The Dinosaurs Never Came Back

Today I was reminded of a quote by Charles Darwin – “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent.  It is the one that is most adaptable to change”.   We call those who are stuck in the past and refuse to adapt to what is required to survive ‘dinosaurs” - and it was the ‘too big to fail’, majestically powerful dinosaur that once roamed all the continents on earth who became extinct never to return.  As we move forward in these very troubled and difficult times, we should perhaps remember the lesson of adaptability.

 At this Full Moon in Aries on October 9th we have the final ‘exact by degree’ meeting of the Saturn/Uranus square in fixed signs – fixed signs take a lot of budging to make them leave their comfort zones, particularly at a point where the astrology shows that the truth is still very much concealed.  This is an ‘adapt or die’ moment, especially as we are in eclipse season.  The energy of the Saturn/Uranus aspect speaks of control versus freedom, staying with the old versus embracing new ways.   Saturn represents the effort and sense of responsibility we need to put in, tradition, the grim reaper, the old (including old men in power), how we have always behaved.   Uranus symbolises the revolution, bringing in the new, the disruption, the shake-up.   On an archetypal level we could also symbolise Uranus as the disruptive force within our stability (Uranus in Taurus) using the control of the mind within technology (Saturn in Aquarius).  And it is indeed disruption, revolution and embracing something new which is likely to propel us into some kind of evolution.  But that doesn’t mean that everything that is old needs to be forgotten.   What is happening now, I believe, is very much a spiritual crisis within mankind and there is much about the ancient traditions that were much more in tune with the rhythm of the earth which are still valuable today. 

 In the words of Zach Bush, man could have everything he needs or wants if only he would allow re-engagement with Nature rather than always being in opposition to Nature or trying to control Nature.   Man has now rendered the earth incapable of natural growth that would sustain us – we have a wasted and toxic soil, toxic atmosphere, alongside toxic thoughts sent to poison our minds.  We have also cut ourselves off spiritually from connection with our universe; we are in an age of scientific materialism where everything must be explained rationally and scientifically, leaving us with a legacy of spiritual poverty.

 The main message of this Full Moon is one delivered by Venus - finances and money, the same message really as the previous New Moon.   And we have seen chaos in the financial markets in the UK.   Clearly Liz Truss’ accession to the ministerial throne and subsequent plan to ‘rescue our financial system just as Mercury went retrograde was not planned by any astrologer!  But Venus is also about love.  She is in the sign of Libra (peace, balance, harmony, beauty), but do we see a drive for peace anywhere?   All we seem to hear are the drums of war and antagonism (Mars in Gemini).

 If we look to the UK chart, Venus sits with the UK South Node indicating that there is something that needs to be let go of, whilst Saturn sits with the UK Venus suggesting some kind of restriction or lack.  Added to this, Venus is in charge of the UK 8th house – other people’s money, pensions etc.  We are told that we were a whisker away after the mini-budget from a pension fund collapse and the pound was virtually at parity with the dollar and the euro.  We are for sure not out of the woods by any means with Uranus and the North Node in that UK 8th house; maybe even a bank collapse could be on the cards. 

 The Moon, in Mars’ sign, is a Moon where the people are in pain and misery.  And this Moon sits in the 7th house of the UK chart – partners as well as open enemies.   We have linked ourselves with partners who we think are true allies, but are they?

 Past civilisations had a deep respect for both the earth and the sky.  They knew that we are an expression of our universe – as above, so below.   And it doesn’t matter whether you think that what is happening is uncontrollable evolution or whether you think it is all manufactured, life on earth is a reflection of our universe.   Everything in the universe connects and resonates together, so we are meant to reflect this energy of revolution and change.   If we look back in time, we can see how that resonance has led to the current context or backdrop.

