
 This week we have he Pisces Full Moon of September 20th falling two days before the Autumn equinox, making this a powerful period to take stock of events and make intentions accordingly.  The Full Moon sits next to the lord of Pisces, Neptune and the unfortunate Fixed Star, Scheat.  Neptune, who has a habit of concealing, confusing, veiling and undermining as his shadow side, has been particularly prominent of late; if he’s on his best behaviour he is kind, compassionate and spiritual but his shadow side is confusion, veiling, deceitful and undermining.   Neptune also represents the media and, with the Moon representing the people, I fear that the media are guilty of  ‘gaslighting’ the public in areas of life and in a way that is meant to feel as though it is for our good.  Like him or loathe him Trump was the target of ridicule in a way that encouraged others to join in or be mocked if you didn’t.   And we are seeing this attitude towards certain sectors of society right now.

 The position of the South Node - part of our karmic destiny axis – adds to this energy, sitting in both the Full Moon and the equinox chart at a similar degree to the May 26th lunar eclipse this year.  Why is this important?  Because it is picking up on previous important cycles and patterns.  The South Node suggests there is something hidden from us, something that we are not seeing and possibly something we need to let go of, an energy which is heightened by this linking to the earlier lunar eclipse.  

 For the UK the South Node falls in the 6th house of the Full Moon chart and the 7th house of the equinox chart. The 6th house represents physical health, our National Health Service, the everyday ritual of work and life of the workers. The 7th house represents our partnerships in life and work, as well as our open enemies.  Our overall general health is probably lower than it was before we entered the ‘health’ crisis, what with the stress of lockdowns, wearing of masks and the general fear mongering. But what is it that is being concealed from us and who might be the hidden enemy?

 At both the equinox and the Full Moon we have a T square of Saturn, Uranus and Venus, but it is at the equinox that this T square becomes more pronounced and punchy for the UK.  It appears as though during the next three months sudden events or shocks may threaten our feelings of security, change our views and attitudes and/or change the body politic, causing structures and traditions to be broken down in a very public fashion bringing transformational change.  Astrologically we have Uranus (shocks and disruption) sitting on the Ascendant but slightly hidden from view and Pluto, the God of Death, power and transformation, on the Midheaven.  The next three months are not going to be for the faint hearted.

 The Saturn/Uranus square, the dominant energy for this year, is active not just at a national level though – it is active at a global level.  It is disruptive unsettling energy and that is exactly what it is meant to do – disrupt and unsettle in order to prepare for some kind of new order and societal change to be ushered in.  Venus in Scorpio has now entered into this Saturn/Uranus picture – and we should remember that Venus works in a devious, covert way in the sign of Scorpio, the sign of her detriment.  We will perhaps see changes coming in the form of our monetary system, banking systems and our money in general – highly likely as we begin to deal with inflation.  One facet of our lives that is being covered up is the fact that our financial systems have been broken for a long time – they have probably never really recovered from the crisis of 2008/9.   Whilst there appears to be a lot of money around there is no foundation for it – it’s all smoke and mirrors (Neptune).  Disruption and change may also come within our relationships with friends, family or indeed relationships with other nations, repeating the position of the South Node I spoke of earlier.  We are moving into a new type of Industrial Revolution.  In the 1800’s we saw this in terms of production processes, types of energy and new types of transportation networks.   Something similar is occurring now but this will be more digital and tech based.

 Looking specifically at the equinox chart, changes may be seen within our working patterns, our health and within our health systems.  The NHS is particularly vulnerable now, with trends showing that much of its services are likely to be digitized – NHS X!  With Scorpio energy in the frame all of this may be covert, hiding in plain sight, hidden totally from us, or it may be that the majority of people just don’t want to know, preferring to block it all from view in an attempt to get their old way of life back into play. We are being faced with the possibility of a huge energy crisis – something that must have been brewing for some while but we haven’t seen coming.

