Is the truth hidden from us or are we hiding from the truth?

At a Full Moon the Sun and the Moon are always in opposing signs – we see opposing opinions, different points of view, opposite ways to journey, extreme differences, right wing left wing.   Oppositions in an individual’s birth chart generally manifest as lessons of learning that emerge through relationships with others.  Think of a seesaw.  Mostly the seesaw is weighted in favour of one end or the other.   So, the life lesson is about finding balance –how often do you really achieve balance with a seesaw? 

 The Full Moon we will experience on August 12th will be in Aquarius.  It is another Super Full Moon.  This is when the Moon is as close as she can be to Earth bringing strong, powerful and intense feelings and effects.  And to add to the intensity this Full Moon is part of a highly charged ‘Grand Cross’ of planets all in Fixed signs.   And fixed signs behave just as it says on the tin.  They are stubborn, stuck, unbudging, dogmatic in opinions.   So a highly charged Full Moon potentially full of dogma and intolerance where this ‘stuckness’, the inability to tolerate anyone else’s point of view is likely to become very obvious.  

 It also feels as though this Full Moon will expose and focus upon the stress points that humanity is facing. We know that life for the ordinary man in the street is becoming more and more difficult in terms of how he will afford basic necessities and how he will get hold of the resources he needs on a day-to-day basis.  The Moon (the people, the feminine) is approaching Saturn who wants to squash, limit and depress.  We may feel alone and as though we are trapped in a room without windows or doors from which there is no escape.  But Saturn is there to test us and get us to put in plenty of hard work and effort.  The Sun represents kings and leaders - is there something that is about to be put in place, probably in around three months’ time, that is going to attempt to severely limit the freedom and authenticity (Aquarius) of the people in general?  Three months takes us up to October which coincides with the final Saturn/Uranus square, the impending bottoming of the cyclical index and with eclipse time – always unstable and somewhat unpredictable energy.  And some of the energy of this Full Moon is echoed within the lunar eclipse in early November.

 With Mars (action) having just touched base with both the North Node (our destiny potential) and Uranus (disruption), has the touchpaper just been lit?   But more to the point where is the dynamite stick positioned?   Mars’ position in Taurus suggests both a financial link and, perhaps the climate change agenda which carries with it unachievable goals and big financial penalties.   And all this in fixed signs, so there is a real sense of being trapped or struggling to find a way out.  Mars (action) has squared Saturn (effort, restriction, restrictive practices) and this suggests that rather than leaving things that cause us difficulty or aggro we actually need to put effort into finding solutions and solving problems in some way.

 When there are stress points in a chart, I like to look for the release points to find escape routes from the situation and the only point on the fixed cross that has any release points is Mars.   Mars needs action, but he is in bad shape and is trying to box his way out of a corner with his hands tied.  His release points are only to the outer planets that signify the collective, humanity’s past and its future direction.   We are looking at Pluto and Neptune.  Neptune represents what lies beyond any boundaries or restrictions, as well as very idealistic ideologies.   But Pluto is involved here too, so we have to look beyond to find out what has been buried, cloaked or being introduced by stealth.   Neptune veils and Pluto buries, cloaks or masks.  Neptune tends to work in the seas of the emotional realm whilst Pluto tends to signify what is down in the depths.  And deep in those depths where we have buried our emotional pain, we have also buried some of our greatest treasures or talents that we are scared to reveal. This might just be the point that those treasures and talents are going to be badly needed – so we must find our courage (Mars) to reveal and use them and to go beyond boundaries and limitations so that we can use them. 

 With the Moon in Aquarius the Sun will be in Leo. Leo signifies leaders whilst Aquarius speaks more about the group.  If a leader cannot understand the group or is only out for power and glory, that leader can become dogmatic and corrupt, and the group then rightly resents the leader.  But leaders need a group to lead, and groups need a leader.  And that’s just it – both need each other.  So, if we can actually balance out the seesaw, opposing energies can become an unbeatable force when they work to the best of their potentials.   That’s why there is so much strength in the attraction of opposites in a partnership.   

 An example of a leader and a group working together was the recent England women’s football Euros final. We witnessed leaders leading a group in the knowledge of what the group wanted and what the group was capable of doing.   Leo energy contains a faith in its ability to achieve something, whilst the Aquarian group energy knows that everyone has their role to play as part of a group; that’s the energy of a true community or commune.   Those girls worked as a team, as a group, and with their display of ‘raw’ talent they ‘roared’ like lions around the pitch to get the job done.   And they were known as the lionesses – they embodied that Leo energy and directed it into the group.  The result was the raw uncorrupted energy of the child who has done what they wanted to do for the very first time and just basks in the sheer joy of the achievement. And then at the end, the team brought the wider group of the crowd into the whole to celebrate their part in encouraging them.  It was true festival energy in the sense of festivals such as Lughnasadh which was celebrated at this time of the year to give thanks for the harvest that would see the people through the winter.  

 This is the energy we need to translate into everyday life.   We all have something to contribute to the community but we have to put in effort and we have to give gratitude, rather than just assuming everything we want will always just be given to us. 

 At this Full Moon we have the opportunity to reveal what is hidden, to take down the veil that makes everything cloudy.  And I will finish as I began with a quote thanks to this week’s excellent UK Column News. Is the truth hidden from us or are we hiding from the truth?  In difficult times truth is often the first casualty so at this Full Moon it is even more important to deal with problems and issues, to make sure we are curious enough to see what is behind the veil and to take action not to hide from the truth.



The Matrix and the Nest of Vipers


Thanks Sun