Give us your data

 Two days before the start of the new astrological year on the 20th March, (the Spring Equinox and the point that the Sun enters the sign of Aries), we have a Full Moon in Virgo.  Full Moons always bring events to some kind of climax point or to a point when we can see more clearly what is actually happening.  

 We still have a huge line up of planets in Pisces, the Sun, Neptune, Jupiter and Mercury, so I’m not sure how much clarity we will really have, but what is immediately striking is that the Moon (the people) is very much on her own and isolated.   She is acting almost as the key or the entry point to the chart.  She is in Virgo, so she is concerned with health, she is concerned with the harvest and she is concerned with data.   She wants the facts, but with all that Pisces and media hype she is finding it very hard going.  But more importantly perhaps, everyone wants to know all about her – they want data on her!!

 In my last blog at the Quarter Moon, I spoke about having to be alone, taking the contrary road in the opposite direction to where we are being led.   And that is exactly what this Moon is doing.  She has sifted through all the useful data and she is walking the contrary route on her own.

 Pisces tends to want to go with the flow and in my last blog I wrote about surrender, going with the flow and not allowing oneself to be buffeted by the swirling waters.   I stand a little bit corrected on that one though.   As a good friend and colleague pointed out to me, the fish that just flow with the water without being buffeted are indeed the dead fish.     We have no choice but to live with the effects of the swirling waters – that is clear from the astrology – but, if we are to be looking at what is in the opposite direction, we have to be prepared to swim against the tide.  Pisces is symbolised by the two fish who swim in opposite directions.  So, this Pisces line up is a clear warning to us to do just that – to look both ways even if it means we are on our own for a bit.

 In astrology we look for patterns and shapes and in the chart for this Full Moon we have a very tight pattern which shows itself in the form of the kite.   Kites of course can fly high in the sky and if that Moon in Virgo is going to get any joy from what she is seeking she may only find it by leaving the comfort zone of her earth to be able to really see and understand.   I see that as symbolic of the people - that they have to radically change and face up to reality if they are going to find any kind of sense of long-term security.   Full Moons are about finding balance between extremes, so where is the detail and the evidence for real truths within the tsunami of the churned-up waters?  Mercury (the mind and communication) may be out of his depth in the Pisces waters, but he does have the opportunity of a ‘eureka’ moment, a flash of inspiration perhaps.

 Two days after the Full Moon, when the Sun goes into Aries, we in the UK perhaps reach some type of crisis point when the people may do well to look at what is going on beneath the surface of the muddiest parts of those waters; the parts where the corruption, the lies and the evilness hide.   If we are going to find any kind of redemption, a good start would be to look at evidence-based facts rather than spin and to face up to the reality that so much of much we are ‘fed’ that appears to be true, just isn’t.  Only then can we transform our scorched earth before we are completely burned.   

 All the planets are in forward motion so there is a potential for action.   The Moon (the people) at the Aries Equinox point is at a transition point.   And first Venus and then Mars make exact squares to Uranus – Venus on the 19th and Mars on the 22nd.   Are these flashpoints?  Times of explosive, firework moments perhaps? Maybe more earthquakes.  The Full Moon and the Equinox times look like incredibly tense points – as though a fuse has been lit and we are running out of time. 

 This Full Moon actually brings full circle events that had their conception in September 2020.   Full Moons symbolise endings and beginnings.  One story has ended and we clearly now have another story highlighted.  The next stage of this story comes in mid-December of this year, when once again Virgo is highlighted; Virgo is symbolised by the maiden carrying a sheaf of corn and of course we will then be in the winter.   My hunch would be that there will be extreme food shortages, particularly in terms of grain.  There have already been delivery interruptions and warnings of huge shortages and increasing prices in terms of crops and fertilisers.   The Ukraine/Russia situation will only exacerbate this and so I would say that this Full Moon is giving the nod to food issues come December.  Stock up guys.   Listen to the data and be prepared.  It’s difficult for us in the West to even consider this type of preparedness – most of us have never experienced large scale shortages in our lifetimes.

 Virgo is data hungry but not corrupted data and not made-up data; just evidence-based data. But there’s another side to this coin.  Your data is now as valuable as gold.   It’s needed for all sorts of ‘smart’ technology – your health, your behaviour and, of course, your finances.  Be aware when you are asked to give personal data for whatever reason even those harmless posts about your dog.  They all go into bots gathering your data.  And this becomes more dangerous at this point of  technological revolution which could achieve the ultimate – control of the mind.

 As I said this Full Moon has its beginnings in September 2020.  At this point Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto were all conjunct in Capricorn.   This links to the start of a new era in our lives that ties in with the purging and uncovering of the corruption of the plutocratic globalists within structures of government and corporate systems.   These plutocrats who seek to expand their back yards to encompass the whole world are mainly the old guys who are living out their dreams of global control which in turn had its seeds within the technocratic ideologies of the 1930’s.  This dream of global technocratic control is being played out within the Saturn/Uranus square – the old versus the new, control versus freedom.   But as Saturn’s influence (the old, tradition) begins to wane and Uranus takes on a more important role, their day is done.   Saturn will ultimately lose its power and the new will come to the fore.

 Corruption and the influence on governments of eye-wateringly wealthy, private and corporate individuals risks a movement towards the ideology of a sole global leader.  The US and the West have history of demonising other leaders as mad devils in order to enact their plan of regime change and ultimate control of future events.   This strategy, however, has a habit of blowing up in their faces without the result they had expected.   

 As Mars and Venus square Uranus, we hit a danger point for humanity.  A large red flag.   But there is still hope.   The hope is clear, and it lies with the ordinary people – it is always the ordinary people who are most affected.   The people must look for the facts and question critically.   They must ignore the spin and avoid the pull towards the classic Pisces victim/rescuer persuasiveness.  The huge financial influencing of government policies as well as powerful, yet hidden, supposedly non-government organisations have to be blown out of the water.   The evidence is out there but you have to actually see it and be aware that ordinary man is being ‘used’ as a key part of the plan.   

 So, as symbolised by the Full Moon, the people are indeed isolated and on their own.  Survival may depend on taking the contrary, lonely road.  So ‘do’ Pisces and swim both ways.  And also ‘do’ Virgo – discriminate, discern and question the data.   Allow the light of the Full Moon to expose the deceit, the corruption and the hypnosis and take note of what you really see.  With all this Pisces energy it is easy to get pulled along with the hype and the chaos.  Be mindful that those who draw you in the most might just be the most dangerous.

Pisces energy can be surrenderingly spiritual, so find ways to keep your vibration and your consciousness high.   To have the ‘knowing’ alongside the highly spiritual can be amazingly powerful but at the same time disturbing.  Amidst all that is happening we should be mindful to find the joy.   The joy of a sunny day and birdsong.   The joy of watching children laughing and dogs chasing sticks.   The joy of music and word.   The joy of being among people and loved ones.  Cycles come and cycles go – sometimes they are up cycles and sometimes they are down cycles.   For now, I feel, we are at the bottom of a down cycle which may take time to begin to move up.     At such a pivotal point we have to be very discerning with the data we believe and the data we discard, particularly when we are faced with so much spin.  


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