The Ostrich and the Grand Delusion
As flightless birds, ostriches are unable to build nests in trees; neither of course can they soar up to a high point and take the necessary overview of events to build the bigger picture. Ostriches lay their eggs in holes in the ground and, to make sure that the eggs are evenly heated, they often stick their heads into the nest and, therefore, the ground in order to rotate the eggs. Now burying your head in the sand might work for an ostrich but there are times and there are places to put your head where your eyes can’t see and your ears can’t hear - and this is definitely not one of those times!!!!
Full Moons happen at the point in the lunar cycle when the Sun and the Moon sit opposite each other. After the Moon has been New, she increases in light, making it easier to see. Full Moons reveal and show us ‘the harvest’ of possibilities and potentials - they shine full light in the darkness. The Full Moon on June 4th sits across the Sagittarius/Gemini axis – the Moon falling in Sagittarius, an adaptable Fire sign, and the Sun in Gemini, an adaptable Air sign. So, we have the two ‘lights’ (Sun and Moon) in flexible signs, endowing them with the ability to be adaptable – a great and much needed quality in current times.
Sagittarians, like to look at the big picture and make decisions on that basis. They are truth seekers who really want to understand the meaning of the Universe and the purpose of life in general. They add an extra ‘why’ to Gemini’s unceasing curiosity and ability to join the dots. We are at a point in time where more people than before are catching on that there really are some threats out there to our democratic and free Western way of life (well we were told our country was a democracy and that our lives within it were free, so we assumed that was true). Sagittarius represents the law, justice and fairness; Sagittarian individuals value truth, independence and freedom. They might be blunt and candid in their manner, but right now we really need the vision, imagination and enthusiasm that Sagittarian Fire brings to the table so that future generations can live in a free world.
What does this Full Moon augur? She makes a square (conflict) aspect to Saturn and a trine (harmonious aspect) to Mars. The square to Saturn suggests that we have restrictions, limitations and obstacles that we must take personal responsibility to deal with. The trine to Mars says that we must deal with this in a bold and brave fashion. Mars in Leo is like the man with a swagger and we must perhaps adopt a ‘bolder than we feel’ attitude in our actions. And Mars plugs into the bigger main aspect - Pluto sits on the MC of the chart set for London; Pluto opposes both Venus at the end of Cancer and Mars, who has now moved into Leo, with all squaring Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus. This is very similar to the last New Moon, apart from the fact that Venus (value systems) has joined the party now.
Jupiter with the North Node should be a lovely beneficial aspect, but all I can see in my head at the moment when I think of Jupiter in Taurus is fat, greedy, bloated, egotistical, pompous entities who think they are too big to fail – so called philanthropists who want to leave their mark on the world in a big way according to their own personal ideologies. They have both the potential and the desire to change the direction of our lives. Pluto is on its very last knockings in Aquarius before going back into Capricorn until January 2024, and there is so much in the news on the development of AI – some good and some not so good. But it is its position on the MC of the chart for the UK that really brings this into focus. The Midheaven of a chart represents how an individual, a company, a nation state constructs their conscious goals, their status, etc. This is an Aquarius Midheaven ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn squares the Full Moon bringing limits, restrictions and mountains to climb, as well as responsibilities that we must honour. If I am correct in my view of what Jupiter represents in this chart, then this Jupiter/Pluto aspect really accentuates the role of the technocrats and plutocrats who are playing a huge role in the direction of humanity.
Uranus sits with Mercury, mind and thought – we are capable of seeing the truth, but it is hidden and suppressed (in the 12th house for the UK). I can only sit and wonder what the rest of the world is thinking when it looks at Western ‘wokeness’ in action. Mercury and Uranus together also highlights a theory of writer Simon Elmer that our new type of media has created a new type of mind, one that has a permanently distracted sense of consciousness. I think this is true as so few people can concentrate for any length of time and few have a desire to debate an issue or even study an event or theory in depth.
