The Bear, the Eagle and the Dragon

The Bear, the Eagle and the Dragon


The three most powerful world forces today can be symbolised by the bear, the eagle and the dragon.  A threesome is rarely an easy dynamic, especially when the bear tribe, the dragon family and the eagle’s flock have such vastly different psyches and attitudes.   Can any one of them ever really understand the other?  The eagle has to win over his flock’s hearts and minds, whilst the dragon and the bear rule harshly with rods of iron.  And it’s important that we understand this, especially when the bear roars.  

 The quarter moon on  March 10th in Gemini demonstrates a desperate need for someone to come out of the shadows who is a truthful communicator.  However, I fear that for now there is still so much confusion, lies and veiling of the truth that this will not happen.   We still have such a line up in Pisces that it is impossible to truly know where we are or where we are heading.  We are being walked blindfolded into a mess, a mess of huge ramifications, led by leaders (or those who brandish money and power) who choose the fork in the road that leads to evil, darkness and suffering for their own ends.  And never have we been so bereft of true leaders who actually care for and serve their people – the ones we see now are either paid puppets or absolute numpties.

 Venus, Goddess of Love and still a warrior queen, continues her dance with Mars, the God of War, but they have managed to escape from the grips of the God of the Underworld, who may be masquerading in the form of the plutocrats.  They have moved into the sign of Aquarius and have echoed the point of the beginning of the new civilisation era which began when Jupiter and Saturn joined together in the sign of Aquarius in 2020.   Aquarius is an air sign (the mind and the ether) and is also a sign which most represents futuristic technologies.   Saturn in Aquarius will seek to control minds through these technologies whilst Jupiter will seek to expand.  And since 2020 we have seen mind control techniques ramped up to another level.   We march towards a future where everything is said to be ‘smart’.  The Internet of Things will see technology used to control our cars, our home appliances, our banking technology, but it won’t stop there.  The Internet of Bodies will seek to control and monitor your health, your bodily functions and highly likely your mind.  But as fast as it sucks you in it will spit you out and leave you for dead.

 The media is highly successful at controlling our minds and is currently on overdrive once again, all thoughts of a health crisis seemingly forgotten as we move to Act 2 of the drama.  The battlefield was not called ‘theatre’ without reason.  And with so much Pisces energy in the sky it is hard not to allow this illusory drama to seep into our consciousness.  Pisces is the sign most connected with the media because it is all about illusion, deception, confusion and the porousness of our thoughts and minds.    It is chaos energy; it will pull us back and forth until we just don’t know what to believe and become confused and chaotic ourselves, unable to act rationally.   So our only route is the positive side of Pisces where we can allow ourselves to flow into the divine spiritual essence wherein lies the truth.  We have to come into our centres and use the intuitive gifts we were born with.  

 Aquarius is the sign of technology and science - it is futuristic, forward looking and does not want to do the things the way they have always been done.  So, when all roads appear to lead to darkness, we must be the contrary ones and walk the other way.   We must walk towards the light, even if that light at first leads us to be censored, cancelled and ridiculed.   We must walk in the opposite direction to where we are being led.  If everything in the media is looking one way, we must remember to look the other way too, because what we seek and need will surely be in the other direction.  Or indeed whilst we are steered in one direction things are happening the other way which we may well regret allowing at a later date.  

 We do not know where our leaders are taking us or why but, if we at least listen to those who try to warn us, we can avoid being led into the waters of collective hysteria.   If you see a crowd taking just one path it generally pays to see what’s down the path less travelled.   When you see the tide coming in quickly, instead of being engulfed in the swirling waters allow yourself to swim.  Swim with the waters rather than being buffeted by them.  Be creative and consider being part of the creation of a better future rather than one of control and serfdom that others appear to be designing.  We can only trust in our Soul and the divine intelligence.  It is that divine intelligence that allows animals to trust their instincts, birds to navigate their way so precisely and humans, if they can trust, to communicate remotely, intuitively and instinctively.




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