The Sons of Satan

On the 27th April we will have a Super Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio.  It’s a Super Moon - it will be a spectacular sight so close to Earth.   And because we are about to tiptoe into the realms of Eclipse season in May and June, it is likely to feel both powerful and intense.

 Scorpio has two planetary rulers.  Pluto, the modern ruler, gives Scorpio its intensity, its depth and its obsessiveness.  The traditional ruler is Mars, so still warrior energy as with the last New Moon in Aries, but this is a different feel. The Full Moon is the climax and point of reveal of a cycle, rather than a new seed of beginning.  The last New Moon was very masculine, reactive energy whilst this Full Moon has a preponderance of feminine planets – only two planets are in masculine signs.  So this Full Moon represents the strong female warrior. Strength, endurance, tactics, protectiveness and nurture prove that the female warrior does not have to act like a bloke.  Remember the feminine is designed to both give life and to protect life. 

 We have seven planets (that’s a lot!) in what we call Fixed energy – and Fixed is exactly what it says on the tin.   On the one hand it is very enduring – very much about ‘let’s get this job done’ – but on the other hand it’s resistant, stubborn and difficult to change.   It is not adaptable and flexible – in fact it’s completely the opposite.  War is in the air and it feels as though we are at the point of the beginning of a tug of war where each side digs in.

 Expressed absolutely literally this Full Moon expresses the enduring power of Nature.  It also expresses the power of the people.   And the people standing up to the football elite this week demonstrated that.   The little guys did the same a short while ago when they kicked the hedge funders into touch.   It’s just a shame the people can’t recognise that they have a huge amount of power that they absolutely can use to fight for their rights and their health.  Also literally, it’s the control of the people via corruption and money, and the exposure of this.  What do we have in the news?   Profiteering from parliamentary lobbying. And, if we took off the blinkers, we would see the ‘buying’ and the control of every facet of our lives by the plutocrats and the secretive banking elite working behind the scenes – the sons of Satan.

 This Moon represents power and strength, empowerment and sovereignty at her highest expression, but also obsession, manipulation, corruption and toxicity at her lowest.  Expressed positively she wants transformation and healing.  She is insightful and penetrating.   She is private, secretive and protective.   She is capable of being uncompromising, intense and ruthless and can be unflinching in her efforts.   We have a Taurus line up opposite her of Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mercury and Taurus’ main aim is to hold on to all possessions in order to be safe and secure.   Moon in Scorpio also wants a sense of safety, but it’s more based on the need to survive. 

 Staying safe is a mantra right now in our fear-driven lives.  But, as I’ve said before, what is a safe life anyway? To find safety at these times we must go within to find our safe place, draw on our inner strength and the inner power that is within us. When we have nothing else we have to find what we need from within and connect with our inner self, with the sacred, with our hearts and our beliefs. We have to bring the sacred into the profane.

 The tension of this very rigid line up of planets at this Full Moon is accentuated by a square (conflict angle) to Saturn in Aquarius, making it very much tied in to the main outer planetary energy for the next couple of years – Saturn square Uranus – the old versus the new, control versus revolution.  Saturn’s whole raison d’etre is about testing us with trip hazards, rocks thrown in our path and all sorts of trials.   This is because we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience and a human experience is not meant to be a bed of roses and pleasure, even if that is what we think life should be about.  Life is personal growth through meeting challenges.

 Scorpio is a sign which very much tries to get power and control over others by means of manipulation and we must bear in mind the level of mind control and applied psychological techniques that society has increasingly been subjected to over the course of many many years.   As the reach of television and the media grew so did the reach of advertising.   Advertising is much like propaganda – it is carefully planned, it is strategic and it is designed to manipulate people into doing particular things, behaving in particular ways and buying particular products.   Influencing behaviour is a hugely studied science – we just don’t necessarily realize how much we are played. And this began many years ago as television and social media began to dumb down a nation and children were no longer encouraged to think critically.

 But we must remember that we can be sovereign, powerful beings within a powerful universe.  Going within allows us to become empowered and powerful and to bring the sacred into the profane.  We have a pivotal part to play at a point where society is moving exponentially faster than it was only a few years ago.  How we play our part will determine the kind of society where we live out the rest of our days.  Will it be human or transhuman?  Free or controlled?   We are players within a society that is experiencing its own death/rebirth.  Expressed literally in terms of this Full Moon’s need for survival, this is about survival of the Earth, survival of our bodies, survival of humanity.  Who rises – Satan or the Divine?  

