When Truth is Stranger than Fiction
My blogs over the last three years or so have followed a distinct theme – what is concealed, what is corrupt and what is essentially evil. Life threw a curveball into all our lives just over three years ago, and weirdly I’m almost grateful for that– without it I may never have opened my eyes to the degree I have, trying to know and to understand.
On June 18th we arrive at a Gemini New Moon, making a fairly tight square angle (conflict aspect) to Neptune and, for the UK, the New Moon falls in the 12th house, the house of everything that is hidden. Neptune as a planet has its own veiling energy which can easily conceal, confuse and deceive. In modern astrology Neptune is also the natural ruler of the 12th house, so we have a continuing almost double whammy theme of concealment. We are like blind men – having to feel our way in the dark.
Plato in the ‘Republic’ described such a situation, where a group of people had lived their lives chained to the wall of a cave. In the darkness of the cave they could only see shadows projected on the wall from objects that passed in front of a fire that was behind them. This was their reality – a reality of what they were allowed to see by their captors. But it wasn’t true reality – merely the one they were permitted to know. Our perception of the reality of our lives may be very different to what it truly is – the truth can only be achieved through Reason, and the truth may be stranger than fiction.
New Moons are new starts, the beginnings of a new cycle; they occur when the Sun and Moon come together in the sky. Gemini is the sign that speaks the most about communication the voice, the mind, thought in general and the networking of information. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in his own sign set back a little from the New Moon. Mercury is also in the 12th house, in a square to both Saturn and the Midheaven (status and the government). Information is being hidden and restricted, potentially also being limited by control systems at the highest level. Mercury also symbolises young people, trade, commerce – he was the only God who could travel between the Upperworld and the Underworld. He is the Reason we need to use.
So how do we make new starts when we can’t see? Enemies are hidden from view (12th house), information is suppressed, actions are being covered up. The 12th house also represents learned behaviours and the sub conscious mind; we live in a world where our subconscious minds are subjected to applied psychological techniques that are intended to ‘nudge’ us into behaving in certain ways without us even realising that it is happening. As the Cabinet Office’s Mindspace document tells us, even if we knew we had been ‘influenced’ we wouldn’t know how or where it had come from.[1] Neptune is also representative of ‘ideologies’ that today’s bankers, technocrats and plutocrats do not shy away from imposing upon society.
At the New Moon Pluto is retrograde, having returned to Capricorn to do some clearing up before he finally enters Aquarius for his 20-year stretch in January next year. His time in Capricorn has revealed the true corruptness and greed of our vast corporates and all they touch. Great Britain grew on the back of the entrepreneurs and the inventions of the Industrial Revolution; their energy and inventiveness really did once make Britain great. But these businesses became bigger and grander, until they turned into impersonal corporates. Pluto’s brief stay in Aquarius has already given us clues to the way of the future for the next 20 years, particularly in terms of technology. There’s been much chatter about Artificial Intelligence and sites such as ChatGPT. We are at a turning point for society where AI could be used by us for the good, but there are many signs that, if we don’t start really thinking, mankind could make itself superfluous. We have also seen ‘whistleblowers’ revealing covert non-human technology, evidenced by recovered vehicles and extra-terrestrial influence. What indeed has been hidden from view about these non-human technologies? What reverse engineering has already taken place without our knowledge? What discoveries have already been made that could radically change our lives for the better?
We are only told what we are allowed to be told. Mainstream media is merely a propaganda arm intended to ‘bottom feed’ - although we have been brought up to trust organisations such as the BBC. Like many other institutions the corporates and the technocrats own it and people within it to effect their future wishes. We are not much different to the prisoners in Plato’s allegory of the cave.
I see a world full of ‘perfect storms’ if we don’t break out of our ‘cave’. We are totally penetrated and engulfed by the internet. This is a very ‘twelfth house’ influence I feel. It is unseen and intangible, but its effect is huge. On the plus side it brings people together like nothing else that has ever existed before. But it also brings together the seedier side of society as well – the paedophiles and the groomers for instance who can normalise their behaviours through their connections in vast numbers. People’s social behaviour is displayed incessantly to a degree that others, who perhaps don’t have such an ‘exciting’ life, feel a sense of dismay. This brings on levels of a type of anxiety not previously seen. In the past people have been anxious because of something real that can be explained and has a reason. But what we see now is a background anxiety bordering on insanity that is pervasive, and yet we have no concrete explanation.
The internet is also a means to influence and test behaviour with the kinds of psychological techniques that are much loved by those who seek to control. How have we arrived at a situation where supposed leaders cannot even describe what makes a woman a woman and where children are considered mature enough to choose a gender that will affect them for their whole lives as though it was some kind of consumer choice that we are entitled to make? We have a fear of being truthful - political correctness will soon have more legs than a centipede and yet we still think we live in a democracy.
We have also never been in a situation where organisations such as BlackRock or Vanguard for instance are wealthier than nation states; their ability to buy influence over political decisions for society is massively underestimated and indeed unseen. If you add vast wealth into an equation of ideological beliefs for society as a whole, then add into the mix the technology of the internet and applied psychological techniques, then you have a perfect storm of ‘unseen’ influence. People are subjected to such a barrage of different ideologies that they no longer know what to believe. No wonder anxiety pervades our society bringing with it a level of insanity and confusion.
Simultaneously society is being carefully prepared to become dependent upon its unseen controllers. Via surveillance capitalism the data on us is being used for control as we are being prepared for life in the world of the digital devil.[2] If we behave well, then we will be rewarded with what we have taken for granted before. But it is covert – hidden. Social media has led us to want approval with likes on Facebook and Instagram, and so society has been conditioned and prepared.
