Never underestimate the Acorn

 The Full Moon, exact in London on February 16th at 4.56 p.m., rises with the Ascendant; she stands alone, either almost as a key or handle to all the other planets or alternatively isolated from them.  She also stands with one of the most Royal and successful stars, Regulus, in Leo, the sign of the Sun, the sign of leaders and the sign of the heart.  

 The Moon in mundane astrology symbolises the ‘ordinary’ people; the people must begin to believe in themselves as powerful, sovereign beings who elect governments to act on their behalf with integrity.   However, these days, faced with stakeholder capitalism as the main influencer of governments, can we really say that governments actually govern according to the wishes of their people?  It is up to the citizens to reclaim their sovereignty and their inalienable rights.  If you wonder why so many governments appear to be behaving in undemocratic ways then just read this statement from the World Economic Forum’s leader: ‘What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders.’ This is all part of a long-held programme with graduates such as Ardern and Trudeau now beginning to make their mark on society.

 Standing sovereign requires living an authentic life according to our Soul’s purpose, embracing our autonomy and our own responsibility for the unfolding of our lives.  Particularly over the last two years we have become accustomed to needing to be kept ‘safe’ by an outside force that knows better than us.  But we must take back that responsibility on the understanding that we can never ever have a ‘safe’ life without risks.   The American ethos of inalienable rights within their Declaration of Independence was built on the belief that men are created equal by their Creator and that life, freedom and pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights to be protected by Government.  

 Leo is the sign symbolic of the heart, and the heart acts as one of our brain centres, alongside the ‘thinking’ head brain and the ‘instinctive’ gut brain.  The heart is so much more than an organ that pumps blood around our body.  The more we become led to believe that our bodies are merely a collection of functioning organs with no ‘thread’ connecting them, the more we add to the current environment of ‘de-personalisation’ and the blurring of our identities.  We can choose to be alive in terms of our functioning organs just doing mechanically what they do.  Or we can choose to be alive, in which case we must seize back our sovereignty and inalienable rights.

 The Moon also symbolises the body.   Our body is miraculous in its creation – everything connects within our bodies in order to self-heal.  Our bodies are not mechanical, and disease is just what the word says; it is dis-ease.   If we do not protect our innate immune system our body lacks ‘ease’ and harmony, and we become sick.

 The Moon has captured the sign of the Sun – symbolic for leaders.   The people absolutely can show those who currently have power over them that they can take hold of the light and use it to take responsibility for themselves.  There has always been a battle between the light and the dark forces, and it is fairly obvious that there are dark forces at work right now.   But the light always wins just as a new day dawns every morning, just as the Sun rises every day and just as the Moon continues to wax and wane.

 This Full Moon squares the nodal or karmic destiny axis, so events that occur now have almost a fated quality to them.   Whatever is happening now can be an upgrade to humanity and civilisation, or it can be its destroyer.  The North Node – the destiny point towards which we are headed - is conjunct the Fixed Star Algol.  This is not a star to be crossed lightly.  She is symbolised by Medusa’s head, sporting hair of hissing snakes.   She says, ‘find your passion in order to go for your goals’, whilst all the time also saying, ‘mess with me at your own risk’!!!   Whilst we cannot come from a point of revenge, neither can we come from a point of apathy and defeat; we must use this time as our learning and stand up for what is inalienably ours.  The Moon’s exact quincunx aspect to Pluto echoes this view with the words “How dare you try to bring me down into the gutter.  I will not let you.”  This is particularly important as we watch from the side-lines, as the war drums rumble, as our lives are turned upside down in ways we could not previously imagine and as everything is veiled in confusion.

 The Moon is also symbolic of women, mothers and the family - women become fierce when it comes to protecting their children.  So, remember love is not weak – love is strength.   Love is passion for ideals and dreams.   Love fuels the protection of our children.  Love can conquer and set us free.

All planets are in forward motion – there’s an impetus for action.  Mercury turned direct literally just before he reached the point of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020, just as the whole ‘pandemic’ and its resulting events kicked off.   Saturn/Pluto aspects are always challenging and denote times where circumstances force the complete destruction of structures and limits that define the lives of individuals.  Saturn/Pluto cycles often bring some kind of systemic crisis, hardship and events that test us to the limit.   They can indicate harsh draconian rules and even slavery of some kind.   