 It is 10 years since 2012, a year when the UK celebrated a golden Olympics.   Astrologically it was a year that marked the exactitude of the first of seven tumultuous aspects between Pluto and Uranus which reflected huge political and economic turmoil and change all around the world.   The UK was still struggling to recover from the economic recession of 2008, a situation which was only ever the subject of an Elastoplast.   2012 was also the time of the doomsday forecast of the end of time from the Mayans, another long gone civilisation who had a deep connection with heaven and earth and who appeared to mysteriously vanish from the face of the earth at the peak of their civilisation, never to return just like the dinosaurs.  As a race they are likely to have crossed to central America from India during the Ice Age 12,000 years ago.  The name Maya in Hindu philosophy means origin of the world and in Sanskrit great measure, mind, magic.  The Mayans are linked with the constellation the Pleiades.  They were superb mathematicians, calculating the length of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun to within a thousandth of a decimal point of today’s scientific calculations.  Their Sun worship was an acknowledgement that higher knowledge and wisdom is transmitted through the Sun and the cycles of the sunspot movements.  Just as there is communication between our bodily DNA so they viewed a reflection of a universal system of communication implying our whole universe to be a conscious dynamic organism.   This accords with thoughts from Zach Bush that we are like wifi receivers and 5G is actually the perfect communication system with the cells of our body, implying that this could be a force for either good or ill.[1] He considers 5G to be the most powerful level yet in terms of the ability of our cells to tap into the whole network of the universe.   Will it determine our destruction, just like the dinosaurs, or will we finally tap into the knowledge we need to overcome what has been created? 

 The Mayans were famous for their calendrical 5,125 year Long Count which ended in December 2012.  Many saw this as an omen of the end of the world.  The awaited event didn’t happen, so what did it mean?  I have spoken about our current period as potentially a point of change within our civilisation and that appears to accord with the Mayans.   The Long Count marked an end of one type of civilisation leading to a transition period into the next type of civilisation.  And it is within that flux of transition that we find ourselves now.  Everything is building towards a climactic point of transformation.  Friend and fellow astrologer William Stickevers in the USA wrote in 2012 that the end of the Long Count would be a time of epidemics and famine; a time when governments will be lost to foreigners.[2]  He also wrote that after a difficult adjustment period there will be a dramatic rising of global consciousness when people will reunite with the wisdom of the ancient past as a new age begins to unfold.  He also reported that Mayan elders say the transition time will be a point when differences in ideology will not be tolerated and there will be a suppression of dissenting voices in all areas of life by governments creating civil unrest.

 Jose Arguelles in his book the Mayan Factor states that technology is a direct measure of the acceleration and synchronisation of dna in relation to the manifestation of the light body of the planet – a process that remains imperceptible until the virtual conclusion of the acceleration process.[3]  Arguelles saw mankind as players in a galactically amplified field whose principle character is Earth herself.  But because we are at the centre of the drama our perspective is somewhat blinded.  Tesla actually proved that a single human being can co generate an electromagnetic field of incredible intensity.  He also stated that the resonance of the earth functions like oscillations of a giant electro magnetic battery – a resonance with both solar and lunar fields.  So, at this key point in our evolution it makes sense that control of our minds is regarded as of paramount importance.

 At this Full Moon Mercury is out of retrograde and both Saturn and Pluto are about to go direct, both grinding through the job they are committed to as they go through the later degrees of their signs.  And both enter new signs – Saturn into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius – in March next year.   We are beginning to come out of stagnation and into some type of forward motion.

If as Zach Bush says we are the cell phones, the wi fi receivers – we are capable of tapping into the knowledge of the universe.  If we continue to live like dinosaurs at the mercy of the weaponization of the media and propaganda, we will find it difficult to intuit how we should adapt to these changing times.  We have a vast field of knowledge from our past and our future that we can tap into and be helped towards Spiritual Alchemy (see my last blog).   Once we achieve spiritual alchemy within real life, we begin to let go of ideas that imprison us rather than trying to align with the illusionand perception of who we and society think we are.

Unlike the dinosaurs who did not adapt to changing circumstances, Stickevers wrote that those who are open to change and who cultivate flexibility will adapt by experiencing an increase in meta-conscious states with heightened altered states of awareness that will allow us to see and feel energy fields.  The Mayans say that the new age will be a time of great opportunity when the Gods (maybe even Extraterrestrials) come to Earth bringing enlightenment that will culminate by mid 2032.   This is a point of alignment of Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Uranus in Gemini!!  Wow – Exciting.

[1] Zach Bush from an interview with Luke Storey

[2] William Stickevers,

[3] Jose Arguelles, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, Bear and Company, 1987


Meanwhile in Clown World


Alchemy – Changing our Perceptions