The Queen has been branded

Just prior to the New Moon this week, on May 11th we had the Queen’s Speech – not exactly a stirring event.  The government seems hell bent on curbing the right to protest but doesn’t have similar enthusiasm for social care and care of the elderly.

 What we did see though – and my thanks to UK Column News for noticing this one – the Queen has been hijacked and branded.  In line with the Government’s seemingly bottomless pit for media and advertising and I guess the corporatizing of Prince Harry and his wife, this Queen’s Speech got its own logo.  So this logo was in the form of a large Q with a wavy line underneath which symbolically mirrors the curve of Horus, the all seeing eye – a very Masonic symbol and a very loaded symbol heralding a New World Order (check out the US dollar bill).  And the theme of the Speech was in total lockstep with the idology of the New World Order.

Now the Queen’s chart is receiving some significant planetary ‘hits’ - Pluto has crossed her Ascendant, Saturn opposes her Moon and the November Lunar Eclipse will be pretty close to her Midheaven axis and the recent New Moon sat opposite Saturn (structure, form, responsibility) on the Midheaven (public profile) of the Queen’s chart. These aspects reflect the changes for the Queen personally and I think for the monarchy in general.

 Should we be concerned about this branding and commercializing of the Queen?  Yes I think we should.  It has everything to do with the current main energies of Saturn and Uranus – the clash between tradition and revolution, freedom and control and it has everything to do with the unprecedented line up of planets in Capricorn, breaking down traditional structures and organisations.  

 The last man standing is perhaps the monarchy, but now we have a concrete signal that it won’t necessarily stand for much longer, or certainly not in the form we have been used to. William and Kate, as the popular royals embracing family values, are likely to be brought to the forefront but they have a battle on their hands, particularly from within their own family.

 Will the monarchy survive?  I doubt it.  A corporatized monarchy is the beginning of the end.




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