Beyond the Earth and into the Metaverse

The energy of the New Moon in Taurus on May 11th feels quiet.  Maybe it’s the lull before the storm, bearing in mind the following two lunations will be eclipses.  This New Moon aspects the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - the larger forces that engineer the generational cycles.   There’s also a square to Jupiter, but Jupiter is more concerned with flipping into his home sign of Pisces.

 The Fixed Star Rana is in focus here - a massive orange star symbolized by the bullfrog, in the constellation of The River.  The River esoterically reflects the river of life and mythologically the River Po.  Phaeton was slain by Jupiter and fell into the Po having set the world on fire as he carelessly drove his father’s chariot.  Rana was said to love knowledge and science, embrace change and to have a very loud croak.  Rana is perhaps a warning not to overstretch, not to block change but to ‘know’ where we are going – and croak about it!

  Change is rarely a walk in the park for the average Taurean, who needs to feel safe and secure. The natural Taurus desire is for everything to always stay the same and to wait for as long as it takes before making a decision. Perhaps the biggest issue lurking in the background is the Big C of complacency, as many complacently wait in the hope of having everything familiar in place again. But change is going to happen come what may.

 Historically and astrologically we are in unprecedented times.  Just on their own the unprecedented seven Pluto/Uranus squares between 2008 and 2018 had already left a trail of economic and political turmoil across the world.  Then the transits of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto through Capricorn signalled both the exposure of corruption and the seeds of the destruction of the very fabric of our society.  The Saturn/Pluto fascist, dictatorial signature heralded a harsh start to 2020 and we haven’t seen such a line up in Capricorn since 1285 - and that marked the beginning of the fall of the Mongol and Asian Empires together with  the Middle Eastern Caliphates in favour of the rise of Europe, the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution.  

 Falling at the midpoint of Jupiter and Saturn, this New Moon also plugs into the new Jupiter/Saturn cycle and a new socio economic era as big as, or probably bigger than, the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century.  All the signs suggest that we are at the start of a Technology Revolution – one that will change our lives forever, just as the Industrial Revolution or the Bronze Age did.  I think the coming together of all these cycles really is unprecedented astrologically.  So, if I am correct, forget the rule book – we are about to go commando and enter a pivotal point in the transformation of humanity.

 So where will this Technological Revolution take us?   Well firstly, if the World Economic Forum has its way, we become digital citizens.  And if you are a digital citizen there’s no hiding place and no democracy.  And the big central banks need this because the economy pre Covid was already in a bad place.  Central banks can’t stimulate the economy so they need a Reset.  And the Reset can now hide behind the enormous cost of the current crisis!!

 With private money being invested in space vehicles, and Elon Musk leading the fray, it’s obvious there must be some valuable resources to be mined out there. It’s always about the money. Musk’s next plans are for Starship X, an interplanetary vehicle that will carry cargo and people to Mars and beyond, using technology that will cut the current shortest journey time to Mars of two years down to two months.  It is scheduled to be operative during the current decade.   Think about that!  Within 9 years Spock will be real.  Interplanetary travel will be real.  

 The outer planets at this New Moon also beckon us into the Metaverse which is all very very Neptune.   Meta means beyond, and verse represents the stem of the word universe.  The metaverse is a progression of the internet where 3D virtual spaces link into a perceived virtual universe.  So we get a joining up of virtual worlds and augmented reality.  No more will you spend hours travelling anywhere or deciding what to pack – flick a button and off you go virtually to Earth Mark2, which has a geographically linked digital grid layer that spans the planet, allowing people to claim ownership of Virtual Land.  You could buy Manhattan or a Caribbean island, but not the Taj Mahal or the Statue of Liberty – they have already been claimed.  Welcome to the Metaverse.

 Don’t be fooled by the fact that all the aspects from the Moon to the outer planets are very  “nicey nicey”.   That just means the energy flows easily.   So use the energies knowledgeably and wisely for your benefit.   Tap into their mythology and understand their meanings.  Tap into ancient wisdom – the wisdom that was based on how to live one’s life.   Nature was observed and learned by experience rather than taught in a classroom.   But the indigenous cultures have been cancelled; their knowledge has been ridiculed.  The elderly are no longer the wise ones of society – their experiences and memories are no longer respected.  And the young are ‘woke’.