What events have occurred since the New Moon? We saw the summit between the Arab nations where a new unity was on show. President Bashar Al Assad of Syria was welcomed back within the Arab fold, strengthening the unity of the Arab nations. As the USA goes through its Pluto return we see a decline in the superiority of the US petrodollar alongside an increase in requests from countries to join the BRICS nations, suggesting the start of a tipping point of power influence. And the USA is also having to deal with problems with its debt ceiling. Zelensky made an appearance at the summit of Arab nations as he did at the subsequent G7 meeting in Japan. World leaders were pictured laying wreaths to remember Hiroshima at the same time that news releases confirmed the supplying of depleted uranium weaponry to Ukraine. Somewhat hypocritical it seems! Maybe we have forgotten that depleted Uranium was used in both Bosnia and Iraq leaving a legacy of illness and birth defects and yet we openly supply this into Ukraine – so wrong on so many levels. And if we in the West are increasing the nuclear (Pluto) threat by virtue of our actions, why would we not expect Russia to also up the ante? Particularly when we see also drone attacks on Russia and the Kremlin. We are being conditioned by media to consider that anything to do with Russia has to be bad; with no force for peace from anywhere the people are being easily led into a war of unspeakable consequences.
Bakhmut fell to the Russians with barely a mention from mainstream media, Germany officially entered recession and Erdogan has been re-elected as President of Turkey. We also saw the meeting of the secret Bilderberg Group in Portugal –this is where the wealthy, particularly the banking cartel, discuss how to make more money at our expense! The basis of fascism was always tight collaboration between corporates and public institutions, such as government - and this is exactly what we are seeing now. Organisations that we just assume have been put in place for our good, and that includes governments, are hugely influenced by the money of public/private partnerships, stakeholders, and the banking cabal. The World Health Organisation for instance is heavily financed by GAVI and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which means that one man, Bill Gates, has huge huge influence on the actions of the WHO. This is particularly worrying when we stand on the edge of bills being passed that have not been debated in Parliament which will allow the WHO complete world governance over health issues, pandemic issues and potentially food issues, where we will completely forego our own sovereignty and possibly our future freedoms.
We should perhaps be considering just how much organisations such as the UN, NATO, the BBC are working towards outcomes in many situations that are not in the interests of people like you and me. NATO and the West are throwing their weight around and muscling in on the politics of the former Yugoslavian area – but of course we don’t know because it is not mentioned in our media. As with other areas the West installs its puppets and then rapes the countries. When we see an organisation such as the World Economic Forum that trains delegates to become ‘global leaders’ we should pay attention, particularly when its President boasts about how many such ‘global leaders’ have penetrated government Cabinets around the world. We have organisations such as BlackRock who are far wealthier than nations intertwined with the World Economic Forum; they and their ‘stakeholders’ are massive ‘influencers’ on government policy and therefore on our individual lives. Their groupthink and desire for profits direct policy making and allow them to become unseen ‘Overlords’. There has for a long time been a Nazi influence within NATO with ex Nazis, who we thought had either gone away or been imprisoned, occupying top posts.
We are currently hurtling towards a financial disaster, a nuclear war, health control by an unelected body and monetised methods of creating ‘net zero’ which is unachievable without the people experiencing extreme ‘pain’. And yet people appear to be either unconcerned or in a state of near delusional consciousness.
