Not My Circus – Not My Monkeys

We are now in the volatile energy of the post eclipse period as we arrive at a Super Full Moon in Capricorn on June 26th.  On the 21st the Sun entered Cancer as we went into Mid Summer’s Day and the Solstice.  Pretty volatile and intense energies that day too with a fixed grand cross between the Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. Mercury in his own sign of Gemini stationed ready to turn direct just as Jupiter, also strong in his own sign of Pisces, prepared to turn retrograde.  Neptune too is on the point of turning retrograde.  Added to these energies we’ve also had the second of the Saturn/Uranus squares.  So all in all a pretty action packed, intense period of time.   We should remind ourselves though that, with all this type of very disruptive energy, decisions being made at this point have a habit of not working out quite as expected!

 This is a very interesting Full Moon because it draws together threads of other Full and New Moons, as well as previous and future eclipse points.  This works in a similar way to the ‘red’ threads of life that weave and weft, drawing events and people together to their fates and their destinies.   We can only see them if we open our minds enough and if we raise our consciousness enough. The situation we are in currently does not stand alone - it follows a thread, because all the lunations speak of bigger stories.  This Full Moon links to some kind of seed or conception moment at the Solar Eclipse in December 2019, as well as to the Solar Eclipse at the solstice last year.   And, if stories are linked to eclipses as this does, then that is likely to mean a much more powerful story.  So in many ways things are reaching some kind of climax or fruition and the next nine months will reveal a make or break nature in these two stories.   (My thanks to astrologer Robyn Ray for teaching me this technique - ).  

 This Full Moon, falling at 3 Capricorn, brings to a climax the Solar Eclipse of 26th December 2019, also at 3 Capricorn.  This happens to be the Solar Eclipse preceding both the ‘birth’ of the virus on our shores and the beginning of draconian controls never seen in modern times in our ‘free’ Western world.  Our psyches had already been prepared and pre-conditioned by the media for people to drop dead in the street as they walked and for a Chinese type lockdown situation - around 25% of people are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestions and, therefore, to the very slick applied psychological techniques.   

 Adding to the web of threads the Solar Eclipse of December 2019, set for London, has an Ascendant degree that links to the next lunar eclipse we will see in November this year.    Drawing this all together there is something within this Full Moon that has the potential to bring to light and expose events of the last 18 months, events which will also receive further exposure later on this year in November and will again bring some kind of highlighting in March 2022.  

 However, a warning - when you start searching for that red thread and what it links to, then you risk destroying the bedrock of trust that you have up until now based your life upon.   So beware before you go digging because you have to have the strength to face up to this and that, my friends, I feel is very much what a Moon in Capricorn stands for - strength of feeling, strength of resolve, strength of resilience.

 There is a lot about the current energy, however, that feels much more like Nazi Germany than the free nation of the UK.  And the web continues - there’s a theme of Full and New Moons  at 3 Capricorn which also runs back through the period of the Second World War, with a Solar Eclipse at 3 Capricorn in December 1935 and a Lunar Eclipse in June 1945 also at 3 Capricorn. 

 Right now it’s hard to separate the effects of the eclipses and the second Saturn/Uranus square, but I do think this Full Moon has the potential to expose a great deal.  So what have we seen since the eclipses that could give us clues?  

1. For starters that there’s very much a ‘them and us’.  The G7 lifted the lid on that one. Spouting about the need for action against climate change, delegates arrogantly failed to see the irony of arriving by plane dragging a massive entourage with them and bringing chaos to a beautiful part of the world.  For show they wore their masks and initial photo opportunities embraced social distancing and ridiculous theatrical elbow bumping before they backslapped and partied on the beach in Cornwall.  No isolation for them and they could even mingle with the Queen!

2. Whilst choirs and singing at celebrations or in Churches are not allowed and our school kids have to be masked, the customary singing at an unmasked Royal Ascot went ahead and there was plenty of singing and chanting at the Euros too. 

3. PM Johnson’s God/Messiah complex appears to have been activated by the eclipse as he pledged to vaccinate the world and to head up himself a new Science and Technology Council; this alongside the new Government ‘think piece’ of “Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm”.  He also announced a new Science and Technology Strategy based in the Cabinet Office headed by Patrick Vallance.   The rise of the technocrats as predicted by both Orwell and Huxley!!

4.  The Pentagon validated the existence of Unidentified Arial Phenomena – formerly known as UFO’s. 

5. The beginnings of hyper-inflation fuelled by shortages of both labour and raw materials together with a huge amount of liquidity pumped into the economy.

6.  The Speaker of the House of Commons highlighted that Parliament is being sidelined as PM Johnson’s decisions are given to the Press before them.

So let’s see what else once the Full Moon has done its job.

 Mercury, now turned direct, represents our children and, therefore, our future.   What the hell are we doing to our children?  They have been badly damaged by the current stranglehold on our lives and during the Solar Eclipse we heard how not only are they suffering from severe mental health issues, they are also subject to sexual predators in school and out of school.   They are also the focus of an inoculation drive, despite having a virtually zero chance of suffering from the disease.   And this is in the knowledge that no long term testing has been done on young people.  I can remember a generation of mothers being assured thalidomide was safe. Time to think what we are doing to our young people and hold ourselves responsible for that.   This is highlighted by both the Moon in Capricorn and Uranus who sits tightly with Ceres – the Goddess of the Harvest - who fought for the return of her daughter Persephone from Hades/Pluto who had abducted and raped her.

 Mercury also represents communication and the media.   As we hit the dominant energy now of Saturn square Uranus (control versus freedom) we have seen the ramping up of the censorship of individuals and individual opinions that go against the narrative.  This even applies to eminent doctors and scientists who hold different views to ‘the’ science that our government follows.  This is a very dangerous road to go down and the Saturn/Uranus square could well be pointing to legal challenges - and many are in the process of being made now – in terms of coercion and loss of our liberties.   Saturn represents the rules of law whilst Uranus challenges and disrupts.  We are in the crisis of change as we head towards a new way of living – but that absolutely does not have to mean limitations, authoritarian control and loss of freedoms. 

 So how can we go forward individually?  We have to connect with the essence of the path chosen by our Soul.  But rather than pitching ourselves against people, organisations, events maybe we should consciously fight for things – for freedom, for a better world, for the world we envision.  Maybe we should just ask - does it feel right for me?  So consider what is not your circus and not your monkeys and instead find your Circus, find your Monkeys and stand in your integrity on their behalf. 



Follow your heart – not the crowd


Minds Wide Shut