Saturn is stationary ready to go retrograde and because he is stationary his power increases. Saturn represents responsibility and top-down control. He rules the signs of Capricorn, the things we ‘should’ do and governmental type control, and Aquarius. In Aquarius he represents humanity and moving forward – he is the tradition that the sign wants to move away from but also eventually and inevitably will become. But this is a Saturn who has lost the level of strength he enjoyed over the previous five years when he was in signs he ruled. In Pisces, a water sign, he has lost the advantage of the solid ground that he needs - until he realises he must come from a more spiritual and compassionate point of view.
We consider that we in the West live in an advanced society, when in reality it is a decaying immoral society that has partly been built on profiteering from the resources of third world societies. We consider we have a rich standard of living with the trappings that accompany this. But all this is built on debt (Neptune) and anything but reality!!! A fake reality. The US has $32 trillion of debt and has had to raise its debt ceiling. The UK debt stands around £2.5 trillion. Our fortunate life is built on sand and water and it is in danger of collapsing in the sludge; it is fake, illusory and traps us in the Matrix. This is very evident astrologically with both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces.
Our money system now needs to be restructured to cover up the general corruption and how money has been wasted. Hence the desire to set up a digital system. Within this system Mr. Everyday will have no escape, no little pot of ‘just in case’ cash. The plutocrats will be fine though, particularly when so much money is being funnelled into war and big Pharma, the real money earners. Money poured into countries as ‘aid’ for war is really just a loan anyway, plus a foot in the door for the rebuilding contracts. Another perfect storm incoming.
In the Matrix a crisis is necessary because Mr. Everyday has to be made fearful. Enter the climate crisis. Astrology is a study of cycles and our climate has never remained the same – it has always been cyclical. What we do have that is real is a crisis created by man. A crisis of toxicity in water, earth, the oceans – in fact everywhere we see the harmful hand of man. The soil that is an absolute requirement for good food has been raped and pillaged to the point that it has to be filled with fertilisers, pesticides and glyphosates, all detrimental to our health. Then add in a war so that fertilisers become hard to get and extremely expensive. Then bring in sickness within poultry, hardly surprising when we see how they are kept in the main, and our only answer is to kill the poultry. Then we decide that the farts of livestock add to the climate crisis – again the only answer is to kill the livestock! Anyone else remember the burning pyres of cattle in 2001 when millions of cows and sheep were culled after the incompetent computer modelling? I certainly do and so do all the small farmers who were put out of business. Now Ireland is looking to kill 200,00 cows to fight climate change and French courts have said that 17 million cows are not favourable for the climate. This is NOT the way. We are presented with problems, reactions and solutions in the form of quick fixes. But what are the future consequences of these solutions? Where are viable alternatives?
I’m not a particular J Edgar Hoover fan, but he seems to have spoken some good common sense in his time. In 1924 he became the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which would latterly be known worldwide as the FBI. As someone who would have witnessed first-hand many evils, he said: “When morals decline and good men do nothing, evil flourishes”. And that is the problem – many good men do indeed see the evil, but they choose to walk by for a variety of reasons; they might lose their job; they might be ostracised by their friends and families; or they might face ridicule. And so evil flourishes unabated. And once evil takes hold those who perpetrate it think “well, that was easy. We got away with that. We could try a bigger evil”. Hoover also said that when the individual comes face-to-face with a so-called conspiracy that has really been inflicted upon a large number of people, it is so monstrous that he cannot believe it exists because that truth is stranger than fiction. So he denies it because in his head that only happens in a movie!!
In a covert society, things happen at first slowly, slowly until the day dawns when something hits suddenly, and then the people realise what they once had but no longer do. This is symbolised by the Saturn/Uranus square – an aspect which has seemingly passed us by. The aspect represented control versus freedom, tradition versus revolution. Saturn was at first stronger and he was happy to wait for as long as was necessary. But Saturn is no longer strong and Uranus is no longer held back. At some point Uranus will act and his force will be both sudden and disruptive.
He who controls the money controls the world. He who controls the media and the propaganda controls the world. He who controls the food supply controls the world. He who controls freedoms and movements controls the world. What happens when that ‘He’ is here and controls all of this and it happens via AI so it happens almost instantly? That indeed is a perfect storm. We have the nodes (destiny axis) changing signs into Aries/Libra next month and then we have Jupiter heading towards Uranus which will perfect in April next year but is already having an effect. Jupiter will expand the disruptive energy of Uranus. As we learn how to live our individual lives within the context of our relationships (Aries/Libra), will we reach that perfect storm?
Systems such as astrology, the sacred geometry of buildings and of nature, together with the miracle of our bodies demonstrate the existence of some kind of intelligent design within our creation. We should respect that. Our bodies are sacred, the workings of our mind, our earth and nature are all sacred and we should be learning to adapt according to the rules of nature and the rules of the universe rather than expecting nature to adapt to us. We cannot just destroy and re-create at will and for profit and yet with no consideration for the continuation of humanity. If we are going to cease certain activities, we have to be working towards realistic and workable replacements. Saturn in Pisces has the potential to be the order within the chaos so that we can repair the crisis – a spiritual crisis - we are experiencing. But first we have to communicate without fear. We have to take responsibility and, more importantly, take action as Hoover says. The people have to be permitted to know their options.
[1] https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/publications/MINDSPACE.pdf
[2] Brownstone Institute