becomes both friend and foe.   Whilst the process can be seen and communicated around the world it has also allowed the issue to become a global situation as opposed to in past times a local or national occurrence.

 When society is inspired by creative visions civilisations rise, but when those who lead societies cease being inspirational and decide to become dominant bullies, civilisations tip into decline.  When the rule of law breaks down, those guarding this minority elite will turn against them rather than protect them   A society that deliberately leaves its people in poverty or in perpetual ill health because it’s profitable for the big industries to keep them sick, cannot count on the loyalty of its people.  A nation that spends all its time creating enemies abroad, so that its national security bureaucracies and its weapons industries can keep on gobbling up an inflated share of tax money, has only itself to blame if those enemies gain the upper hand.   And perhaps when a minority elite seeks to employ an AI industry in a harmful way against the people, they too only have themselves to blame if they find they can no longer control the AI that ultimately brings about their own downfall.  And then we are looking at a global issue.

Over and over again, down through the millennia, civilizations have staggered down the long slope into ruin.   We have seen empires build and fall.  We have seen individual nations grow and fall.   Until now though, with the advent of the internet, we have never seen a world grow and fall.   Leaders with inspirational and creative vision will do the same to their people – encourage them to be inspired to create that vision.   A dictatorial bullying self-serving leader who shuts down free speech and uses mind-influencing techniques to make himself wealthy and society poor does not inspire any loyalty.  When individual opinions are crushed then life itself is crushed.   A disengaged human being is crushed and depressed and can’t find the creativity of mind that is required to build societies to be able to adapt to difficulties and to improve.

But not all of humanity is disengaged.   There are cracks opening up as people begin to see what is unfolding.   There are cracks globally as not all countries wish to serve the US Dollar and we see a rise in the BRICS nations who want to take the power back from the West.  And, as I said in my last blog, the weapon of choice – AI – may yet bring about the downfall of those who sought to use it.   Computer modelling is at the root of so many policies and yet how many times have we seen it to be quite so wrong.

 Again, as I said in my last blog where is humanity different or better than AI?  Our bodies are the incredible result of a super-intelligent design.   Above all we are designed to self-heal via our own immune systems.   We are also an instinctive, intuitive species even though we have been encouraged to think we need a government body to keep us safe whilst discouraging us from listening to our gut instincts. 

 Modern life has got in the way of both our health and our instinctive knowledge and yet there are some exciting discoveries filtering out concerning energy and our make-up.   Perhaps we haven’t really yet totally understood who and what we are and what we are made from, even though we think we know.   We are told to follow the science, but has science truly yet understood what life is, what we are made from and what the physics and mechanics of the universe really consists of?   Science is always an ongoing process, never a done deal.  I spoke in the last blog about plasma energy and the more I learn about this energy the more I find it explains totally how and why astrology ‘works’.   Is this what Aristotle first called ‘ether’?  Is this what is contained within the Aquarian symbology of the so-called ‘water’ bearer and about to be revealed as Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius?    Have we got everything wrong about our science and the make-up of our bodies because there is a part we have not yet understood about energy in general?   Or maybe the time has not been right for it to be revealed to us – until now.

 The pineal gland, tucked away within our brain, is an important factor within our instinctive behaviour.   It is the seat of how birds migrate and find their way through a sky devoid of road signs and traffic lights.   However, in modern life it becomes calcified and virtually useless as we drink ‘dead’ water containing fluoride and heavy metals that harden up this much needed part of our body.   Since Neptune, the God of the Oceans, entered the sign of the oceans, Pisces, I have been waiting for something to be revealed about ‘water’.  Water is absolutely vital for life, but this ‘dead’ water we drink is toxic to the essence of our vitality.     

 Remember when I pointed out the period from summer 2025 when we have a huge amount of the planets, including all the outers, in early degrees of their signs?   The outer planets represent the energy of the collective unconscious and, therefore, our group consciousness.  This has to be some kind of ‘new beginning’.  It cannot be the new beginning that the elites desire, because that would be an ‘old’ beginning.   If we are to have a truly new beginning, it has to have something to do with our understanding of what energy truly means and what it means within our own bodies to have vitality.  This has to begin at root level – ourselves, our bodies and how we think and value ourselves.  We need this essence of vitality so that we can create an inspirational civilisation.

[1] https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/MINDSPACE.pdf


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