The traffic lights are stuck on red

The New Moon of October 6, sitting in ‘peace-loving’ Libra, carries a warning for us all.  She is tightly joined by Mars (the planet of war, leadership, violence, anger, steel, knives, sharp implements, the virus) and opposes Chiron.   Chiron in myth received a mortal wound and was forced to live with the unbearable pain for the rest of his days.  The symbolism here I feel is that we are treading into dangerous and precarious times and never has it been more important that we learn to raise our awareness so we can see realities rather than the noise and distraction.  Mars is restrained in Libra, and he is being fried up by the Sun, who also is in the sign of his fall.   We are adrift without leaders that we can count upon.  Any leadership we do have is likely to be poor, incompetent or ‘covert’ and all of these come with a red warning.

 Apart from the Sun and Moon, who can never be retrograde, we only have two planets – Mars and Venus – in forward motion.   And they are both in bad condition - they can only prop each other up like two drunkards might.   So, there is very little scope in terms of positive, targeted action at a point when we most need to find a path through the storm.  The energy is stagnant for now, almost like sinking down into a mud flat that sucks you in.  But it’s the calm before the storm as four planets move direct by October 19th.  That’s strong energy in a short space of time - we must wise up quickly before it’s too late.  Until then, whilst we have so much retrograde motion, take advantage and re-frame, re-assess and re-consider your cognitive bias and cognitive dissonance.  We all have these.  We can see right now how our life can change with just one flick of a supply chain button, when just one weak domino falls, when there’s a break in our ability to connect and communicate, when a political narrative is chosen – we are very vulnerable.

 Pluto’s energy is particularly strong at the New Moon – he is standing still before moving direct.  His energy is all about power and control; it is intense and strong.  Pluto particularly represents plutocrats and those whose power is wielded via their money as a means of control.   Pluto represents corruption, as well as the purging of corruption – so it is interesting that at this point we see the emergence of the Pandora Papers leaking the secret wealth of the powerful plutocrats and how they avoid tax, together with the sexual abuses of priests in France.   But we know all this goes on, so with every exposure we have to work backwards and ask what this is going to achieve and then work forwards – what desired result might emerge or be desired by some?   What is the desired result for a particular ideology or narrative?  What problem needs to be created to achieve this?  Is there in reality a movement which overtly purports to only be there to keep humanity safe, whilst behind the scenes is covertly destroying it? Pluto represents destruction and there are factors in society which actually desire destruction in order to implement a reset, whether that be financial or governance.  Before we can achieve breakthrough though we have to go through the breakdown – and we have to survive that breakdown.

 Pluto also represents poisons – make of that what you will.  And he is also perfectly symbolized in the latest AUKUS initiative between the UK, the USA and Australia, bringing in stealth submarines and nuclear missiles (all very very Pluto).   This has immediately threatened China with regard to Taiwan and pissed off the French within Europe, who do not have nuclear technology and weren’t invited to the party. 

 We are entering a stage where everything around us is intensifying and accelerating. We are already within the energy of the eclipse season of November/December this year and we have a particularly difficult eclipse to get through in mid-November right on the most malefic star in the sky.    Across the Taurus/Scorpio axis this could well hit us all on a financial level. Could this be the Evergrande crisis tipping the dominoes?  Or could it be something else?   Something we find threatening to our stability and security? With eclipse season combining with the final Saturn/Uranus square in December everything is highly charged and highly unpredictable.

 We also see a return to some kind of bipolarism and perhaps a return to a Cold War.  Global elites apparently prefer a bipolar world rather than a multipolar one because it is so much easier to control the political and intellectual dialogue.   So, how do elites normally control?   Money.   They love a war because they make money, and they tend to do that by covertly being on both sides.   In World War 2 the Americans were overtly against Hitler’s Germany, but I would suggest they played both sides and they certainly helped to advance the Nazi cause after the war.  And that Nazi energy feels very much in play right now.  But first we really must come out of our stupor of assumptions and really care about our futures before it is too late.

