The Lunar-tics are in Town
“It is the very error of the Moon. She comes more near the earth than she was wont. And makes men mad.”
William Shakespeare, Othello
The Latin word lunaticus derives from luna (the Moon) and the belief that the lunar cycle brought about intermittent insanity, epilepsy and madness, particularly when the Moon was at its fullness. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that epilepsy was caused by the Moon. Long-term studies have discovered a link between moon cycles and menstrual cycles[1], whilst suicides have been found to peak at the Full Moon; lunar phases have also been implicated in the incidence of homicides, criminal offences, psychiatric hospital admissions and depressive mood swings.[2] And lunacy – particularly ‘woke’ lunacy – seems now to be on levels we could never have imagined or indeed considered just a decade ago.
On September 18th we have a Full Moon at 25 Pisces - but not just a Full Moon – a Super Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse. It precedes a Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. So we are now under the influence of unpredictable eclipse energies to add to what seems like the general lunacy we see every day in our lives now.
Pisces, the sign of the Lunar Eclipse, is focused on ‘feelings’, ideologies, illusions, dreams and fantasies. The Moon at the eclipse is sandwiched between retrograde Neptune (the ruler of Pisces) and retrograde Saturn; both planets (Saturn and Neptune) will begin to come together for their exact conjunction in March 2026 at the world point in Aries. Retrograde Neptune is the closest to the Moon right now, so this Pisces eclipse energy is exacerbated by the proximity of Pisces’ ruler. So, in addition to the eclipse energy, everything of a Pisces nature will be exaggerated; more veiling, more confusion, more deception and heightened emotions are likely to prevail.
What we are looking at now symbolises the beginnings of the energy of the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, but with the added energies of both the eclipse and the first waxing square of Saturn to Jupiter since the major Jupiter/Saturn conjunct of 2020. Very very complex energy. Just 14 degrees separates Saturn and Neptune, so on a ‘mundane astrology’ level we are already taking the first steps on to the threshold of this conjunction, which I think will mark huge changes within humanity societally, culturally and economically.
Saturn and Neptune symbolise very different energies. Saturn likes to have fences, limits, rules and regulations that he can control, whilst Neptune energy is much more free flowing, preferring limitless exploration in a world of dreams and ideologies rather than Saturn’s harsh but true reality. Both are planets that represent religion and spiritual beliefs; Saturn unsurprisingly more in terms of organised religions with rules, formalities and traditions, such as Christianity, whilst Neptune leans more towards our ideological and spiritual belief systems. Where we are now feels much like a battle for our souls and our beliefs, as we find ourselves in a type of world that we are not fully prepared for that is trying to influence our minds and thoughts. Neptune symbolises the glitz, glamour of the TV world that has pervaded our homes, our minds and our lives for some years now. The TV is like the ‘devil in disguise’ as it permeates into our minds and thoughts, and influences our beliefs.
Neptune is also symbolic of ‘soft’ money i.e. debt. In the USA Gerald Celente comments in his weekly Trends Journalthat interest alone on the country’s debt now runs at an eye-watering $3 billion per day, having doubled since 2020. He highlights the problem of ‘dragflation’ – the combination of a declining economy and rising inflation.[1]
Saturn symbolises authority, control, limitations and restrictions, whilst Neptune represents more our dreams, illusions and the belief systems we might like to see as we attempt to escape reality. When the two come together they can be symbolic of the concretisation of these ideological beliefs. Saturn structures whilst Neptune nebulises and dissolves, particularly dissolving Saturn’s boundaries and structures. In our world today this paves the way for the ‘authority’ symbol of AI (Neptune) which will erode boundaries as it puts us under constant surveillance in the name of keeping us ‘safe’. It will also dissolve (Neptune) the illusions (also Neptune) that we have in terms of our supposed freedom within what we believe to be a free and democratic world.
Saturn’s urge to control and put in rules is very much at odds with Neptune’s desire as God of the Oceans to be able to ebb and flow wherever and whenever he chooses. As AI looks as though it will penetrate and permeate into society more and more, how will we justify our ongoing illusion of freedoms and privacy against the technological impacts of gathering our data? As Saturn imposes, so Neptune will feel increasingly disillusioned that life feels soulless; a kind of background anxiety about life in general will likely increase. We have already seen an increase in childhood anxieties over the last few years as children find it harder to thrive during their school years. But the conjunction will occur in the sign of Aries – a Fire sign. Neptune will not be overly comfortable in an aggressive Fire sign such as Aries, ruled by the God of War; Fire and Water are not good bedfellows. Equally Saturn is in his ‘fall’ in Aries, so he is likely to be showing off his desire for authority and control by throwing his weight around heavily.
