Broken Dreams Need Expansive Thinking

On May 26th we have a Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius in a square (conflict angle) to the Moon’s ruler Jupiter, in his home sign of Pisces. A Lunar Eclipse is really an accentuated Full Moon and is one of the most ancient forecasting tools. With expansive Jupiter in the frame, as well as being a Total Super Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse, this one has the potential to be more revealing and more expansive than normal.

 This is a brief stay in his home sign for Jupiter, until he comes back fully at the very end of the year.  But, we may at this point get a flavour of what we might see once he fully goes home.  When Saturn first dipped his toe into his home sign of Aquarius in 2020 we saw the theme of the lockdowns and the technological and authoritarian controls that have persisted.  Saturn has just stationed to turn retrograde so we may see a reinforcing of these controls, shortages and limitations.  Keep a close eye on what unfolds right now.

 With Jupiter at the focal point of this eclipse we may well see a clash of ideologies; a clash in a war as to who has the moral high ground.  Wherever you find Jupiter you find an urge to expand.  Jupiter searches for meaning and at his best he grows via a moral code and higher philosophical beliefs.  But Jupiter is bigger and brasher than all the rest, so he will throw his weight around.  He can make a mountain out of a molehill with his urge to ‘overdo’ everything.  And in Pisces he has no boundaries, so he doesn’t care whose toes he trips over to get to his moral high ground.  But we should also see a strong search for the truth in terms of the legal system; and the search for truth may reveal unexpected disclosures, even if the truth is hard to find.

 We may also see a greater drive for meaning and spirituality, as well as one of greater confusion, or one of blurred boundaries and different realities.  We have the first indications of inflation, but the sleeping masses seem unaware there could be trouble ahead.  Pisces can represent cons and deceptions and with Jupiter in the picture those deceptions could be massive.  Pisces also equates to scandals and we may see plenty of those.   Princess Diana, Martin Bashir and the media, in the form of the BBC, are in the news, whilst Dominic Cummings is threatening to unleash a broadside against Boris Johnson, although he could well be a sheep in wolf’s clothing.

 With Jupiter’s predication for higher beliefs and moral codes, we tiptoe into the thorny issues of religion.  During this current crisis we have seen Churches with closed doors.  When in history did that ever happen?  We also recently saw a pastor arrested just for keeping his Church open.  And, of course, we have the fragile situation in Israel.

 At this Lunar Eclipse we have the Sun and Moon sitting on the axis of the mind – Gemini/Sagittarius.  So it’s important that we look from a higher perspective and adopt the need to question.  Perhaps this Full Moon clash indicates a potential loss of connection with the essence of our Souls.  We have mind games but on the other hand we still have visions and dreams – Jupiter in Pisces loves to dream.  We have dreams and we have broken dreams – many many broken dreams.  The most manipulated generation of youth ever in history can see their futures slipping away, while the old see their end days disappearing without their dreams of sharing them with their family and loved ones.

If we look from the bigger perspective, as both Sagittarius and Jupiter encourage us to do, we see symptoms of a grand malaise, the virus being just one of the symptoms. The real malaise, however, is systemic corruption and greed, alongside the need for more and more profits and more and more top down control.This corruption has not yet been fully purged or even fully comprehended.  Our attention has been successfully diverted.  The malaise must be seen for what it really is.  And the way to deal with Jupiter in Pisces has to be through the senses and through raising our thinking above myopic obsession and into the boundless.

 We are at the beginning of a new era – a technological era – whilst standing at the end of a greedy capitalistic, corrupt period whose directors think they are reaching the end game.   The 1% now owns the media, big pharma, most products, big tech, as well as the think tanks, the influencers, the policy makers and, therefore, governments.  The 1% are guilty of creeping pervasiveness (Jupiter in Pisces). And the 1% just got richer as we see reports just on this eclipse that many UK firms have been bought by private equity ownership during the pandemic.

 When we have reached a point where 1% controls the world we have to stop being complacent and take the blinkers off.  We have to stop thinking within the confines of our comfort zone.  We must expand into the territory of the boundless and the limitless.  Someone has to tell the Emperor he is naked!

 Follow the thread that embodies the most greed and corruption – usually the big banks and the big money people.  Question exactly why the World Economic Forum just postponed with very short notice their meeting in Singapore to early next year.  This is where all the big boys in finance meet to decide their strategies.  Give humanity a chance to evolve well.  At this fork in the road though, one road leads to Satan and to Hell.  If we pimp ourselves out to the 1%, humanity implodes.

 This Lunar Eclipse is one of very mutable/changeable energies with an emphasis on mental Air.  We can use those energies to turn our thinking upside down in favour of the needs of our senses and souls.   We have to find truth and meaning from within our own higher consciousness and from the Soul of the Universe, the laws of the Universe and the moral codes of the Universe.  We have to look from a bigger perspective and not myopically.  Stay outside the Pisces drama machine, be aware of the alternative realities but keep grounded.  In order to survive, and more importantly thrive, we must expand, question, go with our gut instincts and go beyond.  Step out of fear and don’t be afraid to be the one who thinks differently.  Stand by a higher moral code.  Mercury turns retrograde within days – plenty of time for a re-think. Oh – and hold on tight as we go into June!


Minds Wide Shut


The Queen has been branded