 Who would a new Cold War be with?  Right now, it would look like the Western alliance versus China but if we aretalking China, the bipolarism is that we have created a situation where we also need China.  On the one hand we consider China as being at the root of all our problems, having let loose a viral bioweapon on the rest of the world.  On the other hand though, China produces all the ‘stuff’ we need at a very cheap price, so we are dependent on them.

 Climate change we are constantly being told is the next life-threatening crisis waiting in the wings.  But we are but a drop in the ocean compared to China’s bottomless energy guzzling capacity, which ironically is required to produce all the stuff we want but can no longer produce ourselves, because by sourcing from China in the first place we have outpriced ourselves economically and lost all our production facilities.  And to add to that irony we then throw away and pollute the planet with all this ‘stuff’, an action which falls right into the hands of the climate change policies that are uppermost on the list of the World Economic Forum/Charles Schwab’s psychopathic aims for their group of ‘stakeholders’.   And it is these ‘stakeholders’ who seem to hold the most influence over governments and policies – and why?  Because they have the money; ‘stakeholders’ is just another word for ‘those with the money’.   They have already told us that the pandemic provided them with an ‘opportunity’ to move forward to their 2030 Agenda and they have made it clear what that Agenda comprises.   I doubt there is much altruism within their climate policies and suspect this will be a cash cow to push further misery and controls on the masses.  We should wake up and realise just how much these stakeholders control policies and our futures.  It is overt – and yet it is covert!

 This New Moon highlights key areas in the charts of the UK, the USA and China.  In the UK chart she falls right on the UK’s South Node which adds to the feeling that there is something hidden from us, something that is going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about.  The New Moon falls in the UK chart’s first house, which suggests that whatever is hidden threatens the body politic of our nation, our outlook, our world view, the public and their lifestyles.

 A glance at the Fixed Stars suggests that this is also a time where issues within our collective psyche need to be healed.  Society’s values and beliefs are being challenged as the corruptions are revealed.  There is much that is crucial to our futures that is going on in the background.   It is covert, it is hidden, it is dangerous and the heat on the situation is about to be ratcheted up.  And yet in a bipolar fashion it is not hidden.   It’s all there in plain sight for all to see – but none are more blind than those who choose not to see.

 So where do we go from here?  As I said earlier reframe our thinking, but quickly! Time is limited now.  We must stop thinking that those ‘in charge’, such as governments, have their uppermost intention as keeping their people ‘safe’.  That is unsupported by both astrology and history.   We must draw strength from within.   Once upon a time strength came from religion, faith and the Church, but that support was crucially missing over the last 18 months and demonstrates the need to become more self-reliant by raising our awareness, by thinking critically and by questioning rather than blindly trusting.

 Our astrological times are such that have not been seen since times pre-Christ.  A bit like the heralding of a collapse of a civilisation.  That’s why we need to wake up.  We are at a pivotal point and we must, therefore, look long term.  At our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.   At how we want to live out our lives.  We must not focus on short term gratification.   We are voyeurs of the breakdown so we must at least be part of the breakthrough.

 We must re-learn how to work with the rhythm of nature and the rhythm of the Universe that the ancients understood.    We have to ‘feel’ our way through this storm – and connect with our gut intuition.   We possess both Soul and Spirit and we must connect with the truth of our Soul path for this life.  But it’s a feeling, it’s a knowing that comes when we connect with the Truth.   You can’t look it up in a book.  It’s like connecting with an invisible thread that only comes through in a spiritual or esoteric fashion.  Ultimately our true responsibility is to ourselves and to our Soul path.   That doesn’t mean we become selfish or unfeeling – in fact quite the opposite – but we need to connect with ourselves in a true and spiritual way.   It is not what media or government tell us – it is finding our own truth that sits deep within us.   When we awaken to this we become free – the veil lifts and we are no longer blind or deaf.   Our eyes open and can see, our ears can hear and we learn to sense and to trust in ourselves.


Sound and Light are the Antidotes

