Tick Tock Tick Tock The Assault on our Minds – Sorcery and Spells

Back in the day we learned things like our times tables and dates in history by repetition and you never forgot them, even decades later.  That’s the power of repetition.   And as with everything there is a good side to this and a bad side.   For instance I meditate with a mantra, and I believe my mind and body seem to know as I start to repeat my mantra that they have permission to still for a short while, to turn off and to rest.  The shadow side, however, is that repetition can be a form of programming of the mind, and my fear going forward is that mind control techniques are now so sophisticated and so well used that we just don’t know when, how or if our minds might be being programmed and whether our thoughts and, therefore, our decisions and actions come from correct positioning.   

 Why am I speaking of this at this Full Moon on August 22nd?   It’s because Mercury, planet of the mind and communication, will be very dignified and will connect with all the outer planets – the engines of our generational cycles.   Mercury in myth was the only God who could travel between the Underworld and the Upperworld, so Mercury has the power to be very helpful to us now.  Mercury represents our minds, how we think, how we communicate as well as being representative of young people and children.

 The Full Moon sits at 29 degrees of Aquarius – this Full Moon did not want to give a Pisces message, it wanted to give us another message from Aquarius.   We have now had two Full Moons in the sign of Aquarius – the first one at the very beginning of the sign and this one at the very end.  When this happens the second full moon in the month is called a blue moon – and it’s rare, hence the saying ‘once in a blue moon’ (the next one won’t happen till 2037).  

 With the dominating energy for this year of Saturn square Uranus (both rulers of Aquarius) we must pay attention to the symbolism of Aquarian energy.   The message is humanitarian, it is about building communities and it is about being contrary.   Nothing is happening as it should do, everything is contrary.   Contrary is what we must expect and it is contrary to normal that we must be and do.   29 degrees is a difficult degree – things are on the point of wanting to change but often at this degree we see the shadow side.   What we do see is a real humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan.  Quite apart from the cost to the people there this is likely to be Biden’s nemesis – particularly this Autumn, a time which does not bode too well for us all.

 Mercury in this Full Moon chart sits in Virgo – the strongest sign he can occupy.   Virgo is a sign very connected to nature, to health and, therefore, to natural health.  In Virgo he can be detailed, analytical, discriminating and discerning of the information he researches.  But - and this is a big but!  He opposes Neptune and Neptune links with idealism, illusions, ideologies and the media.   We have the rational mind having to deal constantly with the irrational and the rational feels like it’s facing the insane or that a spell has been cast.  Mercury is in danger of being confused, deceived and undermined.  

 Virgo seeks order from the chaos of Pisces and in this respect Rudolf Steiner reminds us that human beings acquire morality by living here on the physical plane.  This Mercury in Virgo seeks to bring some kind of wisdom and morality to the physical body from the world of spirit that is Neptune in Pisces.  Has mankind tipped the balance by living too heavily with the physicality of materialism and the illusion of image whilst having forgotten how to bring the wisdom of the world of spirit?  Mankind cannot thrive with this kind of disconnect and must learn to live as one with the cosmological cycles.

 At this Full Moon we have the Sun sitting with the Royal Star Regulus, a star symbolically linked with huge success.  But success comes with a warning – it only comes if intentions are for the good!!  As a friend of mine recently said to me – sorcery and healing come from the same energy, but one comes from the light and the other from the shadow.  

 Those who wish to make their point have understood that control of media is vital for success. Hitler became the first dictator to take advantage of technical developments within media to attain his goals by making an affordable radio available to the public. The Third Reich eliminated the freedom of press and replaced it with propaganda that infiltrated every facet of daily life.  

 And, as we usher in what feels like a neo fascist period, we are seeing censorships of our communications on a never before imagined scale.  With a Mercury/Neptune opposition we see ideologies that are not based on reality or data and we see the power of the rise of technocracy (Aquarius).  Government officials appear more and more to be puppets for the technocrats who control the money.  And we always follow the money.  Never have the words of Orwell and Huxley appeared more relevant and no longer consigned to fiction.  How could they be so accurate?  How could they foresee ‘wrongthink’?  Because the rise of technocracy began in the 1930’s and these were the guys they hung out with.   It’s the technocrats who are calling the shots.  I read only today that there is a plan (not by government but by technocracy) that all telephone calls will become digital by 2025.  That means everyone will need to be connected to broadband and to a smartphone just to receive or make a phone call.

If we layer this Full Moon chart against the chart of the UK, we find the Moon in the 5th house of children. Highlighting in the news right now is the class divide in terms of examination results following lockdown education together with the push for children to be vaccinated mainly to protect the older generation, even though there is an admission that data is limited.  Once again a contrary point of view - children have never been put forward as protectors of adults – it has always been the reverse.   Interestingly Mercury in this Full Moon chart also picks up the Moon’s position at the time of both the AZ and the Pfizer vaccines, as well as Saturn in the chart of Pfizer.   There is a generation of young people (Mercury) whose well-being and futures are potentially being sacrificed  (Neptune). 

Importantly though, how do we move forward in the best way possible?  What strengths can we call on at this Full Moon?   Mercury in Virgo is a bit like having your own inbuilt computer logic system.   Virgo’s analytics help Mercury in Virgo do what it does best – it uses those analytics to systematically take things apart and then put them back together in the way of the ‘fixer’, leaving them better than they were before.    Saturn square Uranus energy points to the use of the ancient wisdoms (Saturn) in a new way, a radical way (Uranus).  We must beware not to throw everything old out of the window.  Our minds and bodies need to be able to tap into those ancient wisdoms - the forgotten wisdoms that form the bedrock of the foundations of humanity - ancient powers such as the power of sound, the power of water, the power of symbols and shapes.   All these things bring subtle nuances to our lives.  If we live like robots, think like robots, talk like robots then we will become robots.  But true humanity contains an inexplicable essence.  

Right now I would suggest we are in a spiritual crisis rather than a health crisis.  We must find the backbone of morality (Saturn) to overthrow (Uranus) the immorality of the technocrats’ apparent desires for the so-called advancement of humanity.  Dark (Saturn) fears the light so we must embrace the light of our natural world.  We must use the power of nature that we have been granted.   Get out in nature and bring nature into the home with plants that cleanse the air of toxins. Bring in the positive aspects of Neptune – spirituality, instinct, intuition, gut feeling, meditation.  We need courage to go with what we instinctively know so that we can ‘do’ contrary from our heart centres.  If we think the emperor is naked then we need the courage to put our heads above the parapet and say so without fear.   Doing nothing is just not an option.  If we feel strongly we can’t just leave it to the hope that the person next to us will do it on our behalf.   That will be too late.  We all have our individual skill sets and we need to use them.



Tick Tock Tick Tock - Order Will Only Come When We Understand How Chaos Arises (Rudolf Steiner)


My Achy Breaky Heart