Follow your heart – not the crowd

We are in historically and astrologically unprecedented times – don’t forget this when life seems overwhelmingly difficult - as we lurch from one powerful lunation to the next.  The New Moon of July 10th is in Cancer – the sign of the mother, the home, the family.   It’s the sign of the watery and sensitive realms of the emotions and the sub conscious mind.  It’s the sign of the feminine and it is perhaps the more feminine, intuitive, protective approach we need right now.   This New Moon opposes Pluto and trines Neptune so we see issues of control, trust, lies and deceit.   Where on earth would I even start?

 My headline today emanates from a quote by Henri Bergson, a philosopher born in the 1800’s who died during the Second World War.   Never before have our minds been so affected by applied behavioural techniques to the point that we don’t know who to trust or what to trust any more.  With a New Moon in Cancer we are being asked to ‘feel’our way through, to use our instincts and to access the truth the only way we can – by reconnection with our heart energy.   In truth the only points of trust are our instincts and our own hearts.  

 Another social science researcher I have come across more recently is Albert Bidermen, who particularly studied techniques of coercive control, both in domestic situations and in terms of getting information from prisoners of war.  I just want to highlight a few of these techniques – just because really.  One technique is isolation, leading to a feeling of not being safe to go out.  Another is ridicule and humiliation if you believe that you are not behaving as a responsible member of society or hold different views to the norm.  Other techniques are threats of restrictions together with persuasion and reward for good behaviour.   Any sound familiar?

 This New Moon opposing Pluto implies someone has power and control over the people (the Moon represents the country’s people) and accentuates this notion of coercive control.  If we link the chart for this New Moon to the UK chart the two Moons align, and Saturn right now sits with Venus in the UK chart, the ruler of the Ascendant (our outlook) and the 8th house (other people’s money, crisis, death).   There are very real controls and restrictions around the UK people, their money, their fear of death, all of which affects their whole attitude to life.  Much of this has to do with the corporative/money control (8th house) that has become such a big ruler of our lives.  These days Big Pharma regulates itself and has incredible control, as does the media who can rule as to who can or cannot speak and on what subject.  The bottom line is that it is ‘the money’ that controls.

 Jupiter (planet of expansion) sits with Pluto in the UK’s 5th house of children.  And we see the highlighting of the suffering of our children.  We are literally ‘gambling’ (5th house) with our kids’ welfare and futures.

 The principles of the masculine and the feminine – Mars and Venus - come together at this New Moon, with both squaring Saturn and Uranus (the dominant energy for this year.). Saturn/Uranus energy symbolises the principles of freedom versus control, tradition versus the new and the revolutionary and in this T square line up with Mars and Venus I think the potential of crimes against humanity. Mars and Venus in a fixed hot sign is fiery energy, intensifying the Saturn/Uranus ‘crisis of change’ energy. We may see tension and disruption in relationships, perhaps weather extremes due to heat and storms, feelings of alienation even. We have just seen this with Britney Spears as she tried to overthrow (Uranus) her father (Saturn) and his control over her life.  Saturn is too strong right now in his own sign but maybe she will have more success in a year or so.  Saturn and Uranus in aspect often denotes financial crisis.  All may seem bullish right now but beware.

 The energy feels as though a destruct button is being pressed  - our zest to go out into the world is being killed as is our economy and our business.   I was born after the Second World War in libertarian times, so I can’t pretend to know what it felt like to be fighting for freedom in the face of fanatical/fascist energy for a cause or an ideology.  But I firmly believe that that energy never really went away – it merely went underground for a while.  Those who perpetrated that energy escaped, slipped away or were quietly released from their jail sentences only to merge into positions within banking and industry.   So their ideologies and their influence have always continued.  And it feels like the energy is back – maybe in a slightly different form, but it’s back.  I spoke how the last Full Moon picked up on energies and eclipses of the Second World War period and this New Moon carries on in a similar vein, picking up particularly on the charts of both Hitler and Mengele (that’s all I had the opportunity/time to investigate). 

 So what happened at this last Full Moon?  We had the fall of Matt Hancock in what feels a very ‘staged’ situation, to be replaced by a seemingly more liberal type of Health Secretary.   Comments have been made that Boris needs to watch out for this more liberal approach – but it is Boris who appointed him so there is clearly some kind of staged saga going on here.      We saw the collapse of a building in Miami and very likely a significant loss of life. John McAfee, the virus software guy, supposedly committed suicide.  Who knows if he was actually suicided.    We also saw an amazing and hugely attended march for freedom in London that epitomized what I was saying in my Full Moon blog – fight for something not against.   I’m told it was the biggest turnout for a march for decades.  Videos of the joining together of humanity – black, white, old, young, vaccinated, non vaccinated, all cultures, all nationalities – singing, making music, joining hands for a common goal of freedom personally sent shivers down my spine – that joining of energies was just awesome.   That’s how you show your fighting spirit and that is true humanity.  

 Humanity and what it is to be human holds that extra something that cannot really be explained.   Just like that emotional, sensitive energy of Cancer.  Humans are not just a collection of organs, skin, bones, veins, arteries, tissue and muscle – there is that extra piece that makes us human – the vitality of the Soul (Sun) and Spirit (Moon).  It all ‘works’ because there is an invisible connection between everything within our universe.   If we listen to our instincts, just as the animal world and the plant world still do, we would just know what to do.   But we are told that we don’t know, that others know better and so, over time, we stopped trusting in ourselves.  

 It’s that experience of watching a story unfold and you just know whether it is true or not.  That is where we need to get back to.  And even if we are moving into a more technological world I believe we can still do this.   If humanity had access to the most powerful technological discoveries that I believe already exist - ones that have the potential to give us free energy, amazing health care, fast unfettered travel, the ability to explore space and a myriad of other cultures - and let’s say we had all of this and more, but we also had the ability to trust our instincts - how awesome would that humanity be. AI and technology can work for our benefit.

 Right now we are experiencing a life that is limited and if it is limited it is controlled and restricted.   That is not true humanity.   Humanity has to experience living that is limitless.  Humanity has to be allowed to make mistakes, to have joy, to be spontaneous.   That is how humanity individuates and grows.  The more we become used to this restricted living where we are told what to do, right down to whether we can hug or spend last days with loved ones, the more normal it becomes and the more we need that control.  

 So it is time to get more in touch with our instincts and our deeper emotions and this New Moon affords us the opportunity to do this (Moon trine Neptune).  We can get back to being human, we can kick that coercive control into touch and we can get back to a life that can reflect humanity’s greatest potential.  Then we can trust in our hearts and have no need or desire to follow a crowd.








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