 Scorpio always keeps his cards close to his chest.  Astrologically we always say that Scorpio (and Pluto) conceals his true identity with a mask.   Very ironic right now I think.   The Scorpio will adopt the ultimate ‘poker face’, so this Full Moon is really asking us to look at what is hidden from view.   And there is actually a lot that is hiding in plain sight but society as a whole, rather than wear the mask over their nose and mouth appears to have it over their eyes and ears. Scorpio’s actions are very often covert but, just as happened this week in terms of football, which I hasten to add I have no clue about, we should know that we don’t recognize enough that we the people have power.   

 The closest planet to the Sun at this Full Moon is Uranus – planet of technology, disruption and rebellion.  What does that tell us?   To be honest it’s telling us that no matter how much we are looking for safety we are unlikely to get it right now.   It’s also telling us that we can’t stay the same – that’s just not going to work.   We are entering a new paradigm and we have to get our heads round this.   We have to draw from within.

 Taurus (the sign of the Sun at this Full Moon, is the sign most representative of Nature and Mother Earth, as well as tangibles such as money.  Uranus is ripping his way through Taurus as we speak – he is disruptive, he shocks and he brings change with him very rapidly.   How we use money will likely change – digital currencies are here whether you like it or not and whether you understand them or not.   

 But hiding in plain sight are changes in our attitude to our Earth and our lives.   Future stories are likely to centre around climate change or climate emergency, as I think its name is being changed to.   We are enshrined in law now to meet certain carbon emissions I think by the mid 2030’s – things like emissions and boring stuff like your gas boilers that you won’t be able to have any more.   Not before time you might say, but this is something that is being ushered in by the rich gang who hang out in Davos.   What could possibly go wrong for us?  The Davos Gang (World Economic Forum) is doing everything behind a very ‘green’ mask.   Their partners in crime go by the new buzzword of ‘stakeholders’ – or rather ‘we are actually after your money’.  They have told us that by 2030 we will own nothing.   They have told us that the Covid emergency has provided them with an opportunity. And so it has for Big Pharma and Big Tech.  They have told us how our lives will benefit in the new normal of ‘smart’ cities.

Therefore, it’s no surprise to me that the countries who are bringing in the Covid passport seem to be calling it a Green Pass.   Covid will pass through – it is absolutely bound to.  But, once you have this conveniently named Green Pass in place giving your health status, how easily transferable this is to monitoring your habits in an environmental, social and financial fashion.   And absolutely we have to take responsibility for our planet.  But to me this ‘covert’ (Scorpio) introduction into our lives means that you become the resource to provide money to offset every action that someone else decides will cost you. So your health status easily morphs into your social status and your green status.  It could potentially morph into the tracking of ‘wrong speak’, ‘wrong think’, racist or homophobic tendencies.  Digital currency will track your spending status and AI will track your every movement in a ‘smart’ city.  Every facet of your life could be wormed into as a New World Order comes in alongside the Great Reset (both of which are spoken about in plain sight).   And that New World Order will encompass a One World Order, leaving your national government about as powerful as a county court.

 We herald in a new paradigm on so many levels.  Neptune went into Pisces in 2012.  This was also the time of the end of the Mayan Long Count, indicating the end of one era and the beginnings of another.  This absolutely has to herald a new paradigm.  At the same time we were in the early days of the seven Pluto Uranus squares, which pointed to global economic and political turmoil.  That was the amber warning period, but we kept ignoring the signals.   Now all our chickens are running as fast as they can to get back home to roost having realized the new cycles of 2020 are actually here.

 Neptune’s entry into Pisces we hoped would bring in an era of greater compassion and kindness, and that may be, but I think we have also seen a huge increase in deceptions, lies and the veiling of the truth.   And the veils unwittingly draw us into ideologies.   But let them be your ideologies not someone else’s!   “Sign up to the digital pass – then we can keep you safe”, said the wolf to Red riding Hood.  “Don’t worry it’s only temporary”. Scorpio is a sign with a great awareness of death and most of these ageing Plutocrats are eugenicists. Our next level in society absolutely must not be about what they have up their sleeves. 

 We can choose to enter within the power that this Full Moon in Scorpio is demonstrating.   We can be strong, we can be dedicated to our beliefs, we can be unflinching, steadfast and determined.   Or we can choose to just stay safe as the propaganda tells us. 

 Cut through the deceptions. Break through the corruptions. Listen above the noise so you can ask questions.   Take away the veils from your eyes and ears. You are sovereign, empowered and powerful.  Find your strength within.  Connect with the sacred and with the inner you. The people do have power.






Beyond the Earth and into the Metaverse


If you’re waiting for a leader – look in the mirror