Minds Wide Shut

The energy of the Lunar Eclipse of May 26th felt very intense and very draining I think, and now we head towards a Solar Eclipse in the sign of Gemini, which potentially may reflect issues to do with the mind, thoughts, communication, commerce and young people. 

 Eclipses are points of high energy, instability and unpredictability.  Things that are hidden are revealed and we enter tipping points of change.   At the Lunar Eclipse the Moon’s reflected light from the Sun is ‘eclipsed’, whilst at the Solar Eclipse the Sun’s light is blocked – a time much feared by the ancients who were actually able to plot these eclipse moments and held noisy ceremonies to scare off the evil dragon that they considered was swallowing up the Sun.

 Eclipses often precede large-scale events affecting countries or leaders in the places where the eclipses are actually visible.  The Solar Eclipse of June 10th is visible across the Northern Hemisphere, particularly Greenland and Canada, whilst Northern Asia, Europe and the USA may see a partial eclipse.

 The upcoming Solar Eclipse sits with the ‘head of the dragon’ - our destiny point and I want to focus today on the Gemini theme of thoughts and beliefs because they have the potential to either empower or disempower our actions and, therefore, our destinies.   They can either empower us to reach for the skies or make us put a label on ourselves that limits us to never go higher than that label.  Our thoughts and beliefs can make us strong or they can eat us up and devour us.

 Mahatma Gandhi very wisely said: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”  That’s why we must always value the right to freedom of thought.  Without freedom of thought and mind we cannot grow and evolve and we will never be able to fulfill the paths of our Souls.  It is our mindsets that provide the framework for everything we do and sometimes it takes a shock to overturn and change our belief systems.

 All the astrology suggests we are at a pivotal point in human history and, whilst we are myopically focused on just one thing, maybe, just maybe, something much bigger is on the horizon.  It is absolutely vital that we really question, think critically and research everything so that we can see the bigger picture and know our belief systems are valid.  Otherwise we are easily influenced and controlled by the thoughts and the agendas of others.  This is no easy task in a world where news medias are owned by a handful of elitists pushing their own agenda – there is so little independent journalism out there capable of standing up to this.

 Mercury, ruler of Gemini, was the only God in myth who could travel freely between the upper world and the underworld.   Mercury can play the fool, whilst really being a conniving trickster.   This made me think of a person who has made buffoonery an art form – Boris Johnson, whose chart will be activated at this Eclipse. Is he also a trickster?

 Right now, whilst we just about still have freedom to think, the freedom to express our thoughts is becoming limited.   Social media posts that violate a narrative are being removed and people are being cancelled and deplatformed, preventing them from reaching a wider audience.  Should we not be very concerned about this?   I believe we are on the precipice of something that could be insidiously destructive to everything that underpins our society and this has indeed been symbolized by the astrology.   There is nothing more dangerous for society than stopping people from thinking, speaking and having the right to an opinion.   Minds wide shut can’t see the dangers of a closed mind.   Closed minds are unwittingly surrendering freedoms and liberties that will change our lives forever more, potentially leading us into a dystopian, despotic future.   

 Mercury is strong but retrograde and, on a positive note, that provides a window of time for reflection.  But Mercury is sending a message at this Solar Eclipse – he squares Neptune.  What are we not seeing?   How are we being blinded, hypnotized perhaps, or even deceived?  Whilst Neptune’s energy can be very spiritual and very psychic it can also be deceiving, illusory, the work of the con merchant.  Is Neptune’s energy blinding and hypnotizing us just because our minds are so closed that we think there could not possibly be any sinister or insidious control in a civilized Western World?  The true financial state of central banks is also hidden – just as it was before the pandemic – and stays hidden because of the liquidity injected into the major economies.

 Soon after the eclipse we have the second clash between Saturn and Uranus – crisis time encompassing control versus freedom, limitation versus awakening, tradition versus revolution.   There’s something bigger lurking in the wings.   Could it also be scarcities?   We are already seeing labour shortages and, with Uranus sitting very closely with Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest and the Earth, could we see disruptions come from the Earth, such as food and natural materials? Scarcities will in turn fuel inflation and hyperinflation.   Does the trickster energy even affect all that we have been told about climate change (our next crisis)?  The astrology could suggest so, because our climate emanates from the Sun and the Sun is in a period of Solar Minimum, which is not suggestive of warming. 

 There are many threats on the horizon but this myopic destructive energy, controlled by the efforts of media, is bringing such a narrative of fear and it is fear that closes our minds and stops us living.  We need minds wide open to see the erosion that is taking place within society’s structures – the family unit, religion, colour, our children’s solid view on who they are.  All of this, aided by the media, breaks down the psychological strength of the individual – for what goal I wonder.  The new cycles of 2020 suggested authoritarian controls via coercion and psychological assault, which encourages social division.  This is a dangerous road – we haven’t been down that one since WW2.   The new cycles also demonstrated the power of huge money – and we see the influence of the billionaires and their tax avoiding philanthropic organisations.  We also see children being asked to step forward for an immunization that is still experimental and lacks long-term data for their future health – young people who have a minor chance of serious effects from the virus.  We must never fear asking questions.  But we should fear the narrative of fear itself that is bringing enormous damage and mind manipulation to all of us and to the next generation.




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