As often happens when I am writing my blogs serendipity in the form of people or information appear at just the right time. I’ve never been a particularly religious person – I think I’ve been put off by the formality and the prancing around in fancy robes. Two things happened this week that made me think about religion. One was a James Delingpole podcast with a Jewish lady by the name of Miriam Elia. She spoke about her own religion, traditions and rituals and how as religious beliefs change the current religion and its rituals become rejected. However, many of the old rituals remain because the old religion never totally goes away, until at some point in time it begins to revive again. She spoke about religions that preceded Judaism such as the worship of Baal whose rule was one that embraced polyamory and was characterised by fear. Baal was a fertility god and, therefore, a god of the crops and the harvest – both fertility of people and fertility of the land were extremely important in terms of survival. And that is an issue that is particularly apt when we see Pluto (survival) squaring a North Node and Jupiter in Taurus (the promise and the fertility of the Earth). Baal was depicted holding a lightening bolt, so a bit like Zeus or Uranus. The Canaanites worshipped Baal as both the Sun God and storm God so today perhaps he would be a climate god. Baal worship was rooted in sensuality and involved ritualistic prostitution and sacrifice in the temples. So it’s interesting to see that replicas of the Palmyra Arch celebrating the worship of Baal which was destroyed by ISIS have been on show in New York and London before travelling to other cities. Are we rejecting the Christian God and returning to the rule of a Baal type God who rules by fear and/or are we rejecting democracy in favour of totalitarianism if only we are just kept ‘safe’?
The second serendipity instance came the same day when I bumped into a friend of mine who is hugely Christian and who studies the Bible avidly. My friend regards the Bible as a tool for life – a moral compass - but with that in mind, the Bible also teaches that Jesus’ followers should not engage with astrologers. So my friend and I have always been somewhat at odds and in some areas will probably continue to be so. However, I was discussing the current situation of greed and ego (Jupiter with the North Node in Taurus) which pricked his interest and he began telling me that the Bible predicted that God would send down a Grand Delusion, sending my own radar up on stalks.
I had no idea that one of God’s threats was that he would deliver a Grand Delusion. Thessalonians 2:10-12 states ‘they perish because they refused to love the truth. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. And in Romans 1:21-22 ‘claiming to be wise, they became fools’. Through the scriptures God in this way urges people to accept the truth because if they believe the delusion their thinking would become futile and their hearts darkened. Astrologically I feel this is very much at the moment represented by Neptune in Pisces and makes so much sense to me when I look back over recent years and see how ideologies promoted by our media have brought about a way of life where the emperor has a suit of ‘new clothes’ almost daily, the truth appears to be abhorrent and instead we live by lies and all their wickedness.
This feels very much like life in the Matrix where life descends to one where illusory money brings the promise of a wonderful life. However, that wonderful life does not bring fulfilment just the desire to chase more and more money for the next fix. If one behaves like the ostrich and never searches for the real truth, then only the delusional Matrix beckons. I think many are beginning to wipe the sand from their eyes, but we need to reach the magical tipping point of opinion before we disappear totally down the abyss of the Matrix. Those who create the Matrix know exactly what strengths to undermine to keep the Matrix alive – the biggest one being the family unit of man, woman and children.
We knew that 2020 would augur some kind of new beginnings – and I said then that maybe this time would usher in a new type of civilisation. We had the huge line up of planets meeting in Capricorn followed closely by the turning point of the new 200 year plus cycle of Jupiter/Saturn in Air meeting at 0 Aquarius. Pluto’s current position at this point reignites this, as it will again in January of next year. The last time Jupiter and Saturn began an Air cycle also in Aquarius was back in 1225 – an era that connects us to the ratification of the Magna Carta and the declaration of freedom and equality in the eyes of the law of everyone, including monarchs.
As governments become more and more authoritarian in their rule as they seek global governance and the dehumanisation of humanity, how much are we indeed living in the time of the Grand Delusion when truth is replaced by lie and lies are perceived as truth? How much has Jupiterian assumed optimism in the face of evil brought about a naïve assumption that everything is working for our own good, bringing entitled belief systems where even our biology is just a matter of consumer choice? How much is our distracted consciousness turning those around us into ostriches, except we now have our heads down checking our smart phones rather than the temperature of our eggs. Whilst we behave in such a way, walking the road of blind and deaf men, this naïve and blind belief in the propaganda threatens to take us into the apocalypse.