Sound and Light are the Antidotes

 Full Moons always bring events to some kind of ‘revealing’ or climax point, and this particular Full Moon on October 20th is a particularly ‘active’ one.   The Moon is in Aries – never a happy place for her really.   She much prefers to wallow around in the element of more emotional water.  But at this Full Moon she is in Fire.   And her ruler Mars sits with the Sun, in the sign of Libra where he also is not particularly comfortable.   All the retrograde planets apart from Neptune and Uranus have just moved direct, reflecting a move out of stagnation towards a call for action. We are moving into a much more dynamic period as eclipse season draws closer. When I look at a chart I don’t see just a chart, I see a story and it is the story that I try to interpret into a message in my blog.   In terms of countries, politics and nations the Moon represents the people – and here we see people who are out of their comfort zone.  They are upset, angry and unsettled but their wings are clipped, they want to take action but they don’t know how.  They want to take on an attitude of optimism because in many ways life feels more normal than it has for a long time, but they aren’t truly feeling the confidence.

 So, instead the people find themselves staring at an unknown future that they cannot comprehend and for which they lack the life skills of learned behaviour to deal with.  We have to prepare for change - our old normal is no longer an option - but we need to find the strength to withstand this constant assault upon us, which seems to want to both divide us in so many ways and break us down with constant and relentless fear mongering. This Full Moon reflects the suggestion that there is something sinister in the background, something that almost has the potential for violence or violation surrounding it – some kind of existential crisis.

 But I don’t want my message to echo fear – with the Sun in Libra it has to be a message of hope.  If we look at the planetary ruler of the Sun, Mars and Mercury, we find Venus, the planet of love and relationships, pulling us to a point that represents our standing or status in terms of where we choose to head in life.   In Sagittarius she demands freedom and justice – freedom of choice, complete autonomy and justice against those who commit wrongs.   We can perhaps see how, whilst we think we have freedom of choice, so much within our lives is ‘propagandised’ and ‘conditioned’ in a highly emotive fashion – it is slick, it is professional and so many easily succumb.  We are told experimental means safe. All the precautions we take are to keep others safe.   If you get the virus and flu together you will likely die.   Global warming will kill you if you don’t do something.   And many of these words are not just messages of fear; they carry levels of guilt and shame. 

 We have been conditioned and propagandized to believe a narrative and to become dependent on the benevolence of the state who will surely keep us safe!  It is made to appear that everyone supports the narrative; there is no room for disagreement. In reality there are plenty who disagree but, as we transition into an era where Big Tech is increasingly tracking our movements and our actions, those on the other side of the fence are ‘cancelled’.  But this is an Aries Moon.  We must find our fight; we must find our passion for life.  It is a reminder that we are in an existential crisis and we must unite and become warriors if we are to retain our individual autonomy.  Consider this verse from Beyond the Barricades in Les Miserables.  


Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!


These are powerful words designed to be a rousing call for action.  

 The UK has always been a nation of entrepreneurs and going against the grain, and that is reflected within the UK chart.  The Mercury (communication, words)/Chiron (wounding, healing) opposition at the Full Moon sits across the UK Ascendant/Descendant axis and as such has a lot to do with what attitude we take and how we express ourselves during this pivotal and difficult period of our lives.   Mercury is the planet of the mind, thoughts and communication and, therefore, suggests that there is much within the words we choose to use, the sounds we listen to and our thought processes that can help us to overcome our own woundings or help others to heal. In just the same way that words and sounds can rouse to action, they can be a powerful healing tool. 

The Universe is not a silent place.  The movement and revolutions of the planets produce their own dance and their own sounds and we perhaps don’t appreciate enough how sound affects us on an emotional level.  The gospel of St John says that when God created the Universe He said ‘let there be light’.   He also said that in the beginning was logos (word, reason) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (Oneness).”  Sound is energy that produces vibrations, so think of a tuning fork placed on a body or within the universe measuring vibrations.   A crystal bowl or gong session reverberates through the body as does the primordial, collective ‘sound of the Universe’ – the Om or Aum.   Light and sound, therefore, are powerful ‘antidotes’ to crisis, to paraphrase Rachel Elnaugh in a recent video.   Sounds don’t just reverberate through our bodies, they reverberate deep into the Earth, particularly within a ritual scenario.  They act like a butterfly effect.  I remember a dowser who said he could locate the altar where daily mass would have been said in a long disappeared church – he could dowse the energies of the ritual saying of mass that remained within the Earth long after the building was gone.

The words of Beyond the Barricade - when the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drum – are a rallying call to action.  Vibrations of sound have the power to stir us to action or they can calm us into quiet reflection.  At the moment we need both.  The call to action is echoed by Mars’ involvement in this Full Moon as well as the actions of his sister Eris.  But with Mars in Libra we also need to create the balance and the harmony.  And we can do this with simple sound and vibrations that our beating heart – the centre of love energy in our bodies - will learn to match.

The sinister backdrop to this Full Moon appears to come from those who would like the people to submit to their particular ideas of a ‘OneWorld’, where the elitist organisers profit and the people facilitate this.   However, what if we lived in a world based on love?   A world where there wasn’t war or fear mongering.  A healed world where people actually lived as one and supported each other.


Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one


Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

This is from John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’, representing a very different ‘OneWorld’ to the ‘dream’ that is being forced upon us right now.  The ‘OneWorld’ of 2030, the dream of the stakeholders of the World Economic Forum, where we own nothing but we are happy, is not a universal dream, it is a dream imagined by the wealthy for the masses.  It has no linking with ‘love’ or heart energy.

In line with an Aries Moon, we have to stand strong to achieve this. We cannot be passive - but there are subtle ways to be strong. For words to be effective as a healing tool they need the ‘light’ of intention behind them and to achieve the world of the song ‘Imagine”, rather than the alternative elitists’ dream, we have to find strength and resilience within ourselves so that we can harness the transformative power and strength that sits within the Universe.  Part of this lies in exploring the true power of sound and vibration in all its forms.  This is the antidote – and the intention has to be one of healing.  So we must sing, drum, chant, listen to bowls and gongs – we must enjoy the ritual of sound with the intention of healing, living, laughing and loving.  So make merry, share food with others and be aware of the true power of sound and word.





Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud


The traffic lights are stuck on red