 Adding even more depth to the picture, the Full Moon in Pisces harks back in terms of Moon stories to the Aries New Moon on March 24th 2020.  So something to do with events at this time is being revisited now in a way that marks some kind of revelation or climax, ushering in what could be regarded as a make or break period over the next nine months.   This date in March 2020 marked the beginnings of a previously unknown phenomenon – the lockdown – now a familiar scenario as well as the reality of what the COVID outbreak might mean for us.   The First Quarter point of this lunar story – end December 2020 – marked the start of the vaccination programme.  Now we are trying to vaccinate our way out of our health crisis – will this prove to be the right strategy?

 March 24th, 2020, was also the first New Moon following the agreement between the US and Afghanistan that the US would withdraw from the country.   That does not seem at the moment to have gone well from the point of view of the western world.   Or maybe it has gone according to plan and we just don’t know it!!  The Afghans/terrorists have been donated a huge ‘army’ in terms of aircraft and missiles.  Was this planned but hidden from us?  With Uranus on the Ascendant and Pluto on the Midheaven of the equinox chart will this come back to haunt us?  

 However, it does seem to be emerging that it has gone somewhat better for China, who need the Afghanistan throughway to have a clear route from China through to their other allies in Iran and into India and Africa, as well as the minerals available to mine in Afghanistan, particularly lithium.  Was this all pre-planned as China bids for world domination? We are in the climax point of these situations and we must now fast forward to the point of the summer solstice next year (June 2022) when we are likely to have a clearer view of the outcome of these events.

 What else is on the agenda right now where evidence is likely to be hidden in some way? We have a member of the UK royal family – Prince Andrew - potentially facing prosecution on sex charges.   Interestingly the Full Moon highlights Andrew’s nodal axis – his karmic destiny.   For the Queen the Full Moon hits Uranus – the planets of shocks and sudden events.  Possibly also this marks the start of the breakdown of the monarchy, particularly with Pluto at this Full Moon falling on our Queen’s Ascendant and the UK Midheaven at the equinox.   There is an old saying – and I don’t know where it comes from – that this monarchy begins with a William and ends with a William!  

 Today, at both the Full Moon and the Autumn equinox, we see Mars in the sign of his detriment opposite the position where the New Moon fell in Aries on March 24th 2020.  This is significant in itself.  Mars represents anger, arguments, war, energy, drive, but in Libra Mars is not so effective at driving his points home.   Furthermore at the equinox he is blinded by the Sun – he can’t see his goals properly and he has to find alternative ways to operate.  Actions and energy are perhaps being wrongly placed or at the very least are ineffective.   Mars is in much the same situation as Venus, also in the sign of her detriment – they are in each other’s signs but are unable to help each other.   Both are struggling and are being forced to work either covertly or in a very flip-flop fashion.  

 Putting the energies of both the Full Moon and the Equinox chart together we see a pattern of energies that just does not flow well.   There is a low chance of effectiveness and high chance of confusion and veiling.  Despite that the Full Moon and the Equinox so closely linked is an energy power point.   Be aware of and understand gaslighting.   Question everything – you might regret not doing so in the future.   We are in crucial times and we must think what kind of ways of life (6th house energy) we are walking into for the future.  Keep your energy and vibration high, whilst trying as hard as possible not to get drawn into the spider’s web of drama.   Eat as well and healthily as possible.   Cut processed foods to the minimum.   Have a diffuser in your house and use anti viral, anti bacterial essential oils blended with mood-lifting oils.  We are already seeing lacks, shortages and rising prices.  So have a stock of necessities.   Pay attention to your finances and to your health.   Make sure you have stored food, stored medical supplies and I would say easy access to money just in case.

 This may sound dramatic but these are dramatic and unpredictable times and we are entering a crucial period within the drama.   So many are not seeing what could be ahead of us in the future.  With Pluto on the Midheaven of the equinox chart we should expect a plutocratic type of governance, where the plutocrats try to dictate and the ‘common’ people are subject to their ‘rules’. Is this what you want?


The traffic lights are stuck on red


Tick Tock Tick Tock - Order Will Only Come When We Understand How Chaos Arises (Rudolf Steiner)