My Achy Breaky Heart

The next New Moon on August 8th falls in Leo.   Leo is the sign ruled by the brightly shining Sun who represents our vitality, our ego, the Soul and, therefore, the path we have contracted to walk in this life.  It is the sign of the courageous lion and the sign that is linked to the heart and the heart centre.  Heart-centred love and compassion can resonate around our bodies by several feet.   Yes, there’s a reason why social distancing is not good for humanity!  

 This New Moon is given added power numerologically - it is the 8th day of the 8th month, and the number 8 is not only considered to be a fortunate time to manifest abundance, it also embodies the notion of infinity.   The 8th day of the 8th month also brings alignment with the ‘Lion’s Gate’ portal and the fixed star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.   This gives this New Moon the potential for huge vibrational and high frequency energies when the needs of the individual may require sacrificing in favour of the needs of the collective.  This is a supercharged New Moon, affording the opportunity to connect with the sacred. So consider your intentions wisely at this crucial time. 

 As I have said many times, the planetary cycles we have been experiencing have signalled historically unprecedented times, but never did I think I would witness in my lifetime what humanity is living through now.  There are indeed similarities astrologically to both the Fall of Rome and to the Nazi era, themselves also pivotal points.  We may have lived through similar energies in the past but this time it is different – we have entered a new era in civilization and this time it is global.  

 Right now, the dominant energy is one of freedom versus control, the old versus the new, tradition versus an upgrade, rules and laws versus revolution, the law makers versus the revolutionaries.   This is a conflict angle between Saturn and Uranus who are the rulers of the sign of Aquarius.  So, if you have planets in Aquarius, or indeed the other Fixed signs of Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, and you don’t feel that your cage has been rattled and shaken yet, then it will be before long.

 So, at this New Moon we have the Sun and the Moon together, looking across at Saturn – rules, restrictions and limitations. Both the New Moon and Saturn are in a square angle to Uranus which means that Uranus becomes the trigger of the gun.  It’s very easy to look at such an alignment as ‘bad’, but what I think is needed now is to be aware of the pitfalls but to look for possibilities and resolutions.

 Leo is the sign of heroes, leaders and the ruling classes. The Sun in the astrological chart represents the leader of a country, i.e., the monarch as well as the Prime Minister.  I ask myself do our ruling classes have a heart?   Do they really care about their people’s wellbeing?  These are critical questions in terms of our current situation.   If they do care would their job not be to reassure us rather than put us in a state of constant terror?   In a medical crisis would they not be investing in improving our health care – as opposed to investing billions in track and trace systems.  How much are heart centres being eroded and shut down right now as we struggle to survive what is happening?   Communities, villages, workplaces need a ‘beating heart’ and that beating heart is provided by their people.  This beating heart is hard to find in online situations.

 It is easy also to just see Saturn as ‘bad’ now – the rules and the restrictions we are subject to.  Some while ago I wrote about Saturn’s role in terms of systemic crises, hardships and events that test us to the limit.   If governments are playing bad cop rather than good cop, the past has shown us that, in addition to never letting a good crisis go to waste, they will do what always works - to get populations to comply it is just a case of putting the people in fear.  

 But Saturn is our teacher and sometimes he can give us some harsh lessons.  And if we haven’t learned from lessons of the past, he will show us that we cannot move forward in our best way.  So, we must question what our lessons are here.  What must we learn, what lessons from the past must we take on board?  And we must take our own responsibility for this.  We cannot just assume that our leaders really do have our best interests at heart – as I said this is an opposition and an opposition often signifies things that are being done to us.   

 Uranus is the wild card – the unpredictable.  The one who likes to disrupt and shock.   That makes him very difficult to second guess.   He is the revolutionary but is he acting at the moment as ‘good cop’ or ‘bad cop’?  We don’t know.   Are we meant to be the revolution or is the revolution what is happening now? To survive this well and keep our heart centres intact we must also be the revolution in some way.  But we must be ‘good cop’ - as this is the Lion’s Gate portal this must be about the greater good.   If we the people are to survive this, we must take responsibility to embrace a new way of thinking, a new way of acting.  If we don’t Saturn, in the form of controls - and in Aquarius this will be control by technocracy - will win out, rather than the Saturn that emanates from personal responsibility.   

 Uranus is the awakener, and quite apart from waking us up from slumber into awareness, he can also awaken us to innovations within science that are for the greater good as opposed to the good (and the pockets) of the minority.  Perhaps in some way life has to go dark for a realization to enter the collective psyche that we need to walk away from what is broken and re start with fresh eyes.  Our minds have become numb with the onslaught of relentless media ‘suggestions’ that appear in every area of our lives.  I suspect indeed that these are more than ‘suggestions’, they are intentions being delivered intentionally for ‘dark’ reasons.  This is particularly obvious when you study the unceasing government messaging couched with NLP and classic applied psychological techniques.

 Uranus, as well as Saturn in the sign of Aquarius, represents scientific revolutions.  My belief is that many innovative technologies have so far been withheld from us – mainly because they don’t make enough money for the powers that be.  Consider that there is another part of ‘matter’ that perhaps most of us are unaware.  In addition to solids, liquids and gases there is a fourth state which is perhaps even bigger – a web of magnetical circuitry that could be described as ‘the connective tissue of the unseen world’ – it is called plasma.  We could say that this discovery shows that we experience the singular field as an electric universe.  The harnessing of such a source of energy for humanity to use could be life changing and certainly indicative of the new Jupiter/Saturn civilization era in Air beginning in the technological sign of Aquarius.   More on this in future blogs!

 How to move forward?   Mercury will leave Leo, where he can be somewhat bombastic, and move into the data gathering sign of Virgo – the sign of discernment, service and integrity.   This should help us deal with the new type of divisiveness that seems to have risen up, alongside a hatred of any fellow man who dares to think contrary to the narrative.  But we must do ‘contrary’ because there is never just ‘the’ science – good science comes from debate, from considering ideas that seem challenging or from ‘the other side’.   We cannot allow debate to be erased.   And even more importantly we must ‘care’ what is happening.

 We cannot remain static.   Something has to change so that humanity can grow and move forward, rather than backwards.  If we allow this control by technocracy to take hold, humanity will go backwards because we will lose the essence of what it means to be human. We will become slaves.  For mankind’s survival it is vital that we embrace the innovative technologies that can help society advance, but first we have to know that they even exist.  

 The message from this New Moon is that we need to take personal responsibility for our own sovereignty.  To be a sovereign self (Leo) – we must be curious, question everything, be authentic, own our beliefs and know that we have come into this life with our own Soul and, therefore, our own soul’s purpose.  We need to acknowledge that we can’t have freedom and safety – it’s just not possible.  But we can step out of fear.  When religion and spiritual beliefs are stamped out and replaced by social and medical engineering we stand to lose our basic humanity.  Control of information becomes a powerful weapon of war and authority as well as a weapon of social destruction and dehumanization.  The only thing we have to fear is fear itself because fear will turn humanity towards authoritarianism.   We must recognize just how much fear is damaging our society.

 My heart breaks and aches for humanity and I know that I cannot meet my maker and look him in the eye if I have not fulfilled my soul’s contract.  And that is to be authentic, to be the non-conformist and to connect and communicate with others.  At this auspicious New Moon we must connect with the sacredness of the Lion’s Gate portal and choose to be heart led.




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