Seeing through the veil of the Matrix

On September 10th we arrive at a Full Moon – one which provides an opportunity for those who feel that life is about so much more than we have been conditioned to believe.   This is a Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune (her modern co-ruler) – so this is Pisces energy on steroids.   Pisces sees no fences, no boundaries, no walls; Pisces energy is a world without limits.   It is indeed limitless.   It can travel to the edges of chaos, to the furthest depths of the seas of our emotions or into the world of the sub conscious and the psyche.  Pisces energy can dish out gallons of sweet sugary tea as it journeys to rescue victims and save the souls of humanity.   However, it can also find itself in an illusory dream world – one that on the surface appears far more preferable than the realities of everyday life, but one that can also be filled with confusion and deception.

 A Full Moon is the hunter’s dream, where his prey is lit.  So, this is a Full Moon where he can capture his target.  A Full Moon reveals and exposes as a period of some kind of climax is reached – and one in Pisces conjunct Neptune speaks of sensitivities to do with loss and sorrow.   This is also a Full Moon which is leading us as a world into some kind of climactic crisis point towards the end of this year.  Therefore, it is vital that we use the energy of this Moon to discover a place where we can ‘feel’ and intuit what is really happening around us, rather than allow ourselves to be sucked into the dreamworld.  In my last blog I introduced my initial views on the film The Matrix, which portrays a computer generated dreamworld that has been created to keep humanity under control; a dreamworld where the inhabitants are conditioned to believe they have free will but where the mind/brain and, therefore, consciousness are tricked to behave as though they have been plugged into a computer programme which interacts with a master computer whose bidding they really answer to.

 Watching the film definitely had an effect on me.  It made my Gemini brain think even more than it normally does.   Films themselves are dreamworlds created from the visions and imaginations of those who produce them, very often as a reflection of what they see for humanity.   It led me to the realisation that for a very very long time mankind has lived in some kind of matrix. However, since the early 1960’s I would say the effects of such a matrix expanded exponentially once we began to enter the digital and computerised industrial revolution. 

 We come into this world with our inbuilt natures, but then nurture comes into play.   We take on the messages of our parents’ experiences together with the beliefs of the culture we have been born into.   Then in comes the conditioning influences of the propaganda of society.   But then fast forward to the counterculture age of the 60’s leading to the computer age and television 24/7, and we have rocket-propelled subliminal conditioning.

 Plato even wrote about this conditioning in his Allegory of the Cave way back in the 4th century BCE.  He began with the imagination of a cave where people have been imprisoned from childhood. These prisoners are chained so that their legs and necks are fixed, forcing them to only be able to gaze at the wall in front of them.   Behind the prisoners is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners is a raised walkway with a low wall, behind which people walk carrying objects or puppets "of men and other living things".  The people walk behind the wall so their bodies do not cast shadows for the prisoners to see, but the objects they carry do.   All the prisoners can see are shadows cast upon the cave wall in front of them and they believe that the sounds they hear come from these shadows.

This becomes their reality which few humans ever truly escape.  Plato imagines an escaping prisoner being blinded by the light of the Sun in the same way he had been blinded by the darkness.   The darkness had been his reality and he feared greatly anything in the unknown, but he came to fear both what was hidden by the darkness as well as in the light. Philosophers, however, stood a chance of escaping the cave but only by experiencing a very steep learning curve.  

 The analogy here is that our minds/brains are entrapped in a world where we decode the messages we receive to interpret our reality.  This is the matrix we inhabit, and that matrix lies within us. That is why the mind and its associated emotions have such an impact on the body and why the placebo effect is so powerful.   Most minds are so controlled, so overwhelmed by the data programmes, they become the whole perception of self and reality for an entire human experience.   And now modern technology is mimicking the simulation to create a simulation within a simulation to further entrap perception in what is being called the smart grid and the metaverse, which makes escape even more difficult.  The physics of our reality become the same as virtual reality computer games.[1] 

 Neo in The Matrix eventually reached a level of consciousness that saw through the illusion of death and came back to life despite being shot multiple times.   The body that was shot and died was all in his mind and existed only as information fed to his brain.  The great awakening is the opening of body and mind to reconnect with spirit thereby overriding the programme. 

 Does this Full Moon give us messages that can help us overcome our current reality.   Yes it does. For starters, Pisces energy can confuse and veil so a Pisces Full Moon can expose and allow us to see through that veil. Mercury – the planet of the mind – is also very strong.  He is stationary, ready to go retrograde and join the other five currently retrograde planets.  So this is a perfect energy for us to go back over our belief systems and our thinkings in all manner of ways.   It is a time for review, for reconsideration, for reassessment.   The last two and a half years have revealed the reality of those who live within the simulation and exposes those who to some extent can breach the programme.

 Now I have to admit that I have never totally understood when people have said to me that I should raise my vibration.  What does that actually mean I wondered and how am I supposed to do that?  I think what it means is that our reality and, therefore, our self are expressed as a frequency field of some kind.   If we allow ourselves to really think about things that just don’t truly make sense, if we consider them in a critical way and we try and join dots in an effort to make sense of what is really happening within our world we begin to allow light to enter the cave – as it might do if there was a hole in the roof of the cave at just the right place and right moment.    Our minds can then become free of the simulation and the entrapment where the frequency is clearly low or very low and we become capable of thinking freely and independently – I prefer the word frequency.  And then our more open mind begins to express at a different and higher frequency that attracts new ways of thinking and new people into our lives - we can then begin to place our energy towards what we really want to create.   Yes that unknown may be scary but we have a second brain in our heart and a third in our gut to help us.   When the mind is clear of illusion and stops decoding the illusion then our lives become truly limitless because we can come from a place of love and of instinct.  We can indeed escape the imprisoned mind, but we have to be prepared to think critically and expand our ability and openness to learn.   Only then can our consciousness and awareness allow us to think differently to the conditioning.  We may need to harness the practices of meditation to reach our goal – but that can be in terms of a more passive meditation or more active practices such as yoga, music or dance where we can ‘lose’ our busy minds.   Those whose blue pill minds are in hock to the simulation don’t know that they don’t know but an expanded mind can begin to know and then a new world awaits.  It is a tough journey to embrace the unknown but once Pandora’s box has been opened it’s not possible to unsee or unknow.








[1] David Icke, The Trap, September 2022, David Icke Books 



Alchemy – Changing our Perceptions


The Matrix and the Nest of Vipers