Thanks Sun

 On July 28th we have a New Moon in Leo - the sign of the Sun (Kings, Queens, Monarchs and Leaders).   This majestic and proud Sun is ecstatic to be home.  The Moon, representing the people and women in general, is in contrast a bit glum.   She has no status in Leo and is totally under the power of the King.  Leo is a fire sign and as such exudes warmth, loyalty and generosity.   A Leo will often ooze confidence and faith in himself/herself, but always with a desire to be noticed and appreciated. 

 The Leo desire to be centre of attention can lean towards the dramatic.  And we’ve been in a bit of a Goldilocks’ doom-laden, hysteria time frame lately.  It’s far too hot, it’s a bit too cold, can’t we have it just right please.   But we should always always remember to have gratitude to the Sun itself.  Nothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock, unsupportive of life. The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis.   The Sun drives weather, ocean currents and seasons.   The Sun drives climate and has done since existence.   Believe it or not the Sun is the main driver of climate change on Earth through sunspot cycles, solar activity and the solar wind. [1]   The Sun will always over-ride man’s influence.  Without the Sun's heat and light, life on Earth would not exist.   In our man-made climate change world, however, no one is talking about the Sun and what it is doing.   

 As a result of fluctuating solar activity, there have been periods in human history when the Earth has been much warmer than today. During the Medieval Warm Period the Sun was particularly active, whilst the Maunder Minimum in the 1600s coincided with the Little Ice Age.   Although the Sun has seen a little more activity of late, we are currently within a Grand Solar Minimum, which may well not bottom out for some years.  So, whilst we in the UK have been enjoying the fruits of the Sahara winds, we could well be going forward to colder weather. 

 Whilst we are basking in summertime it doesn’t appear as though we might be entering a cooling period but that’s because there is a time lag between temperature changes and those changes being mirrored by CO2.   The temperature goes up, and several hundred years later CO2 goes up, mainly because the majority of CO2 in the atmosphere comes from the oceans. When the temperature increases as a result of sunspot activity, it takes a long time for the oceans to heat up, and subsequently release more CO2. Equally, when temperatures fall as a result of a decrease in the Sun’s activity, the oceans slowly cool down and absorb more CO2. 

 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), however, has concluded that man’s activity is solely responsible for our climate change, ruling out the role of the Sun and other natural processes.   And the whole global political agenda and the financial interests of corporate entities has gone along with this.    Our future lives, however, depend upon us questioning such decisions, and that is reflected within the chart of this New Moon.

 The background message of this New Moon is still one of a big transformation and change, now magnified and brought into focus by the rare and rapidly approaching conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus (the sign of the Earth), squaring Saturn in Aquarius and Mercury in Leo.    This is a hugely disruptive and revolutionary energy, bringing a lot of tension to the air. 

 The energies are hotting up and building.  If the current political agendas are incorrect then civilisation is in big trouble.   Mercury – the messenger – wants to shout from the rooftops, but he is held back by those who hold the controls.   With Saturn as Father Time, it is like watching a car crash in slow motion.   This appears as a man-made, controlled demolition which is affecting our stability. You might think that Sri Lanka, now a basket economy, is different to us but it isn’t.   Choices in line with a green agenda have negatively affected their farming and their economy.  

 This is all being brought into focus by the astrology now.  But we do have choices.  It doesn’t have to be like this.   The alternative is that we could be looking at exciting inventions which could help us go forward in a better way.  Much of the so-called green energy being foisted upon us is not green at all anyway in terms of its manufacture and what happens when it reaches the end of its life.   Increasing bio security and big brother type controls, which we would never have tolerated a few years back, are now entering via the back door under the promise of greater convenience and as the solution to our current difficulties.  

 We have to be prepared to look around us and weigh up what this agenda narrative is doing to our world.   For instance, our NHS was not admittedly in the best state pre the virus, but that is not what has now brought it to the dreadful state it is in now.   We have to use our minds to investigate what is happening and really be prepared to see it, so that we can find our voice and combat what the current agenda narrative is likely to bring us.  What is happening now is not a natural occurrence.

 For now though, live in and enjoy the moment, be aware of what is really going on and above all question and be heard. 






[1] Daniel Thompson Mills


Is the truth hidden from us or are we hiding from the truth?


Agitation and Satyagraha