Mercury recently re-met with Pluto, so we must dig beneath the surface because events are often being directed subversively or covertly.   I think this is the case with Russia and Ukraine.  Is Putin really the bad guy as we are told or is the bees’ nest being poked?   War is a great distraction, and it fills up the coffers of the central banks.  And we are in times of stakeholder governance – who really runs the show?   Is it the good guy or is it the money? Mercury/Pluto is also indicative of the applied psychological management tools that are very much at work covertly.   When minds have been affected subliminally by NLP type means, it becomes very difficult to process thoughts and decisions that have been made because of this if and when the individual is challenged. 

Nothing is as it seems and everything is veiled.  A current overhaul of the UK human rights act seeks to restrain the authority of the UK courts in favour of parliamentary legislature.  It will likely water down your rights including that of bodily autonomy.  The online harms bill sounds amazing to protect the vulnerable but look closer and it will also work against anyone who might broadcast or write publicly anything that might be against the government narrative.   Restriction of protests sounds great if you were held up by those who decided to glue themselves to the M25, but in reality it will prevent you from publicly protesting about anything.  

Mercury/Pluto says, ‘dig deep’ and ‘be your own detective’.  Mercury/Pluto also brings a level of intensity to events occurring now as well as the potential for transformation of our mental capacities.   Will you permit that to be the ‘kidnapping’ of your mind, in terms of the merging of man with AI which will literally allow your brain to be hacked and taken over, or will you stand sovereign?

Many of you may have been following the progress of the truckers’ protest convoy in Canada.    This peaceful revolution by truckers is spreading to other countries, although the only mainstream press you are likely to see reports detrimentally.  The truckers appear to be strongly supported financially but it seems Trudeau is digging himself a big hole with increasingly fascist type measures.   Will the truckers stand strong as they are faced with fines, threats to close their bank accounts and other punitive measures?   Personally, I don’t see them giving in.   As I said, the Moon sits close to the fixed star Regulus; Regulus brings success so long as intentions are for the good.   

 Sometimes the only way to bring about change is for the ordinary man to rise, stand sovereign and demonstrate that he is indeed the 99%.  Mercury rules transport and commerce – so will it be the Truckers who bring some kind of big change or transformation?  The truckers reminded me of the Peasants’ Revolt of the late 1300’s when an active feudal system tied the fates of the ordinary man into the will of their Lords and Masters, who owned all the land around.  Just as the current revolution has occurred in the aftermath of a ‘pandemic’, so the Peasants’ Revolt followed on from the Black Death, which truly was a pandemic on an epic scale.  The ensuing massive shortage of labour had meant that the surviving workers found they could move around the country and demand much higher rates of pay.   This didn’t go down too well with the Landowners who forced the government to rule that wages should go back down to pre-pandemic levels.  At the same time a very unpopular poll tax was introduced to help pay for ongoing wars with France and the trigger point came when the inhabitants of one village refused to pay.  Have we reached our trigger point yet or is it still to come as inflation/stagflation, alongside the wastefulness of Governments with their people’s money, is all laid bare?  

 As the nodes (karmic destiny axis) changed just before Christmas 2021 into signs which highlighted money, the need for security and for tangibles, so came eye watering rising prices and unpopular taxes.   With Uranus also in Taurus, what is really happening on the money front?  With big parts of the rising costs earmarked for green energy tariffs to pay for presumed future occurrences, when modelling in general has been shown to be blatantly flawed, one has to wonder how this will be looked upon. Is this another Great Lie to be shown up as we approach the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction? 

This Full Moon links with the upcoming lunar eclipse occurring on May 16th, which will square the current Full Moon and fall across the nodal (destiny) axis.  Furthermore, the eclipse chart shows Uranus and Saturn squaring each other on the angles of the chart set for London. So, it looks as though events now build up to something big happening around May time.  Watch this space then.

The Moon rises with a light that shines glaringly on the horizon.  Symbolically the people stand alone as they face potential wars, rising prices, censorship and dictatorial governance.   The only way is for the people to embrace this light and stand sovereign, remembering that acorns might be dwarfed by the oak tree, but they seed those mighty oaks.  Never underestimate the strength of an acorn.  We are the acorns, and we might be small, but acorns have to be strong to forge the roots of the oak tree.  If the acorns gather in a community, those communities will give the acorns strength and support to grow healthy and strong.  Provide the organs of your body with a healthy ecosystem and your immune system will respond accordingly.  In the same way a healthy community provides freedom and happiness that will not require a revolution.   Only a sick governance requires a revolution.  As the last two years have shown we can stay alive, but we can’t be truly alive and creative in isolation.  If a future vision as a vassal of a stakeholder governance that is responding to a green agenda concocted by the World Economic Forum feels wrong, then just like the truckers we must come together as communities and stand strong and sovereign just like the mighty oak.






A Whirlpool of Ideologies


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