So as Pluto is in the final death throes of his time in Capricorn where he has been since 2008, before he fully goes into Aquarius for the next twenty years or so, he reminds us of the sheer corruption and levels of capitalistic growth we have witnessed. In many instances, corporate leaders have become the elites who are now more wealthy and more powerful than nation states. And as they acquire more wealth and power, they seem to want even more, as they partner with governments to actually influence the ruling of nations. Will they not stop until they gain control of the whole world? In my mind they are parasites feeding off the host. But that host is us. And as governments begin to appear more and more tyrannical, what happens when the parasites fully eat the host? The ‘fairy’ at the top of the ‘influencing’ tree is made up of $ signs, greed and huge egos.
So what lies ahead when Pluto enters Aquarius? Aquarius is supposed to be the sign of the individual – the sign of the collective. Here in the UK we are now faced with a Labour government; a Labour government whose leaders have their roots in communism and Marxism, both of which on paper can appear to benefit the individual within a collective classless society. But it never seems to work out like that because there always has to be a leader at the head and that leader has an ego that always needs feeding. Our own government in the UK seems to be moving away from the democratic centre, that most of us still think we live within, towards a more dictatorial type, particularly now that we have a Prime Minister who has openly said Davos first and Westminster second; suggesting he embraces the corporate Marxist policies that the WEF openly tell us about. Other countries around the world also seem to be following this ‘crackdown on freedoms’ policy as well – Canada, Brazil for instance.
Even in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ some animals became more equal than others. During an election a person or a party is voted into ‘power’. Note the word power. We naively think our elected government is there to ‘serve’ the electorate. But that word ‘power’ always looms in the background and power does something to people. It changes them and feeds their egos. It no longer breeds democracy. Aquarius is about the individual, and the individual as a member of a collective. But, interestingly, Aquarius as a sign always knows what’s best. And the effects of Pluto in one sign will always ‘bleed’ into the next sign he journeys through. So the rise of the powerful elites from Capricorn will know what’s best for society in Aquarius. Will their egos be taken down a peg? Or will we be given our orders based upon ‘the interest of the good of all’?
Much has been written about Pluto and the sign he occupies, but perhaps not quite so much about the sign he opposes on his journey. An opposition from Pluto in effect means that external events will enhance his transformative effects through destructive energy. In Capricorn, Pluto has opposed Cancer – the sign of the people in general and women and family in particular. During the last 20 years the strength of the family unit has been changed as the state (Capricorn) has wielded its power over the family and away from the responsibility of the parents – children have become more like wards of the state. Even being a woman is no longer sacrosanct as men can now identify as women if they so choose. We also see a change in the use of the home as lockdowns altered how we work for the corporate organisations (Capricorn) and the home became a workplace.
In Aquarius we see Pluto opposing Leo – the sign of the biggest ego. Aquarius is the sign of the collective, but communism and Marxism are touted as appealing to collectivist agendas. As I said earlier, on paper they sound just that, but we need to see Pluto taking apart the huge ego of the opposite sign of Leo as he travels through Aquarius. To get to the bottom of Pluto in Aquarius we have to look at the symbolism of both Pluto and the sign of Aquarius together with the planet that rules this sign. Pluto brings any toxicity to the surface in order to both reveal the poison and achieve regeneration. Aquarius is ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. Saturn, I feel represents the ‘I know best side’ but Uranus is the sign of the maverick, the person who does not conform, the person who finds new ways to do things. When Pluto and Uranus were in square between 2012 and 2018 (the pre-covid years) we saw disruption and turmoil around the world, socially and economically – Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Neptune in Pisces at the same time symbolised the mass migration that ensued after this social and political turmoil, watering down the cultural identity of affected nations.
