One Less Monster Under the Bed
The C-rhyme of the Century
History doesn’t repeat but it often rhymes[1].
The US election has been delivered, as have the UK election and the UK budget. Both elections were there to be lost as much as won. Going forward what does the Full Moon at 24 degrees of Taurus on November 14th have to tell us? Its position just one degree away from Uranus and very close to the malefic Fixed Star Algol suggests a period of potential shock for some, alongside disruption, change and revolutionary thinking – together with awakenings and new ways of thinking. Just a few days later, on November 19th, Pluto will fully enter Aquarius for the next 20 years. Is this shock and disruption because of the election; could there be an awakening because the people are finally catching on to the corruption that has been and still is literally running the world? This Full Moon is in a conflict square to the US Moon which suggests just how much of a challenge the result is for parts of America to accept.
I feel much like a proverbial broken record, constantly saying we are at a pivotal point of history and change - but that’s exactly where we are. Pluto’s sign change will bring its own influence of subtle evolutionary transformation to the whole world but, when Pluto enters Aquarius, he will echo Jupiter and Saturn’s December 2020 entry into Aquarius at 0 degrees. Maybe we didn’t realise at the time just how big a deal this was or would be, although I do remember posing the question that we could be seeing the equivalent to a civilisation change. The 2020 Jupiter/Saturn aspect followed a Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn conjunction just the month prior, and began a new 200-year era of Air conjunctions. Such important planetary positions bring a notion of a history that ‘rhymes’; I would say rather that the positions contain ‘echoes’ of past times that act as powerful reminders of what was ushered in. Empires rise and fall through history and civilisations do as well.
The position of this Full Moon also contains another ‘echo’ – the echo of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in April this year that signalled huge volatile revolutionary change to a world that was literally ‘stuck’ in a sludge of corruption. Uranus, in the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus since 2018, has been a sign of shake-ups that affect our illusion of ‘safety and security’, but everyone’s idea of what makes them feel safe and secure will be different. Taurus always wants to continue as it always has done, with its attachments to tangibles of money, property, etc. In the UK we aspire to own our own home – our own little castle. This has become something that the young may desire, but increasingly feel is out of their reach. We have long been used to going into the countryside and seeing rolling fields of ancient farmland just as they have always been. But we see big changes coming into the realms of producing food as our crops become increasingly harder and more expensive to achieve – for varying reasons. And just like the elderly are conveniently overlooked, so the farmers do not fit with the agenda of the day. We are seeing the advent of both the corporate landlord and the corporate farmer, each bringing practices that will change the landscape. And even money itself – Uranus is futuristically technological – so we see changes coming to our fiat monetary system. I wrote about this only very recently in terms of how our money is just an illusion. It is not ‘safe’ – it is built on smoke and mirrors, on loans and interest; it is just not there in the way that we think it is.
Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions are extremely important because they reflect socio-economic evolutionary changes. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius will be an echo. Pluto last entered Aquarius at the time of the French Revolution – a time when the people made their feelings known about their government; and that was not long after the American Civil War. They were revolutionary times where the masses were unhappy, and they showed it.
Now Jupiter and Saturn are making their first square since 2020, and we are reminded of the ‘echo’ of the time of the 2020 conjunction from which point life would never be the ‘old’ normal again. Trump is for sure not perfect, but against all the odds and all the propaganda he will be the next American President. He has played a much more intelligent game this time around with the addition of Vance, Kennedy and Musk. It will be an exciting ride. Trump was first elected in 2016 at the height of the seven Pluto/Uranus squares between 2008 and 2018 that reflected the huge political and social upheavals and turmoil that brought distress to the people. It was a huge shock, and the American people have once again rejected what would otherwise have been control and rule by the same self-serving corrupt Deep State, which we now know is not just a figment of an overactive imagination. They are the monsters under the bed. And now there is at least one less! America has elected a force for change and revolution that is very Uranus in nature – next year Uranus will move into Gemini, Trump’s Sun sign.
We see Venus, the ruler of this Full Moon, is in Capricorn tightly squaring the nodes – so there is something about this point in time that reflects important developments for the future. The Moon is sitting extremely close to Uranus and on Fixed Star Algol, who represents the mythological Medusa. Medusa was one of three sisters who had living snakes instead of hair and whose appearance was supposedly so hideous that anyone who looked at her was turned to stone. Whilst she was sleeping, Perseus came and cut off her head. In America Harris literally has lost her head. If we track ‘the red thread’ a bit further back, Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler is in a square to both Mercury on one side and Jupiter on the other. Saturn is in Pisces, so how we approach issues now must come not only from a point of reality, but also from a spiritual, more intuitive basis; this is about gut just as much as head.
What I found so interesting, contrasting the UK and the US elections, was the passion (or lack of it) exhibited by each. Trump and his supporters were so passionate about their country and about bringing it back to greatness. Compare that to the UK and it was devoid of any passion. Starmer had already publicly stated his allegiance to the WEF, almost despising what Westminster symbolises. In fact, the attitude of the UK government appeared to border on contempt – contempt for the elderly and contempt for those who remain at the backbone of our food production are just two examples. This has not gone unnoticed by the people of Great Britain, and neither will the childish, disrespectful and idiotic attitude of the government towards what will be the new government of the number one superpower of the world! Now we are beginning to see the result of a UK election held at the dark of the Moon – how can they ever hope to be able to work with America on an equal footing? The current reality in the UK is that so many businesses are just hanging on a knife edge, with no help whatsoever from the government. In fact the opposite following the Budget. At this Full Moon we have a Moon (the people/the masses) up in the 10th house of government and the monarchy in a chart set for London. Uranus in a chart can symbolise abandonment and alienation – is that how the people feel?
Current events in the US have been playing out under America’s Pluto return, signifying some kind of deep change within the empirical rule, together with a tight Mars/Pluto opposition that was exact at the very last degrees of the Cancer/Capricorn axis up until the day before the election. This indicated some kind of inner very intense drive for survival, where perhaps the people could see that they were being threatened at a very deep level. They clearly reacted to that impulse – and they voted.
We must see all these aspects as contributory factors to evolutionary sections of a building story. The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Air of 2020 will play out for almost 200 years more and this current Mars/Pluto aspect is another brushstroke in the backdrop – it will continue but with a different energy because Mars and Pluto change signs. The story will be further refined when in 2026 a Saturn/Neptune conjunction at 0 Aries will sextile Uranus and at the same time sextile Pluto, marking a coming together of the rational, the spiritual, the futuristic universe above and the primordial below. What will this mean for humanity? We don’t know yet.
Saturn and Neptune will first begin their conjunction dance next year in 2025. Neptune rules soft money such as credit, liquidity, loans and bonds, whilst Saturn symbolises traditional, hard money such as precious metals, gold and hard cash. When Pluto last changed signs, we saw the 2008 recession which perhaps we have never really come out of, partly because of the free spending of the 2020/21 crisis. When these two planets do meet, we will have to face the reality (Saturn) of all those illusions and dissolutions of intangible and invisible threats (Neptune). We are experiencing inflation – will we next see deflation? But with Uranus about to complete his time in Taurus next year, will we see some kind of financial explosion (Venus)?
Saturn represents strict boundaries, structure, control, authority, material reality, whilst Neptune is at the opposite end of the scale symbolising dreams, illusions and a world without boundaries. Saturn can structure Neptune’s dreams and Neptune can dissolve what Saturn builds – so we could see Neptune taking down authority institutions and/or geopolitical structures (Saturn). Might we see the end of the wokeness charade? We might see situations of control versus freedom similar to Saturn/Uranus or perhaps controls (Saturn) that are invisible (Neptune), such as geo-fencing via AI surveillance. Therefore questions may arise of just how ethical (Saturn) such technologies might be in practice. Saturn/Neptune aspects can be evident in times of war such as the Napoleonic wars as well as with periods of epidemics, just because Saturn’s limitations have no boundaries and combine with Neptune’s ability to pervade (the Great Plague in London in 1666).
Saturn/Neptune aspects also appear to link with Russia - 1917 Russian Revolution, the death of Stalin, the fall of the Berlin Wall, alongside the end of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War in 1989. The EU rose; we saw a super wealth within the oil rich nations, but with many retaining their very old school totalitarian governments. America will be birthing a new era following their own Pluto return. I wonder what will happen with US/NATO/Russia relationships under a Trump government. Within a new era of Air will a new type of energy be birthed to satisfy the greed of a very thirsty AI/internet? Will the next renaissance of this Aquarian type of age and Uranus’ sign change bring us new galactic colonisations? The Saturn/Neptune conjunction kicks off in pioneering Aries energy at the globally significant degree of 0. What will happen when action-oriented energy meets disillusionment with current political and social systems? Or perhaps a Saturn Neptune Aries type individual will enter the ring. Could that be Musk who has a Saturn opposite Jupiter/Neptune aspect?
I asked several people what they thought the crime (c-rhyme) of the century would be. Most said what happened four years ago. And to a certain extent I would agree – except that I think I would take it back to what allowed for an entire world to be lured so deeply into the view that a virus, which we were told had an average fatality age of 81, an age group who also had other co-morbidities was quite so dangerous; and the never seen before restrictions and lifestyle that went with that. Never in my knowledge had such a large group of people been made to believe that it was their duty to take an experimental gene therapy treatment to protect others; and furthermore that children should also avail themselves of these untested treatments to protect the elderly. Neptune entering Pisces, his own sign in 2011, was a contributory factor in allowing the sophisticated mind influencing techniques that had been developed to pervade a whole world. When Saturn and Neptune meet in Aries we will face the consequences.
Carl Jung has already written on this type of pervasiveness and undermining (Neptune) via fear (Saturn) in his extensive writings on the behaviour of the collective masses. He saw that, particularly at a time of catastrophe, the collective man can stifle the individual man, demonstrating just how powerful propaganda and the mind influencing techniques that have become so prevalent can be. ‘Small and hidden is the door that leads inward, and the entrance is barred by countless prejudices, mistaken assumptions and fears’.[2] How have people been controlled in an invisible way – how has mind control been quite so successful? That for me is the crime of the century.
How would Jung have integrated the idea of the red pill/blue pill thinking that has been popularised by the sci-fi film of 1999, the Matrix, into his works? In this film Neo is given the choice of either the red pill or the blue pill. The blue pill is the ‘safe’ direction where uncomfortable realities don’t have to be faced, where a path of cognitive dissonance and passive acceptance can be followed. Today the blue pill road aligns with the idea that authority knows best how to keep us all safe. The red pill path, however, beckons towards a more challenging, non-delusional path where individuals must walk against the mainstream as other revolutionaries have walked before. In a blue pill world no challenging decisions need to be made, and the reward is being accepted within the world of the masses. Those who choose the blue pill willingly accept comfort and safety over challenges of self-development.
However, now we have entered a more Aquarian type of era, will we feel more able to be challenged to embrace an idea of a community of forward-thinking individuals? Uranus leaving safe Taurus and entering connecting Gemini suggests a greater ability for communication between such individuals. If we choose the blue pill, we will never find the spiritual growth that often comes from overcoming difficult points in life. We will never find out if we can take on the responsibilities that we fear. It seems so much easier to choose a life without risk preferring to stay within the rules and boundaries that have been decreed. I call this ‘a life in a vanilla world’ – a superficial life which seems easier but is actually one where you never truly understand and you never experience. The choice between the red pill and the blue pill symbolises the choices and the challenges of life itself. Will we choose to live a life that always remains the same, where the lies bring comfort, and we never have to face anything harsh? But harsh truths can be liberating and through facing them it is possible to grow and develop so much more on an intangible spiritual level. We always have choice and the choices we make will shape the reality of our lives. And that is exactly the point behind individuals having their own unique birth charts. The horoscope is so much more than we realise - it is a road map of possibilities – of what we could become. The signposts of individuation along the way are clearly marked by evolutionary aspects - if only we are open to listening, seeing and taking them into our conscious awareness. Are we at that fork in the road now?
[1] This quote is often attributed to Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain)
[2] Collective Works, Vol. 10