Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud

The New Moon in Scorpio on November 4th falls a few days after Samhain – or Halloween as we know it now.   Samhain is an ancient Celtic festival marking the beginning of the dark half of the year.  It was considered to be a liminal time when the ‘spirits’ could more easily cross the veil between this world and the ‘Otherworld’.  It was a time of dying in nature when the dead were honoured with offerings of the warmth of bonfires and sacrificial food.  In return it was hoped that blessings of a new and fulsome harvest would be given in the Spring.

 At the point of Halloween Mars entered his own sign of Scorpio, heralding what I think will prove to be an eventful month.  At the New Moon on November 4th the Sun, Moon and Mars are all throwing their weight behind powerful Scorpio energy.   Scorpio is symbolized by the Scorpion, a nocturnal, much feared and deadly animal who is always on high alert.   A scorpion is not to be messed with – he has a deadly sting.  Scorpio energy has enormous strength and willpower alongside a strong sense of survival. Mars speaks of action, anger, assertion, a strong warrior drive; Mars can represent a virus as well as an injection (penetration, metals).  He is the Scorpion’s sting or wrath.  

 Scorpio energy thrives on passion, intensity and obsession – it is energy that bubbles up from the depths where it can’t be seen.    It is deep, subtle, penetrating and often secretive. The average Scorpio doesn’t live life lightly and does not suffer fools.  He seeks to survive.  Scorpio cannot bear the superficial and the ‘fluffy’ – Scorpio investigates, digs deep, is committed, passionate, intense, enduring and in it for the long game.  So we should be searching for what is not visible; for what is hidden, what is being kept secret - we need to dig deep to penetrate the darkness of what is being buried. 

 At this New Moon we see the Sun and the Moon in Scorpio in an almost exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus, all in a square to Saturn in Aquarius.   And this Saturn square Uranus aspect is the dominant energy for this year, continuing into next year. I think we will see fireworks, disruptions, possibly shocks.   I anticipate a focus this month on bodily autonomy, bodily integrity and the right to freedoms - if we don’t have sovereignty over our own body, what is put into it and the liberties associated with it, then seriously what true freedom do we have left?  

 Between the 10th and 17th November Mars gets fully involved in the Saturn/Uranus dynamic, so expect to see issues of action on freedom/restriction.  Interestingly 11th November is the deadline for care home workers in the UK to be fully vaccinated – this has been made a legal requirement in the High Court and the unvaccinated may be fired.  Some care homes may be forced to close so what will happen to the elderly in their care – this is so Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus where the elderly (Saturn) are cut off (Uranus) by technological rules (Aquarius).    The period of 17th to 19th November looks particularly ‘fireworky’ and revolutionary – Mars opposes Uranus while the Moon (the people) meets Uranus.  Then on the 19th November we have the lunar eclipse - Lunar eclipses are like Full Moons on steroids – they can reveal what is hidden. 

 As I write this, the sky is cloudy and grey.  But I am minded as I stare at the clouds to look for the hope and how we can help ourselves through this.  If every cloud is said to have a silver lining then every silver lining also has a cloud.   Today, all I can see through my window are grey, cloudy skies - we are in the middle of the cloud and we must dig deep and brace ourselves for the long haul so we can find the silver lining. We will need all of Scorpio’s energy of survival and self control to ensure that our children and grandchildren have a life where they can enjoy the types of freedoms that we have enjoyed – freedoms hard fought for by our grandparents, but now just taken for granted.

 Money is a constant and key theme at this New Moon, and Uranus in Taurus signifies disruption and ‘disruptive’ technologies linked to our monetary systems. Shortages and lacks are adding to the inflation we are beginning to see, but we aren’t really being made fully aware of the massive debt the country is in.  So what happens when inflation meets the reality of debt, both individual debt and government debt?   That is likely to be hyperinflation.    Crypto currencies, and particularly Bitcoin, which sits outside government control, are examples of disruptive monetary technologies.  But as soon as all the Central Banks have fully developed their own digital currencies, which will be under government control, then your money supply has the potential to be switched off and on according to your social behaviour.   If we relinquish cash we may never have autonomy of spending again and, if we don’t question the narrative and we relinquish our right to protest, we risk living lives that will always be compliant - with Saturn/Uranus energy, by the time we realize it may be too late.

 Just after Samhain we saw the start of the COP26 conference and the accent on climate change - the main theme of the delightful Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum and their rich and powerful ‘stakeholders’. But are we sure we are not confusing two narratives here?  One is the detrimental issues that man is clearly causing to the planet – deforestation, pollution with plastics and rubbish, and laying waste to earth’s resources.  The other is climate change.  We have had plenty of cyclical climate changes over many many thousands of years that man has not been responsible for - warm ones (e.g.Medieval Warming Period) and cold ones (e.g. the Little Ace Age).  But does this climate change not come from the Sun and space?  And how much can we truly influence this?  With the amount of our punitive taxes about to be poured into this we should make sure we are following the right science.  As UK Column News pointed out, for the last 20 years we have been told this is our last chance to save the planet from disaster. 

