Tick Tock Tick Tock - Order Will Only Come When We Understand How Chaos Arises (Rudolf Steiner)

 On the 7th September we reach a New Moon in Virgo.  At the New Moon Soul (Sun) and Spirit (Moon) stand together as they begin a new lunar cycle – a cycle which spans a lunar month from new to full and back to new, but also a much longer new lunar story which takes us through until December 2023.  It may seem as though there is a mountain to climb but what we begin now may take until then to reach fruition.  A New Moon is always symbolic of a conception point, so how will we build on this birth point in the sign of Virgo?

 Virgo seeks order in the face of the opposing sign of Pisces.   But how do we find order in the midst of such global chaos, especially when any kind of true order feels out of our grasp?  Rudolf Steiner was one who tried to work this out.  Steiner was a spiritualist, philosopher and founder of anthroposophy, a movement based on the theory of a spiritual world, which we can only access from the higher faculties of our mental abilities.

 Steiner believed that an attachment to material things has led mankind away from the more spiritual processes of the world.  He believed that we have to fully participate within our spiritual senses.  Merely knowing what these senses are is not enough – it just means that we are asleep in a higher sense.   Steiner’s view was that humanity is only full awake when people are able to really develop notions and ideas of the world of the spirit and participate within that.

 Order will not be created from the chaos of the present time until a sufficiently large number of people are prepared to recognize the truths of that science.   Order can only come when it is understood how this chaos has arisen.  The ancient Greeks created an intimate relationship to the world with an intense feeling of being connected to the spiritual qualities of the environment.

 Steiner foresaw a time when humanity could self-destruct through being less and less able to develop their souls parallel to their bodies.  Via the science of eugenics set up in 1912, humanity, he considered, will try to ensure that only healthy superior individuals will be born.  However, Steiner felt that not only would the human race become damaged by infertility, he also predicted in 1917 that a vaccine would be used to influence the body as early as possible, preferably soon after birth, so that the human body never gets the idea that there is a soul and a spirit.[1]

 Humanity began to live from its lower nature rather than its intended higher nature and certain sectors of society are coming to realize that they must now awaken in order to prepare themselves to make a connection again with the world of the spirit.  Steiner felt that this was the only way that salvation could come when chaos began to reign.

 We are living in a world where Big Tech, Big Data Big Media knows what’s best to keep us safe.   But we must be sovereign so that we can know and make our own best decisions.  Big Media can constantly show us terror and suffering that we could not imagine otherwise and yet how many truly possess generosity of spirit?  Our current lives are based on greed and materialism so we live amidst a ‘not in my back yard’ syndrome.

 So many people have not come to the realization that events which have never happened before within the evolution of humanity demand that we develop new ideas which also have not existed before.  Virgo has an interest in the analysis of data and through this analysis seeks to ‘fix’ things, to make things better than they were.   Virgo is a sign of ‘service’ in this respect.

 This New Moon echoes the theme of the last Full Moon at the end of August, where I spoke mainly about the difficulties of the placement of Mercury (the mind) opposing Neptune (confusion and deception).  Fact becomes fiction, fiction becomes fact and we have no clue what is really the truth.  Now at the New Moon we see the Sun (Soul), Moon (Spirit) and Mars (our drive and energy) opposing Neptune.  Whilst there are some easy harmonious aspects within this New Moon we must remember that, although we do have the opportunity to awaken to new thoughts and the ability to make some positive changes, there is also the potential for the shadow side of the planetary qualities to flow very easily at this time too.   

 Just as I said at the Full Moon, I believe that the crisis we are in is a spiritual crisis rather than a health crisis – Neptune also speaks of compassion, sacrifice and charity.  We have not been living in reality.   Our lives have become increasingly skewed towards achieving an image (Neptune) and we do that by spending a lot of money on ‘stuff’ that has been promoted/marketed as being just the thing that will allow us to achieve that image.   

 However, it rarely works and perhaps more importantly in terms of reality, the money spent is not real.  It has no real foundation.   Back in the day buying power was based on your real assets – whether that was cows, sheep or gold.   Money was backed by hard gold.   Now we print money, but if everyone went to the bank to take out what they thought they owned it just would not be there.   And that is our reality!!!!   A combination of the health crisis and the desires of the technocrats to have both more power and more wealth is destroying the economies of the West and once economies are weakened nations fall.   All those economies are so weak now that the only way out is some kind of reset and how does such a reset become a reality?

 What I am seeing is that we just cannot see anything clearly right now – everything is clouded in smoke and mirrors and until we awaken to alternative possibilities and develop brand new ideas, we may find that there is not just the elephant in the room, there are tigers, lions and an army of locusts on their way ready to up-end our life as we know it, bringing devastating changes to our banking systems, to our food supplies and to our everyday lives.  This life we have had which has descended into trying to achieve the illusion of image is producing a kind of madness – a mass psychosis of fear.  Events in Afghanistan have been shocking.  They are likely to be President Biden’s nemesis – particularly this Autumn, but this Autumn looks as though it could be a difficult time for us all.  

 So, at this New Moon we seriously need to direct our energies in such a way that we question and look at all possibilities – not just a quick fix so that we get can back to our old self-indulgent lives.  Instead, we should remind ourselves that we are all in service to humanity itself and not to the image of humanity we have created.  We have to return to living as spiritual beings before we become the serfs of the most powerful.  Only then can we fix the chaos that has been created.   We are being deceived by illusions (Neptune) and we need to get real.  Our bodies are miraculously created in perfect balance – it is us that has created the dis-order that has led to dis-ease.  And in order to fix the dis-ease we create more dis-ease.   Sometimes our bodies become sick.  But that’s ok because they were created with their own mechanism for recovery – the innate immune system.  Our bodies can create order from chaos.

 Only once we re-discover our spiritual inheritance can we fix the true dis-ease of humanity.

[1] The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Rudolf Steiner




Tick Tock Tick Tock The Assault on our Minds – Sorcery and Spells