What lies between the devil and the deep blue sea?A Message of Hope

The title for this blog came into my consciousness as I was driving along, contemplating the maelstrom that is going on around us now.  It was only afterwards that I looked at the chart to see what this was going to mean.  

I’m looking at the Last Quarter Moon of March 25th.   Last Quarter Moons represent the beginnings of a new seed – a conception point of something. One timeline has ended as a new one begins – for example, a widespread virus threat has morphed into a potentially widespread war threat.  

At this Last Quarter Moon we have a Moon in Capricorn who is having to face up to real time reality, squaring an exalted, but at the same time wounded, Sun.  And, set for London, we have Jupiter and Neptune straddling a Pisces Ascendant.

 ‘What lies between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea?’   First question is, what planet represents the Devil?   The deep blue sea is, of course, Neptune, God of the Oceans.  We have two candidates for the devil.   The obvious one would be Pluto, God of the Underworld where the devil is supposed to live down in hell.  In myth Pluto abducted and raped Persephone, and yet he also represents transformation, power, control and strength, all of which can be very positive.    The other candidate would be Saturn – the Grim Reaper, authority, control, restriction and limitation.   And yet Saturn is our greatest teacher.  Without Saturn we would not learn how to overcome obstacles in our life and take responsibility for how our life unfolds.  And maybe that’s what the devil does.  If we go wrong in life, we get our fingers burned and, if we get enough warning, we mend our ways rather than go to hell.

For traditional astrologers Saturn was always the greater malefic, so for the purpose of this blog I am going to go with Saturn.   Saturn in the Last Quarter Moon chart has Venus and Mars on his heels.   He is going to bring in tests of money, the masculine/feminine principles, moral behaviour and the urge to fight.   Will a true winner emerge from this fight?   Our current problems stem from a desire to control very rigidly (Saturn in a fixed sign) – control our money, our social behaviour etc – through technology, algorithms and AI (Aquarius).  Now Saturn in this Last Quarter Moon sits in the 12th house – his happy place, the hidden house of shady undercover dealings and long-term institutions.   He is only a couple of degrees off the midpoint between the Sun and the Moon.  He may easily be represented by the men in grey suits.

So, what does lie between the devil (Saturn) and the deep blue sea (Neptune)?   Between Saturn and Neptune in this chart lies Jupiter as well as our perception point, the Ascendant.  And that’s why the title for this chart is so perfect.   Because Jupiter is the Greater Benefic – the one who is generous and benevolent.  Jupiter represents hope, wisdom, freedom, expansion.  So, basically, whilst Saturn thinks all his controls, authority and rules which he plans to use financially and in a potentially warmongering way are working, he doesn’t actually see powerful Jupiter, the potential cavalry, working with Neptune.   Why doesn’t Saturn see them?   Because adjacent signs, as Pisces and Aquarius are, can’t see each other and can’t respond to each other’s desires.

Jupiter sitting very powerfully on the Ascendant acts almost as the human spirit ready to merge with the human body.   Saturn is failing to take into the account the power of the human spirit and the human will - the Soul that makes man a conscious human being.  And very often those who control do so from an emotionless, academic type viewpoint.  Saturn may think he has won the battle, but the human spirit can never ever be underestimated.

By the same token though Jupiter also does not see Saturn and his desires clearly enough, and it is that for now that is leading a significant part of the population into a collective state of blind hysteria.   

In the background, however, there is a powerful pull towards awakening and change, together with a powerful pull for humanity to stand within its own power.

Jupiter can lead us into the higher realms of our consciousness where we can experience the instinctive ‘knowing’ of what the truth really is.  As opposed to someone else’s warped idea of truth.  This Jupiter is transcending above the chaos of lies and deceit to a point of bliss and the sublime.   But he needs nourishment to keep his spirit high.  If we nourish this higher consciousness with immersion and enjoyment of nature, with meditation and with spontaneous joy we can ‘know’ intuitively and instinctively and will be no longer bound to the greedy desires of others.  We can ‘know’ without fear when we are consciously nourishing and nurturing our Soul.  We can in this way prevent the constant raping of our minds and our thought processes by those who seek to just casually dismiss and ignore the human spirit.



Hidden War – Hidden Enemy


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