Hidden War – Hidden Enemy

 Today’s blog is a quick tour around the first New Moon of the astrological year of 2022, together with some of my musings.  The New Moon chart for 1st April is one of those tightly bunched charts where the planets huddle together in one quarter of the circle.  These types of charts always appear to me as representing a narrow viewpoint.  For me they are charts of dogma because they cannot look from the viewpoint of the other.  This becomes particularly worrying as we step into the unstable domain of eclipse season in April and May.  In fact, April has two New Moons, the solar eclipse being on April 30th.

 To be honest, what I would have liked to have seen in the chart for this New Moon, at such a time of aggression and warmongering, would be some kind of evidence for a true desire for peace.   Clearly something exists within the human condition that for many prevents peaceful existence.  Instead, there are always some who have an overriding desire to compete, to win and to promote anger and warmongering to satisfy a particular agenda.  

 Mercury is talking tough and trying to goad on both people and leaders (Moon and Sun) – big bouncy words full of bluster.  Bullies often incite from the wings - shadowy unseen figures with chips on their shoulders and dogmatic ideologies who prey on those they see as threats to their existence. The New Moon chart set for the UK seems to have plenty of these types of figures in the warrior sign of Aries.   In the UK chart we find them – Mercury, Sun and Moon – in the hidden 12th house.  This is the house of hidden enemies, of institutions but also the house of self-undoing.   And with Chiron, the wounded healer, in this Aries mix there could be much undoing and undermining of our social behaviour that will come back to bite us in the future.  

 The twelfth house is also the house of the subconscious and the collective unconscious and the new battlefields are being fought primarily in our minds and our subconscious.  The taking over and influencing of our minds, particularly by the media, is of primary importance.  This New Moon looks a bit like the lancing of a boil, the lancing of the wounds that fester within the collective. Chiron in the mix wants us to face up to the reality of pain, face up to where we are wounded and face it head on.  But, of course, 

 It doesn’t matter how many nice dresses you buy, how many glitzy fake parties you go to, the wound doesn’t heal until you go within.  Aries needs to go to the heart of the matter and penetrate.  Mars, Aries’ ruler, is hot on the heels of the ‘Greater Malefic’ Saturn, strong in his own sign of Aquarius.  On April 5th we have the two malefics together – that may not be pretty!!  Venus has escaped from Saturn’s controlling nature and she is heading for a different sign where she will be treated as an honoured guest.  She has shown us how our money can be in danger of being frozen and taken away from us at the press of a button and Uranus in Venus’ own sign promises a shake-up in both our monetary systems and our social values as well as our monetary systems.  We would do well to pay attention to protecting our resources in places where they cannot be so easily controlled.

 Astrologers search for patterns and for cycles that indicate change in some way, and the planetary energies since 2008 have indicated firstly a sense of political and economic turmoil between 2008 and 2018, followed fairly quickly by energies which suggested big changes alongside the purging of toxic energies from governments and corporate institutions, as well as within socio-economic behaviour, almost right down to how our civilisations function.  

 But, in the same way as we link Uranus with the myth of Prometheus, who defied the Gods to give man the gift of fire without which Man would not have become civilised, maybe there is a hidden gift indicated by this line up of planets in the 12th house and promised by the Saturn/Uranus square.   I have often spoken about Nikola Tesla – a man with a great mind whose ideas were thwarted by the financiers who only backed money making initiatives.   Tesla’s belief though was that we could harness the energy of the cosmos – but that, of course, does not line the pockets of the oil barons!!  So, whilst we are stuck in a time warp of old energies, we have to go forward to the new – which could still be old because Tesla certainly had found them.

 Once again, there is something fated about this time; something that we seem to have to experience and work through despite the pain.  All the planets are contained within the boundary of the karmic destiny axis, and it is the North Node that is taking the most hits from all the planets.    So, there is something about this time in our history that is calling us to our destiny; New Moons are always new beginnings and new intentions.   We must go with the challenges and the opportunities the North Node indicates.   We have to mend our ways and we must look to the two planets that stand between the two main battalions of planets – one group in Aries and the other in Aquarius.  The Aries battalion wants to fight, and the Aquarius battalion is dogmatic in its ideology.   Jupiter and Neptune standing between them in Pisces bring us the compassion and the ability to go within ourselves to listen to what the universe tells us.   

 The twelfth house is where we are blind, and it does sound a bit weird to say that in order to see we have to go within, where it is dark.   But when you do go within, you see because you feel and you know – and at this New Moon there is a message that we who go within see you, our hidden enemy, who thinks he is concealed!   We see those who are so destructive to our lives and our futures.   We see you and we are the majority.  And once we have seen we know.   And once we know we cannot unsee or unknow.  

 Because these predators are in the 12th house, we don’t know their true identities, but by the same token we also don’t know who they are regarding as their enemy.  With the Sun (leaders) and the Moon (common people) both in the 12th house, I would say their enemy is us - the common man, the collective.    That makes it even more important to go within to where the cosmos speaks to us and speaks to the collective.   For two years we, the common people, have been distracted from regulations that have been put in place and increasing declines in our services – we have been the enemy for longer than we realise.   Now the common people are distracted by a war close to Europe.   What is important though is that we do not find ourselves at either end of the polarity because then we are going to be in fear; fear of the current narrative or fear of where we are being taken.   By going within we can stay somewhere in the middle, away from the noise.   We can find our joy; we can find who we are; we can exploit our strengths and modify our weaknesses.  We can raise our consciousness and our vibration.  If I am correct and we are the ultimate enemy, we know you are there, and we stand firm in our sovereignty and our truth.


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