I have written extensively on the point next summer when all the planets from Saturn out (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will change signs. For me this is very symbolic of some kind of new beginning and when this happens the three outermost planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will be in a very harmonious ‘minor triangle’ shape. These three planets really represent the ‘collective’ as a whole, so it feels as though the collective is about to take a new step in the history of humanity. But it will not just be Saturn sextiling Pluto, but Saturn and Neptune together. Neptune in Pisces brought the illusion of caring but Saturn and Pluto in aspect, even if it is a harmonious sextile, symbolises a harsh and cruel authority bringing authoritative rules and regulations as we saw at their conjunction in 2020. I will always remember wondering in 2019 what, where and how the symbolism would play out. Never in my wildest dreams did I foresee how it would impact on my own ‘life bubble’.
In December 1689 a very important Act of Parliament was given Royal Assent – the Bill of Rights. It is still a basic document of the British constitution and was the model for the US Bill of rights in 1789. During the 17th century, following the English Civil War, there was renewed interest in the Magna Carta and the basic freedoms of the ordinary man in Britain. In the USA much attention is given to the basic rights as laid down in their Constitution and ,as we see the advent of more tyrannical leaders, we would do well to remember that we had all this first. Interestingly, at the time of this Act becoming law, Neptune was in Pisces, Uranus was at the end of Taurus, as he is now, whilst Pluto was in the opposing sign of Cancer – empowering the people who suffered at the hands of what was then a hierarchical land-owning aristocracy. It was intended to take away their power (Pluto opposite Capricorn) and empower the people. Today, whilst there are similarities, Pluto could be said to have empowered the corporate and the hierarchical institutions at the expense of Joe Ordinary.
Jason Christoff comments on countries such as the UK and the USA that have ‘the illusion of two contentious opposing parties but are, in reality, a singular party serving the same masters: powerful bankers and multi-national corporations. This cleverly crafted illusion of opposition (Neptune) ensures the perpetuation of their agendas while keeping the people divided and distracted.’ As the two parties engage in ‘a staged game of tug of war,’ he comments, ‘the country continues its downward spiral into greater division, disease, economic issues and more. Irrespective of which side holds power the outcome remains the same – a steady erosion of individual freedoms, a widening gap between the wealthy and the middle class, and a tightening of corporate and banking influence on government policies.’ ‘Those who still believe’, he says, ‘in the legitimacy of politics are caught in this game of deception, unwittingly playing into the hands of the parasitic class, perpetually trapped in a cycle of false hope and disillusionment.’
I think he is correct, but we should remember that, in the midst of the current lunacy, our freedoms are laid down within the basic constitutions of our country. We must be resilient (Saturn) so that we can see through the illusions (Neptune) and be prepared to stand up for our rights (Aries). As we reach the Lunar Eclipse what do ‘the lunar-tics’ have up their sleeves? Did we ever imagine a few years ago that tensions on the edge of Eastern Europe itself might lead us to the verge of a world war? If anyone, including the media, bothered to study or inform on the history of these tensions we might view the situation very differently. Instead we are told that the whole world must pour billions of dollars to protect themselves against one ‘evil man’. And as usual there are the inevitable egos and $ signs in play; what resources are they gleefully eying up? As we move into eclipse energy the threats of this war escalating into NATO v Russia and, therefore, potentially Russia and its allies increase dramatically. It’s all $ led, election led and ‘who can make money from whoever else’s resources’ led. But the egos of our shameful leaders look positively gleeful at the thought of launching those missiles into WW3, where once we might have hoped to see the same energy put into calls for peace.
Meanwhile more lunar-cy as the UN assembles a meeting of dignitaries (egos) from around the world to sign the Pact for the Future in which member states will pledge allegiance to the UN charter, its purposes, its principles and its Agenda 2030. The lunar-tics are leading us into ‘situation critical’ as the citizens of the world appear to be sleeping their way to ruin and global control, just as Pluto does his final job in Capricorn of exposing everything that is wrong with these corrupt hierarchical institutions. Our ancestors understood the concept of freedom, written into law as far back as the Magna Carta; global governance will likely not respect that fundamental requirement of democracy. A Lunar Eclipse influences our ‘inner’ world of behaviours, learned behaviours and feelings – that is where our attention must be directed. As we experience endings with the Lunar Eclipse and Pluto in Capricorn, what behaviours must we unlearn and what will we embrace for new beginnings?