A Whirlpool of Ideologies

The New Moon on March 2nd heralds a pivotal week.  We have a line up in Pisces of Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Neptune; Mercury and Saturn are together in Aquarius; Venus, Mars and Pluto are also tightly together, bringing a potentially brutal energy.  The Pisces story is unusual because, added to the New Moon energy, we have the two Lords or rulers of Pisces – Jupiter and Neptune – in their own sign, approaching their conjunction.   Jupiter expands everything he touches, so this is Pisces energy on steroids and could be even stronger than the point when Jupiter and Neptune have their exact meeting point in mid-April.  Additionally, all the planets are contained within the boundaries of the nodal or destiny axis.

 Pisces energy at its best can be hugely creative, very caring and compassionate and very spiritual in its modus operandi; it is also the energy of the victim/rescuer scenario.  Pisces energy is happiest flowing around in the watery depths of our emotional realm where it knows no bounds and is not restricted by any kind of limits because the water will always just give way and eventually flow over anything that tries to contain it.   There is very little containment of the oceans, and none is desired either.

 However, these watery depths can be oceans of chaos too; Pisces is symbolised by two fish, each swimming in the opposite direction.  Here we have symbolised the idea of confusion, deception (not necessarily intentional), and illusion or delusion, ranging from outright lying to just an inability to see exactly what is happening because everything is veiled.   At the moment, with the level of media and social media spin, it seems impossible to have any idea of what is really true.

  A man living outside the circle of delusion which imprisons most men has a question of everyone he meets, usually asked silently.  ‘Can you get outside of yourself for even a split second to hear something you have never heard before?  Those who learn to hear will enter a new world.    Khalil Gibran.

 We are in an energy of big dreams and strongly held ideologies, going hand in hand with collective hysteria and/or collective hypnosis.  Be careful what you are sucked into.  The watery energy is the stuff of dissolution and surrender, as the world goes through a period of huge transformation.   We could see huge spiritual awakening – the desire for something to believe in.   Or we could indeed see some kind of financial, cyber or delusional meltdown.

 I have said many times that we are in a period of pivotal transformation and these rivers of change are now rushing like waters in flood.   Pisces energy alone is more likely to wallow within its own watery depths. However, hand this type of ideological energy to a person with fire in their belly and we have delusional ideologies that wish to take over the world, knowing no boundaries.   Each section of the narrative passionately believes their ideology is the one that saves us and, therefore, will seek to impose their will on others.   At such a time it is important that the creative juices are triggered else we run the risk of descending the passive watery energy of the victim, also very Pisces in nature, that of apathy; an apathy that just sees everyone following the crowd.    And at all times of confusion there will be those who see very clearly how to capitalise on this collective hysteria and seize their opportunity.  

And yet, with every planet contained within the boundaries of the nodal/destiny axis, there is something fated about this moment in a time – a feeling that we are going where we are destined to go, simply perhaps because we have allowed our world to become broken.   Western society has become self-indulgent and narcissistic, fearing any kind of assault on our feelings.  Maybe now we are being forced to descend into the darkness of those watery depths in order to find our souls and to dissolve everything that is broken in our current society.  At that point of extreme darkness perhaps we will come to understand what is truly important.    

 As I said in my last blog the North Node, the destiny we are heading towards, sits just now with the Fixed Star Algol, Medusa’s severed head complete with hair of hissing snakes.   But who or what is Algol right now?   Who or what is the evil that threatens us?  We are told it is Vladimir Putin and if we only look superficially it would seem so.   Or is it the deadly threat of “global warming” which we are told we have brought upon ourselves?   Or is it Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum who openly brags that the participants of his leadership programmes have now infiltrated cabinets in governments around the world?   Or maybe it’s Bill Gates or George Soros who are using their vast resources of money and ideologies to change the world as they think fit?  Perhaps it is even a perfect storm of all of these.  Whoever or whatever, we have a broken world desperately in need of a death/rebirth reawakening and cleansing process.  

 Our so-called advanced modern society has been heavily influenced by increasingly sophisticated mind control techniques where we no longer know what to believe in.  Instead, we have been led to worship the false god of money.  We have been conditioned into outsourcing our manufacturing so that we can buy cheaply, become a throwaway society and, therefore, we have become just dependent consumer opportunities.

 In the New Moon chart set for London, Mars, the ruler of the 8th house of death and crisis, sits with Pluto, the God of the Underworld and Death.  Venus, ruler of our money and the 9th house of foreign countries, makes up a trio here and, whilst she may be Goddess of Love, she is also a strong warrior queen.  These three are in a harmonious aspect with the North Node – something affecting our fate and destiny is being enacted in a covert, underhanded way.  On the one hand we could say this might manifest as a pretty brutal aspect which very easily leads us to our fate of the hissing snakes, but as the God of War meets the Goddess of Love we see the potential for peace talks in the Ukraine.  We can but hope they come together in peace and influence our destiny accordingly

 Mercury, planet of the mind and communication, is controlled by Saturn at the moment.   How have our minds been taken over by propaganda, fear and applied psychological techniques without our realisation?   Rather than entering into the chaos of drama we must be in control of our own thoughts and ideas.   Whilst we must be informed on all sides of unfolding dramas with an ability to spot what is actually propaganda rather than evidence backed, we must try to enter the more spiritual realms, the realms of our instinctive behaviour and our gut feelings so that we can act from love rather than fear.   

 Overlay the chart for the New Moon on to the UK chart and who is most affected?  It is the 6th house representing physical health, the armed forces and the ordinary man.  And is it not always the ordinary man who has the most to lose and is most affected?    Therefore, it is the ordinary man who needs to stand up, become informed and own his power because the timing and the outcome are just so crucial.   The ordinary man must not be apathetic.   How courageous have the truckers been in standing up against dictatorship, as have been the protestors against war in Russia itself?  That’s something that hasn’t been seen before.   It takes courage for anyone to stand up and shout the truth at the moment. We have had two years of being directed into a fear state without any encouragement of what we can do for ourselves.   Incredibly and coincidentally, as we begin to exit one fear situation, we appear to be seamlessly thrust into another.  Do we believe in coincidences though?

 Pisces energy works best if it is allowed to go with the flow rather than being rigidly contained; in order for us to thrive and live in our souls we have to be creative individuals and not controlled automatons.  Pray for peace but speak out before it is too late.  Where do your own personal ideas, dreams and ideologies sit?  Propaganda is intended to strip creativity and individual empowerment.  Be informed of as many sides to every story as you can – there is never just one side whatever you may be led to think.   Then allow yourself to enter those watery depths where instinct lies.  Your instinct will tell you roughly where the truth is.   In this way it is possible to take informed and responsible action as opposed to just reacting and being buffeted in the swirling waters. The New Moon is in a sextile aspect to Uranus – we need jolting into a new way of thinking so that we can embrace a new way of behaving, a new way of how we look after our assets and our bodies, a new way of identifying our own dreams as opposed to those of others.



The Bear, the Eagle and the Dragon


Never underestimate the Acorn