 Uranus shocks and disrupts.  He cuts off and he separates.  We can see this in myth where he cut off his father Saturn’s genitals.  But he did this to prevent further distress for his mother Gaia and to call a halt to his father’s cruelty.  Without resistance, but with complacency, society has literally and cruelly been cut off in so many ways. Taurus represents Nature and Mother Earth and, rather than forging a greater connection to Nature, we are cutting off from her and killing her.  And if we kill her we in turn kill ourselves.  But the Uranian shocks and disruptions can perhaps awaken us from complacency and apathy.

 Neptune/Poseidon is God of the Oceans.  He can summon storms and winds.  The Oceans represent our primal beginnings and the more emotional realms of life.  The sea is always unpredictable and we must, therefore, learn to go with the ebb and flow of the natural world. Neptune can help us to go beyond into infinity, to break down the barriers.  Neptune can help us to connect with the Sacred and unlock our intuitive senses to deal with the unpredictable. 

 Pluto/Hades is the one we fear most though.   He is God of the Underworld and God of Death.   Our Western world doesn’t ‘do’ death.  But Professor Greed invited Dr. Death to our doors.  Pluto is also God of wealth – diamonds, jewels and rich minerals are buried in the underworld. Pluto wants power and control – and big wealth is one of the easiest ways to control.  So the biggest fear manipulation on a global level ever in the history of the world, aided and spread by the winds of the oceans, cranked into action. 

 In Western astrology Pluto became planet of power and transformation - I guess you can’t get much greater transformation than the one from this world into the next.  But at base level if we are going to evolve and grow, as our Souls must learn to do, a part of us has to die in order for a different part of our nature to be reborn.   We can transform from weak to strong, from powerless to powerful and sovereign, and we can learn to use power with integrity.  And buried deep within us we may just find our most valuable gifts, talents and treasures.  When we enter a new paradigm transformation is a given.

 Taurus, as the second sign in the zodiac, builds upon what Aries started.   He doesn’t want to prove himself by fighting and starting new things – he just wants to carry on and get the job done.     In fact the Taurean urge is more to just ‘be’; to live, to laugh and to love.   Taurus reflects the natural earth and nature’s bounty - so don’t just be in Nature, really ‘be’ there. Connect to Nature’s inner spirit in order to find the purpose of your Soul.   Gather strength.  Gather wisdom.  Stand strong like a tree.   Trees are sentient beings who are said to communicate with each other through their root systems. Only this week there was an article in New Scientist describing the ‘the wood wide web’.   So what if this new paradigm showed us that we really are part of a One World Order, that we were already part of a ‘web’ before the internet was invented and that we are part of the sacred.   

 The best medicines are the natural ones that come directly from Nature.  The best medicines feed our Souls and our Spirits.  The ones we take today are born from the left overs of a chemical industry that a man named Rockefeller decided he could turn into Big Pharma. We began spraying our crops full of glyphosates.  Then to tackle other issues we had to add in a bit of 2-4-D, one of the main ingredients of Agent Orange which killed so many in the Vietnam War.  “This will be great”, they said, showing happy joyful children celebrating its use.  Same media – different product today!!   Then it was decided Genetic Modification to our crops would be a great idea, followed on by a bit of Genetic Modification to our bodies.  We know that fertility in both men and women is falling.  Can you not see the parallels of where this is going just to keep making money?  Will humanity even be a viable race at this rate? First disrupt (Uranus) our bodily systems by polluting our food source, then solve any problems with genetic modification to both our foods and our bodies, and then wonder why the sixth mass extinction became a reality. 

 We have not yet merged with machines – but it could easily be on the horizon – so take the energy of the New Moon while you still have the chance to just ‘be’.   You don’t have to do anything but ‘be’.   A few days after this New Moon, Jupiter’s entry into his home sign of Pisces will help us to take in nature’s wisdom.  This is a brief sojourn though so make it count.  Reflect and appreciate what we have around us.   Why would we need the artificiality of the Metaverse when we can connect with the Sacred by just ‘being’ at one with our Earth? Why would we need the Metaverse whilst we can for now still live, laugh, love and ‘be’?  Enjoy this brief lull, connect respectfully with the strong outer energies and take the best they can offer.  But for now just be still – just ‘be’.  Oh - and at the same time be more bullfrog – croak loud, learn a lot and live leaping.  





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