 Big Business is always on the look out for an opportunity and all crises give them their personal silver lining to capitalize upon; all crises will be hijacked as moneymaking gifts for the wealthy.   So, as our children are being terrified on a daily basis that they are soon going to die, either from a virus or from climate change, and, as we are about to be faced with punitive taxes and possible unwelcome changes to our lifestyles, do the ‘stakeholders’, who will have their first face to face meeting in Davos for some while in a few months time, really have altruistic ideologies or is it more about Little Red Riding Hood?  When you see so many delegates coming in to a climate change conference by private jet and cavalcades of vehicles you really have to wonder.   One President certainly didn’t get the same email as the rest of us, and had so little interest that he used part of the conference as an opportunity to catch up on his afternoon nap.  

 If we dig deep into the current state of Big Business and its ‘stakeholders’, who all seem to have interlocking agendas, what do we find?  We find that control is in the hands of just a very few people who just got even richer over the last 20 months or so.   In the main just two companies – two - are the common denominators owning allthe large corporates, with a couple of others in their wake.    They all sit on each other’s boards so there is no getting away from a cesspit of control.   These companies have more power than countries, Presidents and Prime Ministers put together.   This is the scary sting in the tail of the Scorpion because those institutions can control world policy.   If they want something to happen, they can make it happen and it will have a global effect.  We are constantly told that we must follow ‘the’ science but just who does this science really support?   And why are dissenting voices shut down?  I repeat – two institutions control nearly everything!

 Whilst most of the planet at the moment is myopically concerned that a virus might enter their bodies, the sting in the tail is that we are being directed in a planned way via the perfect storm of a health crisis, a climate crisis and a financial crisis – all of which may or may not be real - but, unless you are part of the 1% elite, it will negatively affect your life.   So before you willingly give up your freedoms just stop for a moment and dig – dig for the truth.  Think long game and not short game.  Where will this lead?  For instance a world of electric vehicles in less than 10 years is an impossibility.   There is not the infrastructure; there are not the raw materials; so basically there will not be mass ownership of cars.   Your freedom to drive will disappear alongside your freedom to fly and so will begin the loss of our sovereignty of being.

 Wherever we see Uranus we find disruption, change, revolution and awakening.  We are at a pivotal point of our evolution now, which I would describe as an Industrial Revolution in the form of technology and science.   The sheer power of Big Business – Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media – all in the hands of just two institutions should be enough to shock you into being very concerned.  This control has the ability to silence even governments, making totalitarianism too easy.  Not totalitarianism as we have ever seen it before – tyranny and totalitarianism via Big Business.  

 Uranus is demanding revolution – revolution of thought and revolution of action.  You wouldn’t know it from mainstream media but Europe, particularly France and Italy, has been particularly active in fighting against the restrictions on freedoms that have been put in place by various Governments.   Uranus is freedom energy – sometimes even the earth shows that as it explodes with earthquakes, volcanoes and extreme weather.  

 Saturn is literally control/rules (Saturn) by technology (Aquarius), but we should remember that Saturn leaves Aquarius in the Spring of 2023, losing his strength. Facebook has just launched its own revolutionary ‘Meta’ where mere mortals become their own avatar and go off to play in an avatar inhabited universe where you can do anything, be anything, go anywhere.    We can’t put any of these revolutionary technologies back in the bottle so we have to use them in terms of our own revolution for freedom somehow.  Before we go into a life of augmented reality of the Metaverse (beyond the Universe), we must understand what our true reality is (Saturn).   We can see tyranny looming, the like of which we have never seen before, so it is vital that we as communities and individuals raise our vibrations and fight back with our Soul energy (Sun) and with our Spirit energy (Moon).  Right now it may feel like Satan (Saturn) has erupted from the earth and is facing Uranus, the Sky God.  But the only way to fight evil is through love, through our own spirituality, through raising our consciousness and awareness and through our intention for the good.  We have to truly realize what being sovereign really means.  Once it is lost it will be hard to pull back so it must be at the forefront of the revolution.

 The 1% might have the billions, but they need a complicit 99% to make it happen.  If the 99% see what their reality could become and begin a revolution because they see what truly is within the silver linings then the 1% cannot succeed.   They sting themselves with their own Scorpionic tails.  Even Little Red Riding Hood found a way to get the better of the Big Bad Wolf in the end, as did David against Goliath.  It can happen but we need the revolution of Spirit and Soul.  As I said in previous blogs this might be a perfect storm of crises but at its roots it is really a spiritual crisis within our evolution.  Society has become so toxic with greed that it needs a spiritual revival.   Empires tend to self-destruct like this – you might remember from your history lessons the fall of Rome.  We need the rebirth and the phoenix to rise up from the ashes.  Vive la Revolution!



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