Chain Reaction
Problem – Reaction – Solution.
An old and well-tested method of trickery used to steer a group to a desired conclusion is to first create a problem in order to receive a required reaction. Then bring in the desired solution – or the undesired solution for many that they have unwittingly brought about through their own neglect and lack of understanding of what is really happening.
We have come through a highly volatile period since the New Moon; so much so that it is hard to believe that it has only been two weeks since then, and only six weeks since a new party and a new Prime Minister took office in the UK; a UK where the government appeared to be struggling to regain control from the so-called Far Right, a sector of society that didn’t know until then that they were regarded as Far Right. But always there has to be some kind of label to ramp up divisiveness. You don’t want a medication - the conclusion is that you must be an antivaxxer. You disagree with the notion of net zero – you don’t care that others will die. You disagree with multi-cultural life happening too quickly – you are far right. You disagree with banks closing and a cashless society – just move on and don’t think about it.
With the joining together of the BRICS nations and the ceasing of the petrodollar there was likely to perhaps be a desire to offload US dollars. Was there an offloading that contributed to the stock market drop? In the UK, was the racial volatility extremely controlled? Was it controlled to reach a radical boiling point? These events are totally reflected within the Full Moon that is exact on August 19th. It is the first Super Moon of 2024, which means that it is very close to the Earth and, therefore, extremely powerful. The chart for this Full Moon in Aquarius contains three exact (or virtually exact) T-squares; T-squares represent areas of extreme conflict and consist of two planets opposite each other with both squaring another planet, which kind of ‘pulls the strings’. Added into the mix is the fact that we are a month away from eclipse season – so we are already invested in that volatile and unpredictable energy that eclipses carry. Eclipses can augur unexpected changes and the revealing of hidden truths. Eclipses may bring out the known unknowns as well as the unknown unknowns, the red flags and the false flags; they are times of unpredictable energies.
At this point it’s also important to understand that when we talk about planetary aspects, they all enter the melting pot of a much greater process. They don’t just end and go away when the energy has passed, they contribute to the unfolding of the story and leave a lasting effect which builds within the evolution of society. For example, we carry and still experience the effects of the energy of the seven Pluto/Uranus squares that were in range between 2008 to 2018 that symbolised huge political and social upheaval. To have five ‘hits’ of a planetary aspect is a big deal – so seven hits was an ‘off the charts’ reckoning. They were reflected in the beginnings of the 2008 recession, with both the Lehman Brothers collapse and the Northern Rock nationalisation. They also symbolised the extreme political and social turmoil of that period – a time when we saw extreme turbulence in the Middle East; a time when we saw the Arab Spring and resulting migration issues which further changed the cultural make-up of the UK and enabled much of the divisiveness we are being subjected to currently.
Freedom of speech has always been the bedrock of the British way of life, as has been our very British sense of humour. Slowly, slowly that freedom of opinion and speech is being curtailed, until now it seems to have become a quickly, quickly motion. Our new Prime Minister has a very authoritative style – in fact when I look at his chart he could easily be verging on the tyrannical. He has many areas of strength – Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are all in rulership, so his chart is pretty powerful. His Sun is exactly conjunct Pluto (power, strength, transformation, the God of Death). He also has Uranus very close on the other side of his Sun – he has a revolutionary, disruptive nature. Saturn (authority, control, rules and regulations) sits with his South Node (the gifts and talents with which he entered this world) – he is comfortable in a world full of rules. This individual is very much convinced that he is always right. His mental powers are strong, functioning well in the air sign of Libra, excellent for a lawyer. His style is very much one of favouring authoritative control, wielding the stick, but he does this in a very ‘nit-picky’ way (Virgo Sun) that comes across as devoid of passion, humour and warmth, in part due to the lack of Fire in his chart. It is Fire that brings the ‘oomph, the vision, the imagination and the passion. He is equipped to take action, to be flexible and to stick on a path (although he may stick on a path for too long). He is not a natural leader who commands through his own charisma, rather getting his way through force. I doubt he has the skill to ‘read’ the mood of the people. His style of action and his modus operandi are weak, with his Mars in Cancer. He will at first go with emotional ‘persuasion’ – if you do “y” you will get “x carrot” type of manner. But if that fails, he is much more prone to throw his toys out of the pram and rule by force and/or by deception. They say that the eyes are the ‘window of the soul’ and maybe it is his fixity (single planet in a fixed sign) that renders him almost static – his eyes appear vacant and almost soulless. He’s probably one of the most dangerous actors on the stage at the moment. But a Virgo individual is generally in service – the question is, in service to who?
The upcoming Full Moon forms part of the first of our three T-squares that I want to talk about. The Sun (leaders) and Moon (the people) are always exactly opposite to each other at a Full Moon that always brings the light that we need to be able to fully ‘see’ events and to bring about a climax to actions. Both the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius are exactly square to volatile Uranus, the planet of shocks, revolution and sudden awakenings. The Sun sits with a retrograde Mercury in Leo – a Mercury in Leo should be a commanding voice, but no one wants to listen; Mercury is damaged – he is a ‘sick man in bed’ symbolising the closed down voices of the people. This T-square is across Fixed signs – so there is a sense of all sides stubbornly digging their heels in, not wanting to see another’s point of view. We are seeing a revolution on our land that the people of Britain never thought they would see in their lifetimes. But not just on our own land – globally and in the Middle East and Russia too. If a jar is filled with equal numbers of red and black ants they will get along fine, until you shake the jar. Then they will fight!!! Uranus squaring the Full Moon will for sure shake, stir and agitate!!
The second of our T-squares involves Venus opposite Saturn, both squaring Mars and Jupiter. Cue another refresher on past energies: back in 2020 we had a meeting of Jupiter and Saturn. These meetings happen regularly every 20 years, but they are part of a bigger cycle that takes 800+ years, which is further broken down into four 200+ year cycles where the two planets will meet in the same element of Fire, Air, Water or Earth. 2020 marked the end of an Earth cycle that had begun in the mid 1800’s, symbolising the Industrial Revolution, the growth of banking and mass production. A new era began in the form of a new 200+ year cycle in 2020 at 0 Aquarius, representing the beginning of the change of element to one of Air – the mental, Space, technological revolution and AI. This T-square also reflects by position the first C-vid jab and interestingly we have mpox being declared a public emergency of international concern!
Jupiter/Saturn aspects mark socio-economic changes, and this will be the first square since their conjunction. So, a very important aspect as we look at what has occurred since that meeting in 2020. However, this is not just Jupiter squaring Saturn, Mars has joined forces with Jupiter. Mars I feel indicates a weaponization of the symbolism of what a Jupiter and Saturn aspect means, but it’s even more than that because Jupiter always expands what it touches so the Martian qualities of assertiveness, aggression, war, weapons are exaggerated. If we also look at where Jupiter and Saturn met – 0 Aquarius - this degree is also being triggered. What do we see there now? Pluto. So we see an even greater amplification of the intensity of what is happening and a harshness to the level of control as we factor in the meaning that Saturn carries. Plus Venus is in the mix too; Venus symbolises love, relationships, value systems and, therefore, money. In my opinion this represents issues with finance, debt, living beyond our means and we must remember, having seen a freefall on the global stock markets, that this is only the first of three hits. Is there some kind of weaponization behind this? And these T-squares will for sure be amplifying the tension in the areas where we fear the escalation of war as Ukraine, with the benefit of NATO money and weaponry, strikes further into Russia. Why is it not more widely seen that there is a definite provocation towards a wider war? A very dangerous hole is being dug here at the moment. People may well regret their apathy when loved ones come home in body bags or there is a world-wide financial collapse. There will be two more ‘hits’ taking us to June 2025, and I wonder if the last one will be the most important as it falls when Saturn is at 1 degree of Aries, very close to a degree of world significance. But in June 2025 it won’t just be a Jupiter/Saturn square – it will be a Jupiter square Saturn/Neptune, by then across the Cancer/Aries axis rather than Gemini/Pisces. Very complex and difficult energy.
The third T-square is Ceres (Goddess of the harvest, grain and fertility) squaring the nodes (the karmic destiny axis). This I feel represents issues within the farming industry that really should be much more prominently heard by the public. Farmers are being paid not to farm or are being persuaded to give up their farms in favour of rewilding, solar farms etc; almost anything other than grow food. Are we in effect seeing a sabotage to our food system? Add into the mix the sheer amount of rain experienced at planting time, and we are likely to see soaring costs in vegetables and grains; and that’s without the soaring cost of fertilisers. Ceres is also goddess of fertility, and we are seeing alarming drops in birth rates – in some places lower than the numbers required to keep the population levels constant. Many who support the depopulation agenda may consider this to be a good thing – time will tell. Ceres also echoes the theme of Pluto, who in myth kidnapped and raped Ceres’ daughter. We should perhaps ask ourselves what kidnapping and rape are we witnessing now – possibly that of large swathes of society.
We are also just halfway through the Chinese Year of the Dragon. The Dragon is the only mythical animal of the Chinese zodiac, which sets it aside in terms of its symbolic use. The Dragon is regarded as a symbol of power and authority - he positively bursts with his own sense of power, wanting to know everything; he is creative and magnanimous, with supposedly new and revolutionary ideas but also high standards. The last year of a Wood Dragon was, in fact, 1964 – a period of counterculture and huge societal change, mainly at that time through the realm of music and youth. The 2024 counterculture revolution may well appear via a more scientific/technological realm. The Dragon is a leader rather than a follower and hopefully the true warriors will show themselves, led by a natural leader in the form of a Dragon. However, we must beware of the ‘false prophets’ – especially when Neptune is at 29 degrees of Pisces – who may appear at first as though they are ‘dragons’.
We are also still living within the energy of the April 2024 Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This symbolised huge revolutionary and disruptive energy. We are certainly seeing that in the UK, in America in the run up to their election and all around the globe. The future informs the present, so it follows that the energy of today carries the energy of the future. This may be difficult to grasp but not only do we hold the effects of the energies of the past, we are working towards the energies of the future. In March 2026 Saturn and Neptune conjunct at 0 degrees of Aries – a point of world significance. Some kind of new era will begin – particularly as in the summer 2025 a large number of planets will be at very early degrees of their signs.
Saturn symbolises lessons to learn, obstacles to navigate, limitations to negotiate, whilst Neptune asks for transcendence on a more spiritual level, in the knowledge that there are no limits and no barriers. The energy of a conjunction of these two planets could bring the realisation of visions and dreams or possibly new ideologies coming into being. It could well herald political and social change together with a desire to escape from harsh realities and responsibilities. We may well experience some kind of liquidity crisis and/or war, particularly as the sign of Aries is involved.
Society is reacting in a volatile manner with unrest and disturbance, just as mixing up different cultures and behaviours is represented by the jar of red and black ants who only attack each other when they are stirred up and agitated. At times such as this, opinions and feelings that have become embedded in culture appear as a reaction that has no rational basis. Democratism would suggest that we are dogmatically hanging on to the idea that we have democracy - we really truly believe democracy exists and that we are so much more fortunate than those who live in say China and Russia. But democracy turns out to be just an illusion – it does not really exist, even though we absolutely think it does. The public elects a government but then the government does not consult its public on the action it takes. For example, our new PM appeared earlier to sympathise with the financial plight of pensioners. And yet they were his first target when he came into office, even though it did not appear in their manifesto.
This blog has been more ‘astro-speak’ than usual, but it has been necessary. If you’re a non-astrologer and you are still here, I would like to say well done. This Full Moon indicates a crisis point. Is this the point when many issues reach boiling point at the same time – the perfect storm event? In essence we are a tolerant nation, a Christian nation with morals and values. But we have our breaking point. Are we there? We can see how the scenario pans out – divide society, create strife, create fear, control the media, control free speech – not necessarily in that order. Consider a game of chess or a troupe of actors in a film or play. Either way the people are just the pawns or the ‘extras’. They are expendable; they are just collateral damage and don’t really count much. How do we deal with this? Just as other crisis actors since 2020, the new PM is fulfilling a role. The people have already in a short space of time seen what he represents; he does not even have the benefit of a grace period. Rise above the volatility and remain calm within the chaos. Stay within your values, see what is happening and find a way towards inner stillness. Don’t allow yourself to be whipped up deliberately or allow your own beliefs to be taken in a pre-desired direction of divisiveness.
Another way to regard a Saturn and Neptune conjunction as a ‘sign’ is to develop your own strength and resistance so that the troubles and roughness of life can be transcended in a way that helps you. This may be through faith, through spiritual pursuits such as meditation; but some kind of inner strength and resilience must grow inside. We are the ants – and as such we need to recognise who our true enemy is; that enemy is whoever is shaking the jar. I even found myself affected by the fear for a short while. Saturn and Neptune will meet in Aries – the sign of leadership, the pioneer, the independent self-starter. Aries is the first point we meet Fire in the zodiac. As a nation it seems we have lost our Fire, unless we are shaken up to release our Fire in order to target the wrong people. Do not be lured into the divisiveness. Direct your anger at the person holding the jar!!! Consider too that we are likely on the verge of some kind of new paradigm, perhaps as early as next year. Everything is in flux at the moment under very volatile change. Our banking systems, our government systems, how we feed ourselves are perhaps totally ‘done’ and outdated. With a Full Moon in Aquarius and an earlier Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, we need to embrace new, more futuristic, innovative ways of living that will sustain us better – we must be open to this and embrace the changes that we want to see.