The Matrix and the Nest of Vipers

The New Moon on 27th August is in Mercury-ruled Virgo.   Mercury is the communicator, the middleman – he rules the mind and thought, as well as trade and commerce.   He also rules Gemini where he is in his happy element of Air.   In Virgo he is constrained by Earthly ties - he has to be more realistic and think much more critically.  

 This is a New Moon in tight aspect to Mars – action is required – and this is long-term action because Mars has moved into Gemini and will stay there for an unusually long period.  More than six months to be more exact.   However, Mars in Gemini’s mode of action is to weaponise and use words and the mind.   Behavioural science has moved in leaps and bounds with the aim of influencing individuals’ way of thinking at all levels.   Purchasing desires can be driven by studying what conditions determine buying habits and, of course, mainstream media is very slick in its ability to influence its audience in terms of narratives and agendas.

 So, because of Mars’ lengthy stay in Gemini, it will be particularly important to be very discerning in terms of what we read, what we believe and in terms of our understanding of just how our minds can be influenced by what are now very sophisticated psychological techniques.  In 2020 NATO sponsored a study on cognitive warfare citing that the next battle will be based upon our minds.[1]   Many might say that 90% of warfare relies on the right type of propaganda. 

 Mercury has just entered Libra, the sign of balance and harmony.  Having met with both Pluto and Neptune, he has seen the masking and the veiling of the truth in a world where truth seems to have little value.   And at this New Moon he sits on what we call a ‘world point’ - whatever happens now has some kind of global effect.   However, Mercury’s opposition to a retrograde Jupiter in Mars’ sign of Aries stands to expand everything he is in contact with (rising inflation), and his position on the Ascendant of the United Kingdom means that the United Kingdom will be a major player in these world events.   The closing fixed square of Saturn and Uranus speaks of the clash between reality as we see it (Saturn) and where we can reach to in the skies (Uranus) for the new which will disrupt the old.  This now clearly involves Venus – our finances.  But …. the planets from Jupiter out are all retrograde – that’s Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.   It’s like walking through treacle – your feet are stuck as you try to lift them one by one out of the gloop.  We are being asked to go back and take a good look at how we have got into the stagnant murky pool we are in.

 I’m probably the one person in the world who has only just got round to watching the film the Matrix, but it’s really interesting to see how this New Moon triggers the chart for the release of this film in 1999.   More perhaps on this in a later blog. 

 The Matrix asks us to consider whether we really live in the reality of a world that gives us the free will we think we have.    At a point where our world seems so topsy turvy, where the truth has become one of the first casualties, one wonders how much of what we consider to be our reality is truly real and how much is just a construct where we abide by the rules of those who have created this reality without our knowledge.   Maybe what we consider to be our current reality is more akin to life within a Matrix – a life of someone else’s choosing.

 In the blue pill world problems are solved by technology and choices are illusory and yet seem real.   Man and machine have become interdependent as they follow the rules of a world where there is only the fate that has been constructed by the vipers who run the nest.  Who really governs governments when organisations are wealthier than whole continents – and when in any doubt we know that following the money brings the answers.   In contrast, in the red pill world man has free will and is responsible for solving his own problems – but he has to dig deep into what it means to be human.

 We stand teetering at the brink of a change in our society right now, where the boundaries between man and machine are fast becoming blurred and where man, having created machine, risks becoming enslaved by machine in return for, he is told, a ‘safe’ world, a ‘safe’ life where he is given the odd pleasure in return for a life without risks.  Neo chooses the red pill – a world of free will and risks. 

 As human beings we are not just our physical bodies, we are also spiritual bodies with a connection to the Earth, to the Universe, to Nature and to all human life.   A red pill world allows us to see that we are physically conscious, spiritually conscious and interconnected with each other and with our Universe, both physically and spiritually.   To experience this at its fullest we have to tap into our inner selves and discover how strong those inner resources can be.   That to me is the essence of being human and is the essence of our evolution and the achievement of the fulfilment of our potential in this life.

 Neo finds that he can achieve his highest potential once his physical and spiritual bodies come together, allowing him to truly ‘believe’ that he can carry through his intentions.  This can only happen if we tap into our inner spiritual self through techniques such as meditation that allow us to bring ourselves into a state of inner calm and harmony and connect with the more mystical.

 The sign of Virgo speaks of the ability to think critically with a goal of logical common sense. And with Mercury on the world point in Libra there is a sense that this New Moon is desperately seeking a sense of ‘evenness’, balance, equality, fairness and harmony.  Mercury’s position is also highlighting just how the battle for minds is global.  Persuasion techniques are very real and highly effective.  But do we believe that we are being subjected to such mind control?  No, we don’t.  We think we have free will, but is this just an illusion?

 Man tends to seek some sense of meaning and logic within his life, but when life seems to make no sense, when the spectre of tough times looms large and he feels that no-one seems about to throw him a lifeline, he becomes overwhelmed.   Past traditions have taught him that government is there to look after him, but maybe it all makes more sense if we consider that we are living in a blue pill Matrix. 




Seeing through the veil of the Matrix


Is the truth hidden from us or